Repair gun weapon switch issue

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Baconpuffs, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Riftmaster

    Happens all the time.

    I've learned to compensate, but is still irritating when happens.
  2. igorthir

    thank the spirits I thought this was just me being a nubcake... glad its not just me
  3. Takoita

    +1 to this. Also after a good deal of repair work, the tool decides it doesn't want to work anymore and I have to switch around weapons to get it operational again. The problem is due to intermittent lags I need several precious seconds to determine if the bug is acting up again, or if I have to simply try again.
  4. Vargos

    Running around with a full auto shotgun almost makes me want to not even try to heal MAX's anymore. Either that or just not drop ammo when they're around? I keep seeing patches coming in and hoping things like this get fixed, but I still shot 2 MAX's again last night (not kill, at least). Since I fix them up afterward they don't seem too terribly angry.
  5. TheRagingGerbil

    I keep shooting my maxes in the ***. :(
  6. Yil

    Bump to this thread.

    Drop ammo pack, pull out repair tool to fix critically hurt max, gun pops out, max dies, hate tell, "WTF MAN?!?", and I cry a little.
  7. Urban_Scorp

    In a really frantic battle I managed to kill a MAX because of this. Poor guy had no ammo, barely any health and was trusting me to repair him. One Pulsar C shot later...
  8. Riftmaster

    This is really minor if you think about it though- I screwed up big time last night...

    Was riding in a sundy, thought I was playing engineer, sunderer came under attack and rushed to cover - I hop out, hit 3 and then left mouse in quick succession to get repairs started.

    Point-blank HA rocket into the sundy, kills it, the driver, and myself, just as I am starting to think "oh shi..."

    Granted that was all my fault and no bugs involved...

    Still, a few shots from an engineer won't cause much issue in most cases - unless the MAX waited til like 1 bar to come looking for repairs.
  9. Talizzar

    off the subject a bit but I love when the Max's scream for repairs and run right by you and get closer and closer to the fight. Sometimes I think shooting them in back by accident is a good thing as the immediately turn around and see you........ Oh and quit freaking moving around!
  10. Riftmaster

    Well in many cases a MAX cannot see behind/beside him for the engie repairing him (and if you're a sane engie, you'll keep that MAX between you and the enemy).

    As a MAX I usually stop and look for the person repairing when I see my health going up rapidly (as opposed to the nano-armor regen thing I recently got, which is most excellent for times when no engie is around...albeit slow).

    I'd almost like MAX suits to be like vehicles - where you could take cover, jump out, and repair as an engineer, then get back in.

    But that might be problematic...
  11. Kubricks

    Yeah. I've killed a few guys because of this.
  12. santuckcasper

    sounds like it could be fixed by waiting a few sec.s and then switching back to the repair gun, although those few sec.s may get you killed...........
  13. Talizzar

    or your max killed.....Stupid bug. Needs fixing!
  14. TotalEclipse08

    Yeah this happens to me on a regular basis. Pretty annoying.
  15. RyanTR

    Soooo annoying.
  16. Xasapis

    The trigger is the ammo pouch.

    When you drop it on the ground it reserves a position (you can't deploy multiple ammo pouches next to each other) but has not actually spawned. By that time the game switches you to the main gun.

    So you move from the main gun to whatever utility you want to use, usually the repair tool. Now, when the ammo pouch actually spawns, the game yet again switches you to the main gun.

    Basically the switch to the main gun happens twice. Once when you drop the ammo pouch and once when the ammo pouch spawns.