Nano-Weave Armor is bad for this game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. BuzzCutPsycho

    It's a flat 25% increase to HP and is overwhelmingly superior to all other options in it's category. Why wouldn't I want it? It makes me 25% more durable than a brand new player and puts me at an immediate advantage over somebody who doesn't have it.

    In addition to all of that nano-weave throws the TTK in this game off balance. I can legit tell when somebody is wearing that armor or isn't.

    My suggestion? Remove it and refund the points. A flat HP increase is not something that should be in this game.
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  2. Luft

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  3. Metalsheep

    You do know that 25% more HP is less than 2 extra bullets, right?

    They tested it in Beta, level 2 Nano lets you take 1 more bullet from any gun. Levels 3-5 dont give you enough extra HP to take another shot.

    Some people say it lets you take a Bolt Driver headshot and live, but im not sure if that is true or not.
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  4. Tobias

    LOL. Nanoweave is the most useless cert. Players have 500 base HP. Fully certed into nanoweave gives you 625. Individual bullets from guns do somewhere around 125-200 damage according to data some people pulled from the game files. Nanoweave is kind of okay as a first level cert wonder, it will allow you to survive getting shot by one extra bullet, but if you can think of a situation where that would have actually mattered then you're a lucky man. The thing is that even if you spend ALL THOSE CERTS, you'll still only be able to survive just one extra bullet. That's a huge waste.

    Mostly I go for the one that reduces shield recharge time, and regenerating shields will save you multiple times in a single firefight.

    If the TTK was much higher, yes nanoweave could be a problem. As it is, it's never going to save you. The only things in this game that can save you are good positioning and dead aim.
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  5. Beautiful Lies

    Yep change it or take it out imo.
  6. palerider777

    Actually i disagree 100%

    its not as useful for many classes as flak armor and the shield recharge boost are. For example for Max the flack armor is devastatingly awesome since it protects u from all explosives be it rocket launchers or tank shells. Also as medic shield recharge is a solid option it gets you back into the heal and revive game faster even more so then the hp boost and those are just 2 examples.

    Further more the HP boost is a must for the resist shield, if you take it out then you might as well remove resist shield from the game it won't have a point.

    Lastly who the heck uses TTK in this game? The day i see 2 people stop stand still and fire at each other like line infantry is the day i rely on irrelevant data like TTK.
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  7. BuzzCutPsycho

    It's a flat 25% increase in HP and makes you flat out 25% better statistically to an opponent without it. You can't in any way shape or form defend it.

    Remove it.
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  8. BuzzCutPsycho

    The fact that it's a "must" in your own words pretty much supports my reasoning for removing it. Thank you for agreeing with me!
  9. IshanDeston

    Why not?

    Betaplayer here. I only use 1st point nanoweave because for 1 cert points its the best suit modification. That said, the number of times it actually makes you survive are barely noticable. Ask yourself how often did you really end up within just 1 bar of your life.

    As soon as you cert into suit modifications any other is more useful than nanoweave. The only class i found it useful for is the heavy assault.
  10. Garfboy

    I think he already did defend it. Being able to take 1 or 2 more bullets seems just fine. Depending on your playstyle, the armor regen can be epic - especially as a medic. Different options for different classes.
  11. Luft

    Because it's not a sidegrade, it's an upgrade. There is no downside.
  12. JP_Russell

    Perhaps as a heavy with your shield ability activated (which may be the case with or without the nanoweave armor, not sure), but otherwise, it shouldn't. Bolt-action sniper rifles deal 750 damage, most classes have 500 health and 500 shields (infiltrators have 400 shields), and a headshot has a 2x multiplier, which comes to 1500 damage. Nanoweave only increases health to 625 when maxed out, for a total of 1125 hit points.
  13. palerider777

    Ask some one who studied statistics for years in college, I ask you to please stop abusing statistics. It does not make you flat out 25% better that is simply put a lie. Furthermore you lie again by not giving the real value of the 25% which equates to a hit from 1-2 bullets. Point being unless you have a way to reduce the damage you take (resist shield) or you are up against some one with an extremely slow firing weapon (bolt action slow) then it gives you no advantage what so ever.
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  14. Alduin

    Flak armor isn't too bad for engineers that want to repair their vehicle in combat. The game is currently dominated by infantry combat though so 25% flat is more or less the best overall option.

    I'll take an extra bullet to the face over extra clips/etc. anyday (although the level of stupidity of engineers and ammo confounds me)

    Also yes the extra health routinely saves me from dbag snipers
  15. Tobias

    Except it doesn't make you 25% better. It doesn't even make you 1% better. This isn't an mmo where "tanking damage" is a thing. You get shot and you die in 0.5 seconds, whether you're wearing nanoweave or not. I've never had trouble killing someone because they had too much health, any time I've died in a 1v1 situation it's because they surprised me or I didn't manage my recoil/bloom efficiently and missed.

    It may give you an extra 125 HP, but it never ever makes a single bit of difference in the game.
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  16. Garrix

    It does, at least at extreme ranges. Max rank leaves you with 1-2 bars. Saved me a time or two I know for a fact.
  17. palerider777

    Oh i see you have poor reading comprehension here let me correct that. A "must" for resist shield users. This is because the resist shield is based on your HP rather then a second health bar. furthermore the resist shield can only be used by heavy assaults and even then its not as popular as the NMG.

    Thank you for proving yourself uninformed. Which pretty much supports my argument that people should not listen to you
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  18. Plunkies

    You could make a good argument that every single other option is better than nanoweave armor.
  19. IshanDeston

    Yeah, but its just not really that much of one. It sounds like its much, but it isn't. Compared to the other solutions its rather inferior.

    Having your shield regenerate much faster is so much more powerful, especially since you shouldn't get health damage anyway. You should be doing your best to avoid it at all costs.
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  20. Littleman

    Weaponry in general either does 148 damage or 167 damage a shot.

    The consensus is that infantry have a pool of 1000 hit points: 500 to shields, 500 to health. This is reinforced by the fact that between the datamined statistics, and the number of shots to kill with a gauss rifle and either the Pulsar or the Cycler. 6, 7, and 7 respectively.

    Gauss = 167 damage.
    167 x 6 = 1002 damage, enough to kill a guy. Another 125 health - that's 25% more on top of just the 500 hp - will save them for one additional round. 10% hp is good enough to cover that.

    Cycler/Pulsar x 7 = 1036, enough to kill the guy. Another 125 health will save them only from a single, extra bullet.

    Now, if we're talking horrendously long distances where damage fall off is an issue on top of CoF inaccuracy, recoil control, and aiming ahead/above the target appropriately, MAYBE that 25% hp will be advantageous over say, tier 1's 10% in sparing someone yet another round, but overall, ******** about this is as ignorant as it gets. For the cost, it's a good newb cert with an immediate, arguably flat increase of one extra round survivability that remains that way regardless if one has spent 1 cert in it, or over 500, at most engagement ranges.

    Quicher*****in'. It's fine. The advanced shield capacitor is more game changing in terms of power creep.
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