Ok, this game is unplayable with this population unbalance...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nahwel, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Rizen

    Waterson suffers from the same lack of VS. now they remove our only bonus. Im getting tired of devs making poorly thought out changes every week.
  2. whitupiggu

    If it makes you feel better I asked CS if they could remove my SC purchases for NC and change them to the VS equivalents so I could switch factions. They said no though. :(
  3. Patrician

    Personally I would rather be on VS or TR in this situation; being NC would mean meaningless victories and not a lot to shoot at. There is no glory in winning if you've got double the number of people no matter what you're doing.
  4. Emotitron


    Today's Amerish Alert - 15 minutes in.... just to keep the thread alive. The 50% boost to TR does seem higher than before? Did they change that?
  5. Morpholine

    They upped the population xp bonuses, yes.
  6. Rown

    Mattherson alerts are very worth it. You get no certs, but at least can watch from the spawn room the billion reavers over you crashing into each other.

    The downside is having to deal with Mattherson Vanu outfits, I suppose nothing in this life can be perfect.
  7. Nahwel

    But I didn't see that on the log for the GU7... Although, I noticed the nice bonus. On that alert I had like 80% xp bonus.
  8. iShootCats

    Well it's official I quit the game it's just to unfair to have population at over 50% while the vs are at 20% and dropping. I'm going to to talk to the Vs leader of Dpso tell him to get all vanu outfit leaders and tr leaders to come up with a cease fire because really at this point that's the best we can do.
  9. Alarox

    That could still be a problem, yeah, but there's no way anyone can do anything about it. There's no sense in worrying about things you have no way to control.
  10. HellionX

    I want to hear what BillHicks says about this!
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  11. XParagonX

    LOL @ NC saying

    "Get off the server if you don't like it!"

    unbalance the server even more is their solution. love their logic.

    Guess NC is the easy mode fraction now, as all causal players flock to easy mode.

    Though new change to VS, might see increase in their pop.

    Sorry TR
  12. hansgrosse

    Screw it. At this point I'm willing to agree to NC getting nerfed into the ground and/or TR and VS getting buffed to God status just so people jump the NC ship and this crap (and all the QQing that comes with it) ends. You in the VS and TR should consider yourselves lucky; I miss being the underpowered, underpopulated faction, and I wish NC would go back to the ~25% Helios population we had in times of old.

    So bring on the NC nerfs! As long as my NS weapons still work it's all good.
  13. Kassedni

    I just started playing PS2 about two months ago. I played NC for a little bit, then switched to VS as my main on Helios, who's now around level 24.

    I can confirm what other Helios players have been saying. The last 2 weeks have been getting steadily worse with population imbalances favoring the NC. If I had to point a blaming finger, it would be at the continent alerts. I'm not sure why, but ever since the alerts system was implemented the NC population has grown more and more, or VS and TR populations have gotten smaller and smaller. Either way, a population imbalance exists on the server, and it's getting worse. There are small time windows on Helios where VS and TR have enough people on to give the NC a good fight, but they only last for an hour or two, then NC will dominate every continent.

    It's gotten to the point where NC can zerg multiple locations against TR and VS simultaneously (and win), where the NC can field several platoons in 2-3 regions with several squads in 3-4 other regions, all at once on one continent (usually Indar); and this is also occurring during off hours, including late night and early morning. The last few days I've played, VS have had trouble mustering 3 platoons for all of Indar, while the other two continents have a few squads. VS are on defense the majority of the time, usually always against NC, and usually always get steamrolled.

    I remember when I first started playing, the fighting was more equal. It seemed like there were either more VS and TR on, or there were fewer NC players, or maybe a mix of both. I'm now at the point of switching to a more balanced server and abandoning my Helios main, or quitting the game entirely. The population imbalance has gotten that ridiculous. VS usually sits in spawn rooms trying to get random kills while we're completely surrounded by infantry, tanks, and aircraft, waiting for NC to cap the region, when we then move to the next region and repeat the same process, trying to defend, and failing horribly. The more it happens, the fewer VS I see.

    It's getting worse, and it's not fun.

    If you don't believe any of us, just create a character on Helios, and see for yourself.
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  14. Nahwel

    Another screenshot from today:
  15. MFP_TK_01

    What hours are these NC playing on? I ask because I just transferred from NC Helios and I swear I have not seen a domination like that. In fact the last weeks alerts which occur around 10pm EST we usually ended up getting smashed by 2 fronts.

    And why aren't a lot of you guys posting all 3 continents?
  16. Pat Cleburne

    Latest from Mattherson.

    Latest alert on Mattherson.
  17. Wulfen109

    why should i be punished in cert and resource gain (mostly certs) just because everyone switched to NC? Ive been dedicated NC from day one. I shouldn't be punished for that reason alone. Make the newer NC from your factions get less xp. Have like a warning on the character creation for said server "Less resources , etc due to over pop". Im just spit ballin honestly. What shouldve been done is not allow multiple characters on same server. Or just simply have only 1. OR have cool downs for switching characters. Too many people switching to the winning ALERT team for free xp and certs
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  18. BoSeefus

    This will be addressed soon enough, I have faith...
    The main issue is NC weapons are much easier to shoot for most people, hands down. I have at least 10 family members who play PS2 and they play other factions and all have said that's why.
  19. BoSeefus

    Connery and the VS issue - not enough VS and too many NC and TR has to fight both factions (same old story)

    I wouldn't mind seeing more VS and hopefully they won't just gang up on TR and Warpgate us, like what usually happens when VS gets a nice pop. Start fighting the NC more when you have the pop and stop making arrangements.
  20. Morpholine

    Last night all three had enough population on Connery to cap Amerish during the prime time alert, and it was one of the closest contested ones I've seen. It ended in a draw (which I think might have been a three-way tie), with the VS literally just seconds late in eking out a minor victory. Absolutely brutal fighting on all fronts.

    It was certainly a welcome change, from my perspective.