Cannot login to briggs... something wrong with network ?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by thefinn, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. dharKharma

    1) Logging in issues
    2) "Disconnected from server" messages
    3) G30 Error when game freezes up every 20 minutes

    Enough is enough, I'm gonna read if I can retract my paypal transactions to SOE.
  2. Mooge

    I got on for a bit about an hour ago then had to log. It was certainly sketchy. Now I can't log in at all again.

    I'd say something is seriously wrong with the server and / or the host infrastructure. Fingers crossed they get it fixed soon.

    But no need for a refund here. This is an excellent game and these technical problems will pass.
  3. NietCheese


    Why didn't you fix it today? Want to kill your game, ignore the flashing bug, the random disconnects, the unable to join server issues. They keep mounting up and the population decreases daily. Fix it. Now.
  4. TamaDecat

    Still cant login - since yesterday !!!!
    only at briggs - i can still play on other server fine
    you guys have to change the hosting company this is ridiculous
  5. moeboee1

  6. TamaDecat

    I notice the problem happening around the same time as yesterday
    friend manage to log in earlier - stop playing for few hour and unable to get back in now

    remind me a true story
    a company web server always down most day before midnight - turn out the cleaner unplug the computer power for his vacuum cleaner ....

    could something like this happening
  7. moeboee1

    wow fail
  8. Mooge

    An official note to say it's being looked at again would be nice. I can get in for a few minutes at a time but get disconnected. It's unplayable at the moment.
  9. moeboee1

    got in again got dc again...
  10. moeboee1

    again i give up.... will be submitting a support ticket for a new xp boost urge any of you who equiped any to do the same... last time i got a replacement
  11. ZeroGravitas

    Second night in a row. Awesome.

    Briggs is hosted by Telstra right? This smells like Telstra refusing to admit there's even a problem when they've effed something up. Anyone that's worked in the IT industry in this country long enough will have dealt with a Telstra cockup at some point and know what I'm talking about.
  12. Veri

    Was just on Briggs.
    I killed an aimbotter then my game froze.
    Had to log out.
  13. Sukumei

    Holy crap I thought it was just me. SOE better be still handing out those boost compensations.
  14. Kulantan

    I am also experiencing this issue again.
  15. Onetus

    Yeap, 2nd night in a row. No double EXP for me. :-(
  16. GunsPew

    Cmon please fix the login issues, double exp week !!!
  17. Rawler

    There goes my planned weekend to spend some time on PS2. effin Briggs
  18. realiity

    server's broken :(
  19. VladSnakeDragon

    just logged in myself, after X amount of times.... I think the server's at capacity, is what's happening... with the vanu, for some reason, having 37% of total pop

  20. Rawler

    Nah it's definitely not at capacity, as premium member I should be getting priority login and server isn't even on high.