[VIDEO] If you're not aiming for the head, you're doing it wrong.

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Visigodo, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Liewec123

    i might just post this video to every noob whos taken to calling the gauss saw "god saw"
    if LMGs have a god then it is the Orion, by a longshot!
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  2. Poak2

    Really cool, but uhh, what gun is that?
  3. Posse

    All talk, I see.
  4. Pie Chasm

    Please upload the fight between you and Vixen here!

    PS: Unclematos vs. Possee on Matherson

    Make it happen. I'll even referee.
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  5. LonelyTerran

    So lets see here.. You have incredibly smooth gameplay and you are using the Orion.(60+ FPS?)
    Do that with 15Fps and the T-9:eek:
  6. KnightCole

    More like do that with the T9...that thing took a nose dive and made contact with the ground in the accuracy dept........since PU2 CARV is pretty bad now.
  7. Posse

    That's not how a game is supposed to be played, lol.
  8. MrEclectic

    Here is Wrel's video explaining lag and TTK in PS2:

    tl;dw: when someone turns around a corner, pops out of cover, etc, they have, due to client side rendering and lag, a couple of tenths of second advantage over whomever is on the other side.

    Besides having excellent aim skills, mouse discipline and situational awareness, Visigodo takes full advantage of that. Perhaps he knows it, perhaps it's instinctive. He uses corners, cover, sudden changes of direction, etc, to confuse his opponents, and has the superiour aim to take advantage of the element of surprise and that tenth of the second edge the game grants to the one who initiates the engagement. And even when caught flatfooted, he either looks for a different approach, or can rely on his superiour aiming (only two of the latter in the video, which is when he takes any significant hits to his health).

    Intelligent aggression is the name of the game in PS2. I'm a terrible player who just graduated to average, and such videos, and fights against good opponents and trying to understand how I lost, is the only way to learn.

    PS: Counters to such aggression are slicing the pie, prefiring your weapon when turning and suspecting an opponent around the corner, feigning retreat and stepping back out of cover to reverse the situation, etc

    PPS: Even his overshield+suit slot combo is in synergy with such aggressive playstyle. This video is before the NW nerf, yet he uses Resist+Advanced Shield Capacitor+Medkits, while it was considered that Resist+NW+Resto kits were the best option. His combo has the quickest recovery times though, so that he doesn't lose tempo, and can continue to dictate the time and place of each engagement.
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  9. RockPlanetSide2

    Meh good vid, and this could have easily been done with the other faction equiv weapons, this vid showed accuracy, he would have had the same results using any other faction LMG.

    There are always little fat kids that say the same stupid phrase over and over "The people in your video are horrible!".... since 99% of the people who play the game are average at best, you can't always just have tier 1 players in your vid... CAN YOU!?

    There are plenty of MLG clutch videos out there as well where 1 person just makes 8 seasoned pros look like nubs as well... if the same video came out of a tourney and the people did the exact same things the little fat kids would just say "awesome!"

    Just don't be fat and don't hate.
  10. WTSherman

    You know, I don't think I've ever gotten used to how little CoF bloom this game has. It always just rubs me the wrong way when I see someone hold down the trigger for 15-20 shots and they're still landing pretty much in the center of the screen, and I still haven't been able to break my habit of firing in 3-4 shot bursts at any appreciable distance. It's just... jarring to me.

    I guess that's one reason NC is my favorite faction though, they're slightly closer to what I'm used to when it comes to recoil and CoF so their guns don't have as much of that "creepy" feeling when firing, plus the higher damage makes a 3-4 shot burst less disappointing. Though ironically this is also probably part of what makes them underperform when given to people who are used to such light recoil and negligible CoF, or who don't already have recoil habits...
  11. Hypersot

    That's true only if both players use the same equipment (ie. pc and connection) , what I'm saying is that since most players use different computer gear the equation is always the same Total Skill = Player's Skill x 40% + Computer/Connection x 60%
  12. Shadowhunter1

    try doing it on TR and I will be impressed. NC = easy mode, VS = kiddie mode, TR = Pro mode
  13. Kociboss

    Dat horizontal recoil.
  14. Shadowhunter1

    you know what i'm talkin' 'bout girl!
  15. FROG55JON

    nah ******** try that with the NC default LMG
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  16. Neuromancer

    Watch the video again. Use the youtube link, and 1080p, and stare only at the bottom of the screen.

    You'll notice that not a single player killed is over BR 30, and a bunch are under BR 10. That means half of the people are essentially playing on their first day, and the majority have no major upgrades, limited experience at best, and likely ended up there by hitting instant action.

    Tell me everyone of those is just an alt of some MLG player.... The BR's prove that they have squat for upgrades, default weapons, and likely have under 10 hours of in game play time, with the highest guy being a BR 24. Visigodo, on the other hand, is a BR100, and has every advantage possible. Do you really think that BR 5 he killed has a forward grip, upgraded nanoweave, or even knows what it does?

    Granted, when he took out 4 at once, it shows off his excellent mouse control. I mean no disrespect against that. Visigodo has fantastic aim, and incredible fire control. I just don't see the point of the video, considering it's just a noobie farm. He's a fearsome opponent for all new players, but I got nothing from this aside from arrogance.

    /Not fat. Not stupid. Can read the BR's at the bottom of the screen.
  17. KnightCole

    GL, that thing has horrific CoF Bloom now.
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  18. Poorform

    Nice video. Wish I could just hold down fire like that with any NC weapon and stay on target. VS have it so easy!
  19. Jovisfulmen

    All those hypocritical excuses like "NC have more recoil" or "NC have more bloom" are pretty ridiculous :

    -Because of its higher RoF, the Orion actually has more vertical recoil than any NC LMG.
    -Orion has more horizontal recoil than any NC LMG (which means it's less accurate)
    -NC-like 167 dmg weapon's bloom per damage is almost exactly the same than any 143 dmg weapon
    -Bloom over time is higher ont the Orion because of its higher RoF

    In the end, the Orion gets more dps but is less accurate and harder to control than EM6/NC6/Anchor. But it would kill you to recognize the aiming skill of that guy is much superior to yours so you find pathetic (and old) excuses like "VS is easy mode" when it's not.
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  20. KnightCole

    I quite frankly dont get how VS are so accurate. Those LMGs for me have horrid control....they jerk and jiggle and jump and miss and just all in all suck...