Scheduled Maintenance March 27th, 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Jeslis

    What happens on April 16th?
  2. Aelyn

    I have yet to find any ad messages that I believe will indeed make me very, very annoyed. And it will also probably make me vomit and avoid buying premium at all costs rather than spending a nickel on it. Please SOE, if it's money you need, try to make Premium more appealing instead of shoving ads in our faces. Because if I recall correctly, even Planetside players have wills of their own, meaning that no, we won't change our mind even if you tell us to buy Premium a thousand times again. Especially when the game can't be played due to constant crashing. 1/10 for effort.
  3. Samblak

    Also where is this double XP ? It is the 27th today.
  4. TerroR1337

    please remove that ads if i wanna take the premium i don't need a rly boring ads, server crashed 4 times lost xp resources and certs, gj, patches are made for fix problems not for create 100 new.
    • Up x 1
  5. FliegerPanzer

    I will not pay them cause they do stupid things every day.
  6. FliegerPanzer

    Read what I say before. GIVE THIS MEMBERS 5X XP weekend and GIVE US 2X. BIG DEAL?
    • Up x 1
  7. Renuse

  8. FliegerPanzer

    Give them 5X XP then and DO NOT REMOVE 2X from free players. They remove 2X from free ones, members and us too were having 2X and they just want to show them "only they have it". Give members 5X who cares or who whines. But do not remove 2X from free players
  9. FliegerPanzer

    OK now this: They remove 2X XP from normal players and make it Member-only exclusive. So what is this? This was going to profit members too if it was for all. This is just to act like they give them privilegies. Actually, they do not. If they are glad to members, give them 5X xp weekends and do not remove 2X from all players. This will be better. I hope my posts will not be removed. This is on topic, one of subjects in update is XP weekend. If removed then I will post what I do when I get stupidly removed posts
  10. SgtRitaPoon

    I get disconnected every 5 minutes.. Also there is fake squad invite that opens some add no matter how you reply :(
  11. xPropane

    I don't need XP to kill you! MWHAHAHAHAHA. Hail the Orion+coffee madness!

    Seriously though, is the 10min crash fixed? can I log back in or not?

    Not a premium member since few months now. Well, this isn't a suprise. Mid 2013 I guess, I don't remember.
  12. Takomunch

    I'm getting disconnected alot myself too, it's almost unplayable. I also noticed some weird things like

    a lot of people just emptying their rounds into me and not hitting me at all, I can see the tracers go

    through me ( some of them register ) and these were all at close range. And at times none of my shots

    would register, when I was looking for a sniper, found him and emptied a clip on his head from behind,

    he turned around and shot at me, no register, we were dancing for a while then we finally KO'd each other

    at the same time xD.

    As for the ads I can kinda understand why they're doing it, SONY as a company is closing down 20 of their

    31 corporate stores nationwide, trimming staff in various other SONY product lines too, I'm sure they're hurting

    to make the bottom line in this economy.

    Other than that I haven't noticed anything outstanding, I haven't tried the mouse input option yet xD
  13. Mormomboy

    I happen to enjoy what is written in Italics. It is some pretty funny stuff in my opinion.
    If you don't like it you are welcome to stop reading them.
  14. ShotMeTender

    (I will not declare how many botter i've reported in a game of about 60 mins, it is just clear aim bot tools have been updated for the new bullet speed....)

    But please just do something for "U have been disconnected from the server" and other kinds of crashes around, White screen after freezed game and so on...
  15. Bernd Lauert

    Nothing has been fixed and on top of this I'm now disconnected every 10mins. Input lags still like hell. Framerate is horrible. I think I made a huge mistake when I thought I'd support this game. Im gonna play for free as soon as I can cancel my membership. Rolling out untested Beta on live server and not working on fixing bugs for weeks is fine for a free to play. At the moment I feel like paying to be a Beta tester. And it gets worse with every single patch.
  16. GoyoElGringo

    Yeah right. So I guess we won'tsee any more vehicles being
  17. RogueElement

    Yea big deal. It's ridiculous to give anyone 5x XP. You really want to make this a pay-to-win? That's a good start because you could rank up at a disgusting rate with your plan by paying 15 bucks. I can already go from BR 1-20 in a afternoon at the normal XP rate. Your reward for all the 'content' you provide as a free player, IS YOU GET TO PLAY AN AWESOME GAME FOR FREE. The entitlement you think you have to more and more free stuff blows my mind.
  18. JorgeSarcos

    Im getting disconnected every 30 minutes, its specially annoying when you are using vehicles since you dont get them back (or the resources). Also its annoying how much you want us to be Premium, while i can understand that from a free players perspective i think i have invested enough money on the game to not be bothered by this silly notifications and button and graphs and... you get the picture. On the other hand the mission system is ace! :)
  19. KiwiChieftaiNZ

    Great? So I can't spend my last 1sc Without Spending $20 On Getting Membership???

    Otherwise, Still no straight pull Bolt? it really cant be that hard to implement can it?
  20. Netsurfer733

    We still can't click the death screen away? Can this be fixed, please?