Do we continue to support developers by continued purchases or do we let our wallets speak....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Delax, Dec 17, 2012.

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  1. ArcaneGuardian

    Did you not use the trial system first? Because if you did, and still bought it, I don't feel very sympathetic... but then I still don't, if you didn't use it and just bought it on a whim.
  2. Steppa

    I wholeheartedly support a boycott...until my newly rolled HA needs an anti-air missile launcher.
  3. Quickscope

    this is a dumb comment and you should feel bad. Trials are worthless because you can not add attachments or upgrades. So you will not know how things act. Now if you did a trail of the skyguard and still bought it after then you could say you dont feel sympathetic.
  4. Xylogenesis

    There are too many problems with the game to list here, and it's been thoroughly discussed elsewhere, so I'll simply say that while PS2 is a great idea, its promise is entirely unrealized. Some of you may disagree, but I know many of you do not.

    Given that, the question becomes "Is it worthwhile to support a game that isn't good in the hope that it will become better?". The answer is "NO!".

    Because you see, that doesn't work. When a company releases a bad game and you spend money on it, you're teaching them that they can make money without releasing a good product. The result of that is not that they improve the product; the result is that they produce more bad products with the expectation that they will make money. You're rewarding them for doing the exact opposite of what you want. It makes absolutely no sense.

    If you support PS2 because you are happy with it in its current state, go for it. Enjoy. If you support PS2 because you're desperately hoping that it will get better, you're a fool.
    • Up x 1
  5. Forumguy2

    And posted by Radar X

    New Weapons are now available in the Marketplace!

    We’ve opened up the armory and are ready to issue a selection of new hardware. This state of the art weaponry can help you ensure dominance on the field of battle.

    For our Infiltrators, prove the age old principle “One shot. One kill” with these brand new sniper rifles. The New Conglomerate Longshot, The Terran Republic RAMS .50M and the Vanu Sovereignty Parallax all provide exceptionally fast projectiles but a slower bolt action fire rate and reload time.

    We also have additional gear to provide our Light Assault and Engineers to ensure survivability and lethality:

    New Conglomerate Razor GD-23 – This carbine is the sharpshooters dream with extremely high accuracy and greater effectiveness at long range.

    Terran Republic LC3 Jaguar – Perfect in close quarters battle, the Jaguar provides accurate hip fire and the high mobility you need to clear a room.

    Vanu Sovereignty Serpent – The Serpent is the perfect fit for those want to lay down suppression fire. It boasts the fastest firing rate of the Vanu Sovereignty carbines.

    1. This team... What team? There is a team working on holiday sales and adding horns, who is this optimization team? I was able to do more optimization than them in the .ini file in 5 mins

    2. New weapon stat options, to be clear. A new weapon does not look and sound excactly the same as another, that would be a weapon mod.
  6. ArcaneGuardian

    Attachments on a G2A rocket wn't change the nature of a G2A rocket.
  7. Parity

    Do what you want, I'm waiting for the 3x SC event.
  8. ArcaneGuardian

    I'm not seeing any lies in anything you posted there.

    What that looks like is nothng. Do you know how game development works? There are toooons of different teams. You think the art guys work on backend server optimization? You think the sound guys work on weapon balancing?

    And a "new weapon" does not have to be 100% distinct. And no one is forcing you to buy it if you're not satisfied with it anyway.
  9. Dr. Allcome

    No I didn't, I just bought it.

    No offense, but your sympathy means nothing to me. I don't really care if you sympathize or not.
  10. Leer

    learn to fly

    The reworked HA AA rockets have problems. I tried recording it last night but rockets will hit and do no damage to a slow moving strait and level aircraft and miss easily after lock on...and dumb fire is limp, literally

    They should give us more rockets to compensate for the reduced effectiveness.

    The tank rockets aren't much better. Pretty much only effective on flat ground with a vehicle that is travelling perpendicular to you or they at a dead stop.

    Haven’t noticed the range increase at all.
  11. Domnonos

    This is a MMO, and MMO's are way more complicated to make and run than your regular $60 fps game. People really need to get that.

    Having played WoW, LOTRO, AoC, DDO, Fallen Earth, and TSW from beta and through launch, I find that this game is no more buggy or unbalanced than any of those where when they where released. Sure there's issues, but it's not really that bad.

    So far I have bought 3 month sub, and 5000SC (during the 2x day) which means I have paid about the same as a normal game, and I don't regret it.
  12. Forumguy2

    1. I have not baught any new weapon mods with cash, thanks for pointing out i have that option though.

    2. This game is no longer in development, its released, the finished product is so ****** up lets be happy its not a car we baught. They are telling us this "team" is working on optomizations in order to restore buyer confidence, there is no team.
  13. Xylogenesis

    No one is forcing us to play the game, either. If content updates are going to consist of tweaks to a couple of values by a coder with no corresponding art/sound assets, with the now familiar steep price, very few people are going to support the game. It's that simple. When people play a game like this, made by SOE, with these prices, they aren't expecting some dinky little budget title with no work put into content.

    Hell, even the almost universally loathed Combat Arms did a far better job of creating diverse weapons than PS2 has. Either this was their plan for PS2 all along, or, more likely, a lot of their staff and budget has been diverted to other projects.
  14. MasterD

    I've played a lot of MMOs and I love the scale games like Planetside 1/2 can provide which no BF/COD/HALO can do.

    I will agree with you in saying that PS2 really isn't designed to retain players. I'm constantly adding people on my friends list after teaching them how to play and never seeing them log back in. Overall I think SOE released a game that's about 25% finished. With only 3 landmasses to fight on, crappy base layouts, and a crappy hex map system that has no flow whatsoever. We have a long way to go before this game will even start to retain players.

    I think we are going to see a huge revamp especially with bases in the coming months or year. Nothing will frustrate a new player more than just getting dropped into a open layout base and get bombed and tanked to death before they can even get their head straight.

    Although I love the scale of the game... In in current state its pretty bad. Planetside 1 did a lot of things right when it came to the map and base layouts. I'm not sure why the devs pooped on those ideas and gave us the results.
  15. Steppa

    New to MMO's are we? Any similarity between an expensive good in the real world versus software meant for entertainment is purely in your own mind despite whatever products you "baught".
  16. Blackweb

    Yes, this game freaking rocks :)
  17. Xandax

    A number of those games were also really bad at launch and lost great amounts of subs very fast.

    Hardly a track record worth trying to emulate.
    Both AoC and TSW shows what happens to a developer if they do not put out quality and polish and Funcom is paying the price with many layoffs over the years and plummeting stocks. LotR:O had to completely revise their business plan as well due to dropping numbers. Fallen Earth - well very niche to begin with but also had issues with quality.

    Heck - even WoW struggled with bugs and quality but unlike the other games - had enough promise and polish that people would play regardless and support it.

    I will unsub from this game (only bought 1 month for the early game queues) and will likely not buy SC any more - save perhaps the supposed 3x - but will continue to play it for a while because I like the game, but not enough to throw much more money at it.
    The game - like so many other - had promise, but was launched too fast and I'll not hold my breath for many fixes to be honest.
  18. Xylogenesis

    The thing is, that's just not how you build a successful game. The way it goes is that you get a flood of new players when you launch, and then a steady stream based on word of mouth.

    If you launch a bad product, you lose that initial flood of players, no word of mouth spreads, and the stream of new players becomes a trickle and then stops altogether. You don't come back from that. Once public opinion swings against you, once you throw away all those players you got at launch, you're dead in the water. It's over.

    I can't be 100% certain, nor can any of us, why SOE made the decision they did to launch PS2 in this state. Either it was a huge blunder and they thought this was going to work, or they burned too much money on development and decided to cut their losses and monetize it to the extent they could.

    Either way it's a shame.
  19. ShokkWave

    Why are so many people talking about cert grinding? Maybe you're look at it all wrong. I have about 600 certs saved and not sure what to do with them yet. I'm sure not grinding though. I'm playing a free game, having a LOT of fun doing so, and getting certs while I play. Its never "ah, I gotta stay up 1 more hour to get those 20 more certs!" That was EQ. Lots of night staying up too late for that next ding. Not here, just play and enjoy. I've spent a little SC, but not much. I will spend a bit this Friday.

    This game is pretty awesome already. If they optimize and add content, etc, its only gonna get better.

    If people don't play, the game fails. SOE is smart enough to know this. They're part of the player base as well. Enjoy it for the FREE game that it is. If you can't stand the grind, spend some SC to get by. If you don't like spending money on an otherwise FREE game, that's your choice. You could never spend a dime and still cert in everything someone who bought every cert can. So it took a little longer. It was FREE.
  20. Eriks0n

    I'm really enjoying this game and I have spent almost $200 in SC so far.
    - Alpha Squad
    - Subscribtion
    - SC

    So I guess I'm voting with my wallet.

    It's still early days and they will work out the kinks over time. This game studio has some of the best transparency and open lines of communication with the community, what's not to like?

    My gripes
    - Boosters duration should be in game time and not real time
    - Cert Acquisition should be 15% faster
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