SOE If you nerf shotguns, nerf SMG too

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. MurderBunneh

    Did the short bus drop one of it's kids off here by accident or something?
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  2. Syphers

    In close range a SMG = any carbine or LMG with a laser sight. When I play LA ( with a carbine ) or occasionally HA, SMG infiltrators rarely or never kill me while on the other hand when I play my infiltrator I win 90% of the time unless I underestimate their shields or they wield a shotgun. L2 shoot
  3. HyperMatrix

    If anyone thinks the Pump Action Shotty isn't OP, come meet up with me on Helios. I'll hop on my NC toon with a shotty and a pistol. You use anything other than a pump action shotty. I guarantee I'll beat you at least 3:1. Not because I'm that good (although I'm definitely alright). But simply because of how dominant these shotguns can be in short-medium range.

    We'll video tape the event and post it on the forums. While I'm definitely not the best, any player from my server who's run into me can vouch for me being a pretty effective infantrymen.
  4. Tekuila

    Hope you enjoy people leaving in the droves then.
  5. PS2Freak

    i against nerf of shotguns or smgs. they have their niche role.
  6. iller

    If you nerf SMG, then it only makes sense to also take away the huge Headshotting damage bonus in CQC on LMG's as well.

    They're just as ridiculous as SMG's for w+m1 no skill instant kills in CQC.
    (headshots @ med & long range are fine though and do require skill)
  7. PS2Freak

    Sissies! As if grown up community have something against shotgun. if 12years old leave, then bye bye. they not learned to lose. really. unbelivable... it killed me, i leave the game. where is push to win button . jesuschrist.
  8. Xind

    I happen to agree with him. If you nerf shotguns because people are complaining about their power, you need to nerf every overpowered weapon.
    SMGs, UBGLs, AP Mines, Dumbfire Rockets, THE PHOENIX (lololol), NC AI MAXs, and finally no more sniper one shots. With all these weapons handily nerfed we'll be back to using Carbines/LMGs/Assault Rifles!

    It would be magical. Doesn't a game without all these one hit killing or super fast TTK weapons sound more fun?
  9. PS2Freak

    fixed it for you
  10. Syphers

    Yeah the pump is OP even better with the slugs you can 2 shots someone from 35-40 meters away and still dominate in CQ. Really lame how they made those weapons without much afterthought, although powerful the old shotguns are balanced
  11. Xind

    LOL. Strikers is so good I won't buy it. If only it worked on MAXs (Infantry), didn't have a certable hardcounter, and actually did damage up front instead of DPS against targets that can literally fly away.

    But if you think an infantry sniping OHK missile is less rigged than an Annihilator sidegrade, by all means have fun.
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  12. Stigler

    Doesnt matter what gets nerfed or op, people crying over leaving will still leave, the ones crying the most are not long term playing types anyhow.

    They will be off to the next best thing in a flash regardless. Long term people do not whine so much over every little thing before the major bugs have even been fixed or the render/optimization improved.

    You want what you want and you want it now. Lets face it its that simple.
  13. Syphers

    Yeah right because you shouldn't die by a .50 caliber straight in your head. lololol go back to minecraft
  14. Xind

    Just saying if Pump Actions are overpowered at point blank range, why the **** should a sniper rifle kill a man in one shot?
  15. smokemaker

    I do not believe that will happen.
  16. Tekuila

    It's not about wanting something, it's about something being imbalanced and needing to be fixed.
  17. Syphers

  18. Xind

    Which means what to me? Aiming at an unsuspecting targets head with a weapon designed to do so with a mechanism to steady the gun spells skill to me. *sarcasm*

    PS1 Snipers had to work for their kills and they didn't ***** about it.
  19. Tekuila

    It will, people in my outfit are getting pretty pissed off by shotguns and if something doesn't change you can bet they will stop playing and you can bet they aren't alone.
  20. SgtBreastroker

    Nerfing something that excels at what it is meant to do.

    Why don't we nerf Snipers too? Clearly if they can kill in one shot at range they must be overpowered?
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