New weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sparks, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Sparks

    As per Smed's tweet:
    New weapons coming Thursday. Next week awesome new anti vehicle ( including anti air you rocket pod haters) weapon

    So what's this new AA weapon going to be?
  2. DeathFaith

    I'm sure someone as bright as you will post it again in 5 minutes AGAIN
    Lets check in a few !
  3. Highway_Star

    I don't follow twitter because I'm free-thinking person and not a social media drone. So I'm glad people post stuff in the forums, WHERE DEVS SHOULD PUT IT!
  4. Rown

    A scarecrow.

    AA is meant to deter airplanes.
  5. Sparks

    These forums suck compared to beta where we had proper seperate forum sections for all this stuff so there was actually a nice overview to find stuff instead of doing a lot of digging around, I miss them :(.
  6. Gungan

    It'll be an official P2W weapon.
  7. RedPsycho

    Doesn't the forum home page show all of Smeds tweets? So you really don't have to follow twitter to see what he says? Apparently you can set it to display his last 30 tweets.
  8. Jourmand1r

    Lol look at this guy. I bet your hair is 4 feet long.
  9. CloudyDaze

    If it's something that replaces the grounder I'll be pissed.
  10. Highway_Star

    Nope. Just someone that has no respect for devs that make a forum in which they never post patch notes or update information.
  11. Gambles

    Why would they balance the game's current weapons when they can release new ones to impose balance that will most likely make them money for doing it, dirty, but brilliant.
  12. Urban_Scorp

    Please be the Lancer please be the Lancer please be the Lancer please be the Lancer please be the Lancer...
  13. TheRagingGerbil

    Phoenix, Striker, & Lancer!
  14. Vargos

    AA/AV Engi Turret?? Slow RoF with armor piercing rounds? Or maybe just make the base tower AA turrets actually do some damage.