That's what it needs! Genius! The turret should create a hologram that looks like someone is manning it at all times so you can just crouch in...
If not a range increase, a CoF radius increase would be handy too for my dancing MAX brethren. Assuming, of course, that they fix the ammo drop...
Yeah, I'd even settle for hurting just a little. I don't need to be able to 2-shot a tank, but whittling it down a bit for "deterrence" might be...
AA/AV Engi Turret?? Slow RoF with armor piercing rounds? Or maybe just make the base tower AA turrets actually do some damage.
Another idea might be tying the pilot to the plane until their feet hit the ground (or go splat). If you can pop the ESF before the suicide occurs,...
Running around with a full auto shotgun almost makes me want to not even try to heal MAX's anymore. Either that or just not drop ammo when they're...
"hell" is much more PC than your other word choice. The point of the utility belt ammo is to have 2 out at once for more XP gains, I suppose. But...
For the few times it actually makes sense to use the normal turret (cover fire, door to door, etc) please make the firing animation brighter & more...
I think they should make it impossible to play the sound if I have an ammo pack sitting RIGHT BEHIND ME! Sometimes it might be a good reminder...
I've seen it too. I think you can only deploy so many turrets/boxes in a certain amount of time or it goes on cooldown or something. But I've never...
I'd just like to either widen the pivot angle slightly or allow it to get placed closer to walls/objects. Trying to guard 2 doors with it in a room...
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