Impossible to fly using a joystick after patch

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ozzon, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Dibola

    This should be and easy fix here so they need to get on the ball fixing this.
  2. RickyShay

    Just found the same issue after getting a Saitek Fly 5 :( Unfortunately none of the mouse axis assignments seem to work for me either, so I'm stuck with either mouse or nothing until it's fixed.

    Pretty annoyed tbh as I've put a bit of station cash into the game and now spent out on a joystick I can't use. Poor show!
  3. elthen

    I've tried my logitech extreme 3d pro and it seems to work pretty bad, the sensitivity is just ridicolous, if "high" i crash after a little moviment if it's low i can't move the aircraft.

    I've played with mouse+keyboard so far, but is not that good as joystick, so please fix this because problem it's really annoying
  4. MeDiC4613

    +1 Please for the love of all that is holy, put full support in for Joysticks
  5. Taelus

    +1 Same here using Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X
  6. Moxx

    Bump. Using a Saitek X52 Pro.

    Works fine for jets and choppers in Battlefield 3. I get PS2, set all my bindings for aircraft like I want them, jump in a scythe, and im rolling all over the place with each little movement. o_O WAY TOO SENSITIVE, even with the sensitivity slider all the way down. The slider doesn't seem to do much at all for sensitivity. I was thinking about trying to edit the UserOptions.ini file to see if I can manually set it lower than 1.0, which is where the slider stops.

    As is, it is impossible to line up a shot using the joystick as you will constantly overshoot your target. There are no fine adjustments of pitch or roll, like I am capable of making in Battlefield 3. The only thing that does move at a decent sensitivity is the yaw, which I bind to the joystick "twist" axis. I really hope this gets fixed because I absolutely hate using a mouse for in game flight. So far this problem has kept me out of the air and only battling on the ground, which is not where I want to be ALL the time. I grabbed this game specifically for the air combat i saw in the trailers!

    Please, please, please get this fixed!!!!! :)

    P.S. I am also experiencing the hat switch problem others are describing. I first bound ascend and descend to a hat up/down. When I went to test it in game, it only registered the first action and then stopped working.
  7. Stevesan

    And I thought I am too stupid or simply lack practice with joysticks... But that confirms what I feared: Something is wrong with PS2 and joysticks. I have the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro and turned flight sensitivity down to minimum ingame. Even with reducing the sense within the Logitech profiler to 15-17% its still very uncomfortable. As others described you first get very slow movement and suddenly the plane starts to pitch very rapidly.

    I fixed the coolie-hat problem by assigning the arrowkeys within the profiler (use FPS settings) and used those keys in the flight controls. Now that at least works fine. Still a shame that there is a workaround needed.

    Please SOE, spend some time on the joystick support. thx!. Great game, would be a shame if you dont get that sorted out.
  8. paleohayduke

    What a joystick does intuitively is the reason that all these people end up binding pitch up and down to their mice or keyboard! You can control how much you want to give with analog. With a mouse you have to constantly keep scrolling. Much better for accuracy in a plane.
  9. paleohayduke

    The rate at which you turn is more important when flying than anything. You have to scroll your mouse like crazy (or bind a key). The game wont even launch when I plug my joystick in... :(
  10. Drayth

  11. hostilechild

    Name one?

    Most flight systems now have 6 degrees of freedom add in throttle/lift control on it you have 8, the mouse has 4 and you must use keyboard for the other 4. Joysticks have lots and lots of extra buttons addons in easily accessible locations. Some mice have them but i find them much harder to access.
    And you can still use the keyboard/mouse for other things while flying if you have a joystick setup.

    I have got pretty decent with the mouse/keyboard but would love to use my flight sim setup.

    Mouse/keyboard users will cry about joystick controls once they go in like x-box controller fans cry about mouse/keyboard on xbox being unfair.
  12. philux

    Properly working, highly configurable joystick/rudder support is overdue and crucial for this type of game. I hope SOE starts sooner than later to treat this issue with more sincerity and urgency.
  13. Fishleg

    Same problem as everyone else controls are insanely sensitive :(. DO A BARREL ROLL, DO A BARREL ROLL!!! Can you put that sound into the game when any button is pressed on a joystick just for us muppets who have one :p.
  14. KIABOT

    Was looking for something in a different genre than just my typical BF3 fix and my WoW fix and was thinking "Awesome! Something that is a little of both with a futuristic flair". Being a mediocre pilot (I can flare helos and strafe jets in other games) I figured I could at least ferry some people around in a gunship or something. Umm... yeah, no! my F.L.Y.5 is so sensitive for everything except yaw as everyone has mentioned, that I too am relegated to only being able to do infantry and armor. My mouse space is pretty limited so turning the sensitivity way down and then using it to fly is just not a reasonable alternative compared to my joystick. I am sad that I am not able to enjoy the game as much as I could with the ability to fly. Granted I know it is a "freemium" game and I "have no right to complain if I am not paying" but if I don’t know that there is real light at the end of the tunnel, why would I want to invest money in buying that little perks and upgrades? I am not afraid to spend money on a game; I have all the CoDs, BF's and WoWs times two on my PC as well as games for our Wii, XBox, PS3 systems and because not only do I like to play, but my son plays some of these too and in the case of WoW we have 8 years of combined subscription time.

    Coming from a development company and having been a developer and a product manager, I know you cannot "tell us when" they will be fixing/implementing this functionality but, after going through all of the threads I see on this topic and not seeing one post from an admin or dev even acknowledging the issue, I have to ask is this even on the product management roadmap (if I missed it I buried in with the volume of users posting that still doesn’t diminish the fact this this is an issue) even if it is scheduled for “Future” and has no real commitment. This isn’t about development cycles and code changes and merging this is about simple customer service and at least owning the reported problem.

    Those of us who have the disposable income to spend as we see fit are the biggest chance you have of revenue for this experiment and we don’t pay for something we don’t get value out of (other than taxes which keep us out of jail) and many of us that are in that “money having” demographic happen to have cut our teeth on joysticks for flying in things like Wing Commander and F-15 Strike eagle and that is what we enjoy. If I wanted to do everything with a mouse and keyboard I would go back to work and write another abstract class interface or go play WoW.

    At least, acknowledge this as an issue so that your paying (or potentially paying) users know that they have even been heard. So far I feel like I am more likely to get a response from Atari than Sony on this topic.

    In my experience silence speaks volumes and I am really looking forward to what you have to say while I play ground troops until I get bored and go play something with my son that we can use joysticks on.
  15. Stevesan

    I know - there are a lot of other more severe things that have to be fixed like cheaters and such. And I wish SOE the best of luck to get all of those things handled quickly to protect a great game from not so great people. Non the less I d like to keep the joystick issue on the radar as it has impact on almost a third of the game. Bump.
  16. Stevesan

    did the last patch change anything with joysticks? anyone has solid information?
  17. St0mpy

    Nothing at all. I was hoping something was in but no.

    I feel selfish complaining about being passed over with zero fixes because of all the bigger problems everyone has right now but I did make a post here

    I guess there are more important things for devs to do and players to ask for :( Meanwhile my tank or sunderer turning circle is huge and slow to react, I can only really fly a2a missile missions since its hard to hit anything moving with a 40% deadzone, I can just about ground pound but it could be way better, its still a great game but certainly I wish theyd at least throw us a bone and put it in the roadmap, or just fix it.
  18. philux

    I'm wondering how it can be that a vehicle-based FPS of which 40% are aircraft doesn't offer decent joystick support.
  19. Deschain

    What i dont understand is they put in a fairly decent flight configuration,100% better than Planetside but then fail to add controller/joystick support. I have x52s which i use in Arma2 and lock on Modern air combat, but trying to use them in this game is like wrestling a wet grisly bear.
  20. Stigler

    The control scheme for aircraft is what kept me from playing PS1 very long, I do not know if they ever improved it as I never went back to it, I had already gone to another flavor of the month by then.

    I have a CH F16 Combatstick, CH Fighterstick, CH Yoke, Rudder Pedals and throttle quadrants and track IR for FLYING. Many of us will not mouse fly.

    They really do need to at least put it on a list to address it at a later date to add better control options for flying. That would keep me playing the game longer down the road also. When they get time they should make an official statement as to whether or not they will improve joystick control options for flying. Like an analog roll, move joystick a little, slow roll move all the way full speed roll.