Nano-Weave Armor is bad for this game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Tobias

    All certifications are upgrades. You can spend cert points to get more ammo capacity for your vehicle guns, that's a straight upgrade too. So is having your shield recharge faster, or having nightvision, or being able to run faster as LA, or being able to res people faster with more health.
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  2. Fortress

    So far, putting anything more than two levels in nanoweave only serves to protect me from long range sniper headshots and the occasional grenade.
  3. BuzzCutPsycho

    Nano-weave gives you 25% more health and thus gives you a 25% HP advantage over a player without it.

    Pure upgrade. Remove it.
  4. Tobias

    No certifications are side-grades. That's the whole reason they can't be bought with station cash. A man with increased reload time on his default scythe weapon is going to be able to reload 25% faster then the other guy and shoot him down quicker.

    Also I like how you've ignored all the counter-arguments and keep saying the same thing over and over again.
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  5. MNO

    It's like listening to a broken record.

    To be fair though, if someone came up to me and just kept screaming in my face "1+2 = 5!!!!!". I would totally agree eventually.

    You're right.
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  6. BuzzCutPsycho

    You didn't present any counter arguments worth responding to so I looked over it like I would any other meaningless post on an internet forum.

    Also - LOL at comparing a flat 25% HP buff to reload speed on a weapon. That's pure hilarity!
  7. BuzzCutPsycho

    Nothing else really needs to be said since my stance is irrefutable. It's 25% HP and thus a pure upgrade. You'd be stupid not to take it.

    Kind of like how magnum rounds were in BF:BC2.

    Tell me exactly what the downside is to it again? What is the downside to having 25% more HP?
  8. MNO

    The utter cost.

    Okay tell me this.. If I said to you, "hey, do you want £5?" You'd say **** yea, that's awesome, something for nothing, why wouldn't I want £5.

    But then I said, "Or do you want £15?" - would you take the £5? It's pretty basic logic, I don't know what you're not grasping, and frankly it's worrying.

    Your point would only make sense if this game revolved around 1hp/s DoT weapons.
  9. Tobias

    So you're saying it's more likely for someone to win a fight because they killed the other guy before he was able to get off one last bullet, a TTK difference of like 0.005, then it is for someone to win a dogfight because they both emptied their main guns but the other guy was able to start shooting again sooner. You always seemed like a reasonably smart guy, but goddamn that's ********.
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  10. Alduin

    Because its like people claiming 2 + 2 = 3 and then you say "No its four"

    The other things in that same category are 'more ammo' - completely useless given how often you can find ammo packs. If you lone wolf it and run outta ammo its completely w/e (and I do it all the time and have chosen cheap and effective nanoweave over it)

    Shield regen, which is only good for really long distance firefights, which are pointless because you will be ducking your head what 2 more seconds? It rarely effects the outcome of a 1v1 in medium range and in medium to close you will never see its benefits, you either kill or get killed.

    extra explosives is for people who want to spam more, and in those cases just run back to the sunderlord you just spawned from anyway
  11. Littleman

    For taking a bonus that provides me ONLY one extra bullet of life at 10% or even 25%...

    I don't get to have my shields regen 2.5 seconds sooner.

    I don't get to carry one or two extra grenades.

    I don't get to carry 120-160/50-200 extra rounds of ammunition (weapon dependant.)

    I don't get to reduce the damage a grenade deals to me, effectively reducing it's kill radius.

    Oh yes, that ONE extra bullet of health is so totally worth it with TTKs in the .5 seconds range minimum... for the initial 1 (or is it 10?) cert point(s.) The other some odd hundred certs worth of Nanoweave armor would only be useful at extreme long range... maybe. In the perfect world, nanoweave would be THE cert... this isn't the perfect world. Rounds will miss due to a variety of factors. You can't seriously say you notice that one round difference when server lag alone won't let you know your target is dead until you've easily spent a few extra rounds shooting at a dead but still standing target.
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  12. RykerStruvian

    In comparison to other available infantry upgrades, what are the disadvantages to having +25% health?

    IMO, there is no point in any other certification. Having a larger health pool, regardless of how many extra bullets, is beneficial over anything else because the others are meaningless if you're dead. At least the health bonus prevents you from dying. Thats right, it helps you from DYING. It doesn't recharge shields, it doesn't give you more ammo, it helps prevent DEATH.

    It's not a hard concept. A dead soldier is a useless soldier. Anything that helps you live longer in all situations, because you have 25% extra health, is the best in every situation.
  13. BuzzCutPsycho

    People really are grasping for straws here when it comes to defending Nanoweave's presence in game. Like Ryker here said there is no downside to it.
  14. Fortress

    I don't know what game you guys are playing, but faster shield regeneration, less damage from grenade spam, or extra ammo has always looked pretty damned tempting to me. I'm at the point where the only reason I'm using nanoweave is because I dumped a ton of cert points into it before evaluating its effects, and I don't want to spend any certs on a category I have already "filled", so to speak.

    That said, I wouldn't complain about decreasing the cert cost of the bandoliers or increasing the flak armor % mitigation, as nanoweave is currently the best "bang for the buck" cert.
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  15. Tenebrae Aeterna you're basically saying,

    This one upgrade irks me than all the other upgrades, so remove this upgrade from the game even though it is one of the least game changing upgrades you can get!

    I'll just assume that you're a bit young BuzzCutPsycho
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  16. VKhaun

    I certed +10% hp on all my characters right away because it's clearly the most efficient way to quickly fill the suit slot.

    I almost never win by 10%. I pretty much want to say it's never happened, but I can't be 100% sure. I do however very often die instantly to frag grenades (more often friendly than enemy...). I think I'll go back and get the 15% flakk armor for everyone and see if that saves me sometimes.
  17. Alduin

    1) Shield Regen doesn't help when you are getting shot by a guy who is drilling a hole in your head
    2) Nades more often then not employed in the clusterfcks and you can just run back to the sundy if you wanna throw as many as possible
    3) Just find an ammo pack...
    4) Its not like there is a bright red indicator telling you GRENADE HERE -_-
    5) Against players that I know are good the extra hp wins me the 1v1 now and then and ALWAYS saves me from snipers it seems (and we all know how many of those there are sitting in back doing absolutely nothing :p)
  18. Trysaeder

    Make it default for everybody at a lower value or remove it.
  19. Wip_Race

    It's all about what else you could have. This game isn't about the first gunfight you have, it's about all of them. Having your shield regenerate faster will save your life more times than having 25% more health, simply because having your shield back up is 500 hp verses 125 hp from the nanoweave.
  20. Locke

    If two guys stand right on each other and fire into each other at exactly the same time with weapons of equal DPS then having nanoweave armour level 5 would confer a tiny advantage. If you think about it when you factor in the shield its approx 12.5% overall difference on a sub 3 second timeframe kill. I really don't think its worth worrying about.
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