Need more Batteries !!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wellknown, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Wellknown

    Need more Batteries ! to the VS

    I think this need's to be changed , Countless times spamming to engis for ammo and they hear i need batteries.
    i don't own a Rampant Rabbit.
    Most of them probably dont even know what it means,So we go with out a refill.
    please change it to we need Ammo.
  2. Freyar

    How about the novuses actually get some training. Hell, maybe I'll start making training platoons for low-BR players.
  3. Zuleyus

    Please change it so it won't spam my ears as much. Q is too important to stop spamming it, but the voice macros should be limited to once per so many seconds (say five) per request type. The way they are now they are completely meaningless anyway - they get spammed so often that everybody ignores them as "probably just another person looking for enemies".
  4. that_darn_lurker

    Had no idea "Need more batteries" meant they need ammo. I was trying to figure out what they heck kind of equipment needed batteries.
  5. Gary

    Hope they change "Q" so you cant spam it.
  6. Dubious

    Vanu use batteries, not ammo..
  7. General Sherman

    I actually found this amusing when I ran with a VS alt. Honestly I like it and how it adds even a little bit of lore to the game.
  8. Freyar

    Well.. the batteries do power our laser-tag equipment. PEW PEW PEW!
  9. Wellknown

    My smoke alarm need's battries .
    My gun need's ammo.
  10. Vargos

    I think they should make it impossible to play the sound if I have an ammo pack sitting RIGHT BEHIND ME! Sometimes it might be a good reminder because we just advanced the front lines or are defending a different room, but hearing it every 2 seconds like I should be moving it around every time they ask is a bit much.
  11. Freyar

    I have problems with engineers not dropping ammo packs EVER. Defending a Watch Tower, had a good ten or so people in a strong point, and.. no.. engineer.. dropped.. batteries (or ammo).

    Where's Energizer?