So this just happened on Miller during an alert (4:20 pm)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Keelin, May 13, 2013.

  1. TintaBux

    It was not this bad before when 4th faction went NC and VS, what increased them by 5% max, now on Miller you got TR increased by over 15%, this is a big margin and can't be 4th faction alone.

    This is sad news for Miller this TR over populated nonsense, it seems only the SE warpgate was holding this over population with TR back, but even then they still had on average 5% more than the other factions.
  2. Int

    And i was on NC side on release... But you know what? When NC wins a fight they are screaming USA-USA (which i don't like personally, not to mention i not one of them :D) And since NC is faction of separative mercenary paid by some new order corporative government in thirst for power it's makes me totally :confused:

    And when TR wins it is often "For the Emperor" which i like much more :p.

    Oh cooome ooon... Like NC didn't won any wars for last week or two... Don't try to fool ppls playing on your own server. Most of blues and purples just changed map when it came to warpgate - your picture is pointless.
  3. Xasapis

    Just so you know, that 50% exp bonus is already in the game. At 28% deficiency you get something like 30% bonus and it goes up higher and higher up to 50%. VS on Miller do play everyday as if it's a double exp weekend on the low populated continents.

    The other part about the linked accounts is not active, and it's not a bad idea tbh.
  4. Arkespore

    This was about 5 minutes ago during the Esamir Alert on Connery[IMG]
  5. Int

    And that's current one on Miller - SO WHAT?

    7 o'clock in the morning is hardly primetime??? isn't it Int ....
  7. Xasapis

    I don't think that any other time but primetime matters. You list there some stats at a time where there are like 200 people on the server as if it matters. What mattes is when there are about 5000 on the server.
  8. Kapernum

    Miller's VS have the most population. From late night to early morning.. Hardly significant is it? What's more important is that TR's numbers goes into the 50's at standard times.
  9. huller

    during graveyard hours you have the most pop (scared of losing Indar are you?) during off hours TR seem to dominate, primetime it stabilises at roughly 40-43% for TR. This has more to do with fewer VS and NC than more TR.
  10. Qel

    It's probably a combination of people liking TR, 4th faction going for stuff like Strikers, Fractures, Indar warpgate, the perception (rightly or wrongly) that the TR have good things whereas things once thought to be great on the other factions have been nerfed hard (scat maxes, Magriders etc)...

    But whatever it is, we have a problem because the number of active characters on Miller has dropped since the server merges (which we weren't part of) but the TR pop % keeps rising and if it carries on like this what's the point for the NC and VS anymore?
    • Up x 1
  11. Qel

    It can't just be VS and NC leaving though, sure some might just be quitting the game or going to other servers but that kind of attrition would presumably impact the TR too so some of the VS/NC must be going to the TR side as well.
  12. Kapernum

    I don't know. You'd have to ask each individual player playing at that time if they are sacrificing their biological time clock just so that they don't lose Indar or if they just have a different day rhythm because of work or whatever.

    Any case of population imbalance is a problem. It doesn't matter if it's one faction leaving the game, people swapping factions etc.

    The facts are that Miller's population is dropping overall and TR's population percentage is rising.
  13. huller

    for me i've only started noticing this trend since last week, TR need moar targets plz.
  14. Steakbeard

    To be honest, it doesn't matter who has the most population on a server at whatever time. The issue is not who has more at a certain time. It's about the effects on overpopulation on this game.

    When alerts slide in favour of one empire, people switch.
    People see low pops on one empire, they switch to the popular one.

    There must be a limit on population difference between the factions before there is the TR miller server who have no one to fight and the server dies. But to do that, we need to encourage people to play other empires instead. And for that, we need unlocks across empires. Buy the jackhammer, get the lasher and MCG etc.

    If you remember the cert grant previously, very few people have bought more than one factions equipment, and if this trend continues, soe have nothing to lose by granting weapon/vehicle unlocks. If you don't share the visual customisations that have no impact on game play, having people playing other empires may even bring in additional revenue streams.
  15. MrK

    It's exacerbated recently, but the same exists on Miller since game launch. NC & VS are competing behind TR number wise, with some exceptionnal days streak where one of NC/VS pop shadows the TR pop. It never lasts long.
    And it was the same on the beta Euro server chosen as Werner home.
    It was already the case in August.
    I was warning about this to people around me since then. Stated I'd never play TR there seeing their overpop. And was crushed when I saw one of the groups I know from other games chose TR on Miller (it's OCB) when TR didn't already need more by that time.
  16. Pivke

    i have created a vanu character on miller last week. and i like it. its my first ever vanu character. the miller TR might have the numbers, but they are mostly all bads, really awful players. somehow 1/2 of TR players are walking free kills just waiting to be farmed.
    i wont complain too much, its even better with vanu low pop bonus :)
  17. Being@RT

    Allying spontaneously on a game just won't happen. Even when technically both are trying to attack TR, they'll shoot each other first to get to the point where they can shoot TR, either on accident (all enemies in same colour as hud option) or to gain easy certs. There's no hierarchy, no rules of engagement, no court martial when you shoot "friendlies" of the other faction.

    Sure, some people will adhere to only shooting the real enemy, but it only takes a few to break down the whole thing. One C4 attack to sunderer, one infiltrator sniping medics or whatever. And then comes the fighting back in order to survive and inevitably more and more people are sucked in on the cycle.

    Also, I'd say Blurple
  18. Gurra

    Aka the 4th factioneers you can have them if you want.
    We sure as hell dont want them but unfurtunatly you cant deport ppl to another faction for incompitenceo_O
  19. TintaBux

    Stop posting population in off time when people are asleep, at school, work etc. Do after 3pm UK time and during prime time only. At this time TR completely dominates the popluation, and this time is when Miller is most active, so it matters the most about the population balance at this time.
  20. PS2Freak

    in last 3-4 weeks nc won maybe 2 alerts, and Vanu 1.. all other were won by Tr.
    I play everyday, so i notice those "exceptions"

    i were ok with sometimes tr have more people, but now its ongoing trend of everyday overpopulation. no fun no more.