So this just happened on Miller during an alert (4:20 pm)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Keelin, May 13, 2013.

  1. Mag1c

    Well, Woodman welcomes every Miller player who decides he/she had enough. The pop is balanced during alerts (ofc not late night or early morning) and we could certanly use a few more people on Vanu side ;)
  2. Keelin

    Despite saying that I'm done posting here i feel that i have to comment on the balanced alerts as well - when they happen - it's only fair.
    So we DID just have a pretty well balanced alert.

    Too bad that the server was so broken that:
    • Ammo packs didn't work.
    • Grenades sometimes didn't explode and/or stopped flying at random.
    • Jetpacks had almost unlimited energy.
    • Health randomly went up and down when healing people.
    • Healing and reviving sometimes didn't work.
    • People died with a massive delay.
    • Everything was laggy and borderline unplayable.
    • People vanished and appeared seemingly at random sometimes.
    • The NC won the alert. Yeah that's not directly related to the server issues but it was still strange!
    I'm sure there was more interesting stuff to be seen that I've missed.
    • Up x 1
  3. Rodinvac

    Yeah, after the NC got kicked hard out of Peris and Regent Rock, they decided to wisely focus more on TR, while we VS were just busy holding off the red wave, and so eased off as well on the NC front.
    Too bad for that insane lag.
  4. Naithe

    Come on it was a great battle and you know it, we did defend jaegers crossing at first. =(

    Then as the aert progressed the ussual happened. those on the losing team. (this time TR) lost members, and the winning team. NC got members.

    Oh well had some good battles with VS(NC today. =)
  5. Maruun

    Nah sorry i give up, no fun in totally being outnumbered 90% off the time i am playing, and nearly always being on the short end playing VS thanks to bugs, or totaly useless concepts. And Lattice will not help to solve this problem.
    Miller was one of the servers that was fairly balanced, after GU2 with the fixing of the tanks and nerfing and bug introducing to the magrider, to the ESRL, now with the MAX AT-Weapons.

    I will check after 6 month again, no point in playing right now its no fun at all. Played 5 minutes and being steamrolled by the overpopulated TR.
  6. Goretzu

    There's no Y axis............. exacept for the Y axis, of course. o_O
  7. GSZenith

    so...should i come back to vs again?
    sitting on 2k cert on tr :(
  8. Flag

    Not sure.
    From what I have seen as of late, a lot of TR(more than VS and NC I mean) just seem to vanish into thin air towards the end of prime time, at least they did the last few days.
  9. GSZenith

    well we did kinda faceroll tr at the alert around 11.00 gmt+2 :/ hmph.
    maybe back to nc :O (no never vanguard is a joke)
  10. Kapernum

    VS always been the more prominent faction on Miller at late late night and into the early morning hours. AT least out of my experience.
  11. Flag

    That is true, but I was thinking more around 22-23 GMT times, which isn't really at night-shift times.

    Hehe. :p
  12. maxkeiser

    TR just had 50% population on the Esamir alert. I was enjoying the +132% XP, but even so it's a bit silly really.