[Video] Banshee nerf - now on PTS

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. TriumphantJelly

    Pfffff, lol! Bias alert.

    Anyway, love how people complain that the Banshee was fine but the PPA was OP. Neither should have been sledgehammered so ahrd (although the Banshee can still function at it's intended role unlike the PPA).
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  2. miraculousmouse

    Lmfao bad players are the ones who farm infantry in their sky chariots. I'm glad your stupid crutch is getting nerfed in splash. Lrn to aim.
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  3. Stigma

    They always make such drastic changes in one big jump... this is effectively -50% splash damage (range) and -25% maximum damage at point blank. For a weapon that almost entirely relies on its splash damage to get hits, that's pretty severe.

    Why couldn't they tighten up the large spread a little bit in return at least? ie. make it harder to use effectively rather than just flat out weaker... Adding some benefit to good aim for the banshee would have added some depth to the weapon. With changes like these it will remain a weapon that you still just haphazardly spray because its COF goes all over the place except you will just have to use a lot more bullets pr target now.

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  4. TriumphantJelly

    250 Certs, but aside from that, yeah.

    Also, Orion is one of the VS's best LMGs yet it still underperforms against it's equivalents, so....

    EDIT: Banshee needed a nerf, stop crying.
  5. miraculousmouse

    Sorry, but infantry is nowhere nearly as lethal as an ESF, no matter how many foot soldiers there are. An engineer wielding a serpent is a joke to eat up, a light assault wielding a serpent isn't much of a threat either. Practice good situational awareness, watch your surroundings, aim well, etc. etc. And if they're using serpents, you're only limiting yourself if you're not using a comparable CQC carbine or whatever.

    On the other hand with ESFs. I see a mossy flying towards me, better take cover. While i'm running to cover, I hear a BRRTTTTT and i'm dead.
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  6. Paragon Exile


    Our guns reload in nearly the same time as their NC and TR counterparts, barring the Pulsar/Solstice/Beamer (lol). In some cases the equivalent weapon has a faster reload (MSW-R> Orion) , It's not something you'd notice going between the two.

    Our recoil patterns are marginally better than the TR's on average in terms of horizontal recoil, and flatly worse when compared to the NC. The NC have by far the best recoil patterns (on average) with their lower than average horizontal recoil and high vertical recoil (which can be countered).

    Our weapon fire rates are also almost universally poor; the majority of our AR's, LMG's and Carbines fire slower than their TR counterparts. The only exceptions are... I think the Terminus shoots faster than the Cycler? Lynx fires faster than the Serpent, CARV/MSW-R fires at the same spped as the Orion, etc.
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  7. Rayden78

    The Banshee had splash damage? WTF
    I really dont get the point of giving a weapon of that kind splash damage.
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  8. Sharmanti

    Explain to me how the Lynx is better than the Serpent. I dare you.
  9. Sharmanti

    Yeah. But a tank is also lethal. So is a MAX. More so than infantry. Why? Because they cost resources.

    But ESFs does not capture bases. Infantry does. Down to the core it's about infantry, where VS and NC outshines TR in every possible aspect.
  10. TheBurningLegion

    lmfao or baddies like yourself who cannot fly and therefore cannot comprehend the skill involved in just keeping an ESF in the air? Or the fact that you didn't bother to look up (so you lack situational awareness) when an ESF was flying around?

    Keep throwing around the word "sky chariot", it makes you sound so convincing.
  11. Turiel =RL=

    Define "bad". Does it mean getting one-shot by micro-hitbox planes that dominate the air?
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  12. Sharmanti


    Press the long reload tab, set for Z-A. You'll see a ton of NC and VS in the bottom. And also NC at the top. Insanely much TR in the middle and top. Reload times are high.

    NC indeed has some of the best weapons ingame, but they have higher initial recoil (or atleast they did, donno if that's still a thing).

    Lynx is a ****** and stupid example of a faster firing weapon. It's at 125 damage. It has a worse TTK than both the GD-7F and Serpent. TR has the highest ROF weapons which 4/5 are SMGs with very ****** stats. Outclassed by the 845 CQC weapons of NC and VS.
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  13. \m/SLAYER\m/

    AH is semi-auto.. do you think that's it's not a big deal for AI gun?
  14. Regpuppy

    I don't get the amount overreaction for this nerf. It's definitely a nerf, by all means call it what it is. But pretending it's the end of the banshee is just silly. It's an 800 rof weapon, there was NO reason for it to have 2 meter splash radius (something bulldogs don't even have anymore) It's still going to shred infantry fast on direct hits and do some considerable damage with splash. But now it's not going to have splash that's much larger than its visual effects would allow you to believe. The damage nerf to it being done as well may or may not be an overnerf, but not by too much.
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  15. Paragon Exile

    I actually see a relatively fair distribution, with the TR trending downwards because the get built in extended magazines.

    The short reload is what really matters though, and it is almost universally low for carbines and assault rifles. Reloading is only an issue when fighting multiple enemies, regardless.

    They do have more vertical kick, but considering that they have more 167 and 200 damage weapons this is not an issue (better plinking at range).

    Yet it is also vastly more controllable and comes with ten extra bullets, and it reloads faster.

    There are only two ES SMG''s, and only the Armistice has a high RPM for the TR. Hailstorm shoots slowly.

    Try not to forget the TR also have the CARV, MSW-R, TORQ, Cycler, Lynx and Armistice, all of which are good/fantastic weapons that shoot quickly (in several cases, the highest RPM available).

    To be sure, I don't want the VS and NC to have the Serpent and GD-7F either, but to pretend the TR's close range weapons (or weapons in general) are bad is asinine.
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  16. Bonom Denej

    Yeah my bad, I was thinking of the VX6-7.

    As always ? Yeah right.

    Ha ha. Say what you want but 2 TR with Banshees will have a much higher impact on a fight than 20 infantry with Serpent. Have you been on the receiving end of a Banshee ?
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  17. Rogueghost

    Please stop, you really have no idea what you're talking about, TR weapons are fine.
  18. Matti

    Yes, did you really expect me to aim...What's wrong with you?
  19. TriumphantJelly

    I pointed out bias because you explicitly said that TR were more skilled, but seriously, the Lynx is an amazing weapon: It is a serpent with lower damage per round, decent recoil (I think) and much higher RoF at the cost of DPM: i do dnot deny that the Serpent is also amazing, btw, it was my first Auraxium.

    The Lynx was never bad until the VS got nerfs, at least not on the forums: Yet it is a TR weapon. People just move onto another thing to whine about.

  20. Mongychops

    Sincere question, are you really this stupid, or are you lying just because you think no one is going to call you out on it?

    Point 1:

    Serpent = 250 certs
    Lynx = 1000 certs
    GD-7F = 1000 certs

    So of course more players are going to be using the Serpent, because it costs a quarter of the other two. This obviously leads to more kills happening with the Serpent. All 3 ESF AI nose guns are the same price so this does not affect those. This is clearly illustrated by looking at the average BR of players using the carbines.


    Point 2:

    GD-7F and the Serpent are very similar guns. Same; bullet damage, rate of fire, magazine size, attachments and damage drop off. Both are high horizontal recoil, high first shot recoil, relatively long reload for their dam/mag.


    Point 3:

    The Lynx has plenty of superior stats to the Serpent, better short reload, better damage per magazine, only drops 2 damage tiers (not 3), much lower horizontal recoil, much lower first shot recoil, better moving ADS accuracy, better bullet velocity. Both guns have their strengths and weaknesses, and judging by the comparison between the Lynx and GD-7F (which as we have established is close to the Serpent), if there is an imbalance between the guns, it isn't that big.

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