Why are there so many NC UP threads?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. supernauttt

    The NC are indeed UP, SOE has acknowledged it, and soo have most all the NC players at one point or another, that is why you see so many threads...And enough with the because we whine or because we are all 8 year olds, or lone wolfs who never work together BS. Ive been on matherson forever and played long enough to see what the problems are..are we massively UP no we are not. IMO our biggest problems are that our weapons are super noob/zerg unfriendly, hence an equal number of average level players in 2 competing zergs either NC vs TR or VS most of the time the other factions will win because lower level players simply do much better with VS or TR weapons thats proven and not even being debated anymore...secondly is our maxes, we have 9 different types of shotguns and thats about it. when it comes to fighting at a range of point blank to 5-10M yes we are the best....everything else goes to VS/TR how they compare is fairly similar...our AV weapons and none shotguns under perform all the TR and VS varients...without even getting into the ageis, which again isnt awful, but as good as zoe or lock down...not really....as for the being immature and unorganized thats just straight up false anyone who actually plays NC for any real length of time would see this....

    Im i think about level 60ish or so now and being honest i literally had a kd of like .5 or less until probably level 30-40 before i became any good...and im someone who can pick up any FPS and be nearly as good as veterans almost instantly...for the past 6 months now my kd rarely drops under 2.5, so clearly the NC do have a different learning curve, and very few strengths to capitalize on.

    like i said first i do not believe we are massively UP, but certainly lack our factional advantages that we should have. only thing i believe NC have an advantage with or is evenly matched is our MBT's......esfs/infantry/maxes arnt weak, but certainly do not have really any advantages that can be capitalized on as frequently as the other factions.
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  2. Cab00se187

    Is your name taken from Black Sabbath's song?
  3. Ralathar44

    Honestly from what I can see it's small disadvantages for NC across the board.

    While it's true that the TTK is roughly comparable higher ROF is more forgiving. Say if you get shot back or are off the target for a short time, or are shooting at a difficult target by virtue of range or movement. High ROF is more desirable in these situations because it is more reliable. It helps with deviation and recoil as well considering you have more chances for hits on these targets and the recoil is smoother, allowing control of the recoil to be more natural.

    Then you do have the Max situation and the Vulcan. Both of these are capable of performing in more varied situations than the NC counterparts. While it is true that the NC Max for example performs great when extremely close, it is not reliable at longer distances. TR Maxes have reliable performance across targets at a variety of distances. This is a straight up imbalance here as it's fairly easy to control that distance. Albeit a small imbalance when you get large clashes with many Max's it adds up.

    Reliability is a far far far more powerful factor when placed in the hands of a mass of players of varied skill ranges. If we were only talking about the top tier of players the two would be more even, but we are not.
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  4. skyN3T

    You sir are beyond reasoning. Do not mistake me: by no means am I defending Hitler's regime, the SS crimes, nor the attack on Pearl Harbour. But what you are saying sir is what one can call the 'victor's bias'. In wartime all sides commit crimes against humanity. Period. By denying that or stating that children, women, disabled, or any unlucky bystanders are equally guilty with, lets say, Göring, is shortsightedness to be polite. I bet that all of the 8-year-olds were evil N@zis by personal choice (note the sarcasm again).

    You. Are. An. Ignorant. Bastard.

    Nuking entire towns is honorable and civil (it's what you said). Carpet-bombing scores of civilians is honorable and civil (it's what you said again). If you call killing innocents justified... that says all of you.
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  5. TheShrapnelKing

    I'm not denying any of that. I'm saying in the grand scheme of things we were clearly the good guys.
  6. lothbrook

    I think you've mistaken the word liberate for attack, and yes the US attacked the **** out of Germany and the Japanese, as they had no intentions of liberating them, because they were the were the reason any of nations liberated in WW2 needed to be liberated. I'd also like to point out that the Eastern Bloc wasn't liberated because starting another war with the Soviet Union was undesirable to a worn torn world and America, but since the end of the cold war most former Soviet satellite nations have been welcomed into NATO despite your accusation of the US calling them evil.
  7. NoctD

    SOE should just replace/remove NC MAX shotguns totally, and give them 200 and 167 damage options with auto fire, built similar to other faction's AI MAX weapons.

    They should buff the Phoenix - given the projectile can be shot down, just let it OHK infantry again. Sorry guys, if you can't watch for a slow approaching missile and get out of the way or shoot it down, you should DIE when it hits you squarely in the chest! Undo the stupid Striker changes that broke all sorts of things including Flares, and give the VS Lancer more zoom! Buff the other ESRLs to have unique strengths, not the other way around.

    As for the Vanguard - that the NC really just need to learn to utilize more/better. AP Vanny + ML85 will blow up Prowlers and Mags all day long for lunch and more... Racer chassis transforms it into a whole different tank.

    The Vulcan makes for terrible synergy for TR actually... most dedicated AP Prowler tankers will run the Halberd, because the Vulcan is quite useless at range. Fastest tank except you have to totally make it immobile for its special ability. AV weapon, which can take down BAD planes, but lacks range for tank battles, and any pilot with half a brain that uses a higher attack angle is untouchable anyways.

    Its the stupid Harasser that's unbalanced stuffs including the Vulcan... putting AV tank secondaries on them was a bad bad idea. Either the Harasser needs a huge nerf or the AV tank based secondaries should be removed from them (Halberd, Enforcer ML85, Saron, Vulcan).

    The Enforcer C85 needs a total rework. Once again, SOE's taken the shotgun NC cliche way too far!

    Fixing the NC's weapons isn't so hard. But the NC will always have all those terrible players... I had a run this morning where just about every Claymore I planted got ran into and killed NC schmuck... and some guys did this repeatedly (and in the same placement locations no less!). Not everyone was a low BR either. Yeah it was the inferior TR Claymores that did this, bads will die to anything really, unless its utterly hopeless (I think the C85 is in that category as is that stupid Flash S12 Renegade).

    Until the NC realize their problems are more than balance and goes deeper into the playerbase picked up by the NC, they'll always be the faction picked on/farmed by TR/VS.
  8. supernauttt

    yes haha best sung ever made, along with national acrobat
  9. supernauttt

  10. Cab00se187

    Awesome!!! It's one of my favorite Sabbath tunes and Sepultura did an awesome cover of it
  11. supernauttt

    i actually totally agree with you, the main problem is SOE taking our shotgun trait wayyy to far, the C85, and the renegade, max shottys, even the air hammers are completely laughable, no good NC players uses any of these except for our maxes cuz we have no other choice but if ur like me, u stopped playing max altogether long ago...thats the problem, want to make our trait the heaviest hitting damage per shot GREAT just make it so we arnt so over compensated by slow ROF and bullet velocity, and recoil that u cant hit a barn door from 100m. it has already been stated that if u have a slow ROF weapon with high damage and a High ROF weapon with fast ROF with exactly the same DPS the higher ROF weapon will out perform almost every time due to easier/ more frequent headshots and more forgiving in battle, so the only way to make them equivalent in game is to buff the slow ROF weapons either with high velocity/less recoil/more damage/ ext....that is the problem right there...
  12. Divinorium

  13. skyN3T

    You're right of course that Japan technically could not be liberated. I think you missed my point - I was using the word satirically - trying to point out that mass genocide of civilians happened - which is not exactly liberation, nor was justified by any means. Victors tend to forget their war-crimes. All of it was aimed at the original post I quoted, mind you, that not everyone in Europe has nice memories of grandparents saved from evil SS truppen.
    As of the Eastern Bloc. By no means was I supposing that the US has had the oppurtunity to save East Europe from Stalin and his lackeys, and what followed. No casus belli, nor interest to start over again, and of course Japan was still a threat by then. Again, it was aimed at the original post, what generalized things so that the whole of Europe has to be thankful to the US.
    As of accusing. It was no accusation. American propaganda demonized the whole of the USSR, including the Eastern Bloc. The sattelite nations were welcomed to the NATO later, because they shook off their chains of the 'Union' willingly, thus proving their will. Not to mention that it was in the best interest of the western states and the US to tip the balance in the region to their favor. Again, no generosity or pure goodwill. The world of politics is devoid of that, have no mistakes.
  14. anaverageguy

    Andd I played through multiple wipes as TR and VS, as LA and HA. Yes, the difference to me was night and day after switching to the NC SAW.. loved it, changed factions for it.

    The accuracy is spot on even without attachments as long as one's firing from a still position or while crouched. If an enemy could fight back with strafing, they were without a doubt within range to be hit accurately with stand-strafing ADS fire as well. This was also before the flinch mechanic change; I had no problems with it, but the change mainly benefited the NC as a wide nerf to TR and VS weapons.

    Whining is a two way street indeed.
    Your post just sounds like another whine. Because it is.
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  15. skyN3T

    I edited my post while you were responding this so let me put that in here for you.

    Nuking entire towns is honorable and civil (it's what you said). Carpet-bombing scores of civilians is honorable and civil (it's what you said again). If you call killing innocents justified... that says all of you.

    Sorry if sounding rude, but you basically revelated that "they had it coming, all of them deserved it". May sound awful to the relatives of the deceased innocents. Practice empathy, and admit that in war there are no good guys. Not even in the grand scheme of things. As I see it, there are only victims.

    I really should stop going off-topic :oops:
  16. Crowne

    Oh, nothing really "got me started." I made a short response to what has largely become a fashion statement more than a remotely informed decision for people to wag their finger at the country I chose to be a citizen of. If such statements are confined to a more appropriate forum and not brought here, then my opinions on any of these things will never see the light of day and I'm quite content with that.

    Following that short response, I went directly back to talking about the topic at hand and did my best to help the original poster. I went so far as digging up first-hand information in video form, linked with the appropriate time stamp for his question in particular so he wouldn't have to go digging.

    I hope you are able to enhance your calm and enjoy your week-end.
  17. biterwylie

    I do not think NC are UP. The max lacks useful versatility but other than that they are not too bad.

    I think the issue lies with TR having to many OP weapons. These would spoil the game even if all factions had them.
  18. skyN3T

    Well, that came out awkward. I hoped that you get my point, but it was a total miss. I understand your patriotry, the love for your chosen country. Nothing wrong with that. I was assuming that you were upset - by the wording of that part of your post I quoted originally.

    What I was aiming at (make no mistakes - I'm not defending anyone here) that you do not know where the guy comes from you happened to criticize - and it seemed that you want his thankfulness (or anyone's from Europe in general) towards said country based on your grandparents experience of WWII events. Even if his outbursts are inappropriate, you can not demand that - I was trying to point that out building my argument on historical events presented with cynical satire.

    In short:
    What if one's grandparents (unlike yours) were torn to pieces by a gift-parcel from a B-29? You demand them to be thankful for 'liberating' that part of the world?

    There are people in Europe and around the globe who have no memories robbed, nor are ignorant. In case, there might be people in Europe and around the globe who have all the conceived right to 'wag their finger'.
    Again, no trolling intended, nor anything personal. I just wanted you too see outside the cardbox. Nothing is all holy-and-righteous in the world.
  19. Goretzu

    So by that logic the TR attracts people without the ability to take initiative and the VS people that believe crop circles are made by Aliens. Both clearly elite gamer material. :p

    Again..... just no.

    There's is no cogent explanation as to why any faction would attract (or repel) any "type" of player any more or less than any other faction........ just like in every other MMO it's been suggested in.
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  20. Dingus148

    Except America stayed out of the war and sold weapons to both sides for 4 years. Don't often read that in the history books. Did you know American administration companies gave Germany the bureaucratic tools to carry out the holocaust? Good guys is such a rich term, huh?
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