Nano-Weave Armor is bad for this game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. KodiakX

    There's no situation in the game where 25% additional HP doesn't apply. That's the point. Carrying additional resources (ammo, grenades, etc) are all temporary and situational benefits.

    Trying to make the argument that no choice is strong only strengthens the point that's trying to be made. When no choice in particular is strong, it's the choice that works in every scenario that becomes a clear and direct upgrade.

    Nanoweave isn't the only suit that provides benefit but it is the best one that works in every scenario. The lethal radius on explosions is still the same on nearly every kind of explosion with Flak Armor or without. If you survived two grenade radius explosions with Flak Armor you'll live in Nanoweave. The difference is you can go from eating the radius of one Grenade into a firefight with bullets and keep the same advantage the entire time with Nanoweave and Flak Armor you can't.

    Something that's best in every situation is bad. Something that forces you to choose what advantage you want is good.
  2. Village

    Any level of nanoweave increases your lifetime consideribly. You take 4 instead of 3 scout rifle hits. You'll survive one extra pistol bullet from the high powered pistols. Many weapons were balanced to do JUST enough damage after a certain number of bullets to take away 1000 health. Spending 1 cert for nanoweave 1 negates the balance of those weapons.
  3. nella

    Made me lol. He's a raging turd and needs to relax both IG and on the forums.
  4. Curze

    nanoweave is just 25% more hp
    since your life is measured by hp + shield, its actually a 12,5% direct increase of survival

    NMG is essentially another layer of shield, hence its a direct 33% survival increase, good in all situations

    Resist Shield extends the life of both your shield and hp by 50%, so its a direct 50% survival increase, but loses steam when you arent at full life and shields

    bottomline: nanoweave armor is the worst of all 3
  5. Danyewl

    Why does everyone think Buzz just rages all the time...
    He's actually a chill guy and can really help you out.
  6. Babylon Rocker

    finally someone who bases his post on observation rather than on simple number crunching, did the same in beta when SOE shove the cert point up our collective *****, used it for 1 day on lvl 5 and went back to Shields....
  7. IshanDeston

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are more effective with faster shield regeneration. In a situation where you fight in Mid and Long ranged battles. Ducking in cover and having shields recharge to full and poping up. The guy that picked nanoweave has 1-2 healthbars more than you, which is as we pointed out 1 to 2 bullets, will not have regenerated his shields. You suddenly don't just have 1 or 2 healthbars more than the other guy, but your shields are full. That alone makes you tear through him.

    Same goes from darting from cover to cover. Charging across a place, hunkering down and waiting for your shields to come back, is a common situation. Cutting the time down as drastically as you can, allows you to put much more pressure on the enemy and doesn't leave you as long vunerable. Sometimes you have people push back at you and suddenly the enemy comes around.

    If you pick the ultity item to speed up your health regeneration, you can run over there, hunker down, start your health regeneration and your shields will come up quickly too. You will be much faster back in the fight than someone that could take another bullet.

    True, you might not make the next cover without the health regeneration, but as soon as your fight is about poping from cover and taking shots, you will be able to keep much more pressure on people with the shield regeneration. Even more so because your shields will be back to full before theirs even start to regenerate (assuming we talk about max cert).

    Flak armor on the other hand allows you to keep defending much more easily without needing to fear tank shelling as much. Even more so if you are Anti Air infantery or get pounded by anti air.

    Wearing Flak armor at max level allows you to run through a Tank bombardement of the spawn room, unless they got an Anti Infantery turret. At which point you should spawn a bit away and bring a real tank. He'll eat that one in one go with barely taking any damage. Having 1 more healthbar doesn't get you out of that spawn room, now does it allow you to give a Rocket at the tank as heavy assault. Reducing the explosion damage by 50% is much more worth than another healthbar, if you plan to fight against explosive users.

    Once we get to the point where betties, claymores and all the other explosives are more readily available you also will see that a Flak armor that allows you to survive a claymore is much more useful than Nanoweave. Those additional 25% won't make you survive stepping into an anti personal mine. The Flak armor at max level does.
    • Up x 1
  8. Revanmug

    The fact that you don't know that nanoweave will save your live again bolt action at certain range with a sliver of health is aweful and you should be ashame of it. Your worse enemy is yourself aka counter sniper. Shield regen ain't that great against those because the question is who spots first. And with the bright colorful tracer, it's quite easy to spot people...

    Nanoweave give you a chance to survive sniper HS and come back. Shield regen won't. That alone is a huge benefice.
  9. Gabba202

    It's obvious that the OP not being able to kill people is nanoweave armour's fault, not his own. I wonder how many 1v1s he has lost vsing someone without nanoweave but thought they actually had it.
  10. BuzzCutPsycho

    I laughed at this a lot. Thanks for that. :)

    The amount of people who can't see how or why 25% extra HP is bad for this game is a bit telling of not only the community's intelligence level but also their skill level.

    It's all been said already - Nanoweave has no downside, useful is all situations, in no way a side-grade when compared to other "options" and is overall forcing players who wish to be competitive into that armor choice. Sure you don't have to use it but you also didn't have to use magnum rounds in BF:BC2 either, right?
  11. On1onKn1ght

    Are you joking? Have you never watched BCP play?
  12. DarkPerfection

    See it's posts like this that contribute nothing and just ooze the stupidity of individuals. Buzz may have not expanded on exactly what he meant but plenty of other ppl have.

    The problem with nanoweave is that it's good in every situation, the rest of the options are situational even the quicker shield regen.

    1.) The extra ammo will only really help in extremely long assaults with no engineers or if your going lone wolf.
    2.) Flak Armor only really reduces the death radius like others said and is in itself nanoweave armor but only helping vs grenades and not other sources of dmg as well.
    3.) Grenade Bandolier may help if there is a lot of armor incoming and you are using anti vehicle nades.
    4.) Advanced Shield Capacitor is the most all round of the situational suits being that it can be helpful with defending and attacking as it's most useful in long lasting battles but nanoweave will effectively do the same thing as while your shields are healing up you most likely have a medic healing you back up.

    No one is saying that the other options are bad but they're situational as they should be, nanoweave isn't really situational as it can be useful during all those same scenarios and render somewhat same results and doesn't punish you if you happened to use the "wrong" suit in your situation.

    The thing is we all know how precious certs are, nanoweave is just the obvious choice because of it's low initial cost and it's usefulness in all situations, it's not right that if you were to invest certs in an alternative suit that your punished in situations where that suit isn't useful while nanoweave is either somewhat-very useful in all the same situations.

    I personally would choose the suit that has more uses but isn't as strong vs the suit that may be a little stronger number wise but can only be used in one or two scenarios.
  13. Archlyte

    I like the RPG element of being able to become slightly tougher if I work toward that end. It's not a big enough difference to warrant removing it or nerfing it.
  14. PrincessFrosty

    With regard to level of Nanoweave helping, a lot of people are saying level 5 is worthless because you can't survive more than 1 more bullet. If anyone is willing to investigate, it would be interesting to test the following:
    • Does it really only increase "health"? Was this inferred from the description only, is that description accurate?
    • Are there any combined scenarios of body/head shots doing different amount of damage that allow you to survive 2 hits?
    • How does the HA shield which mitigates damage factor in to this? Does it allow more bullet hits between Nanoweave levels?
    I think the assumption that bullets do X damage and so you can survive Y bullets is too basic, you're not shot at by just 1 person, you take damage from all sorts of things, grenades, explosives, falling etc...I think there's room for a great number of circumstances where you've taken damage already and that difference between level 1 and 5 can add up to another additional bullet.
    And yes, you can survive 1 sniper shot to the head with 2 bars of health left at level 5, I've had this happen several times on my main HA character.
  15. PersonalRiot

    Please let this thread die. It has already been discussed to death, nanoweave is a good level 2 investment and beyond that at 3+ there is much better choices for armours. It isn't 25%, it is 12.5% and overall has very little impact on the game in the grand scheme of things.
  16. ghnurbles

    A new player only has to spend 1 cert to get 10%, but I agree that Nano-weave has a bad effect on the game:
    • It isn't displayed cosmetically, so it makes it impossible to judge TTK from just looking at a player.
    • It wrecks guns such as the Scout Rifles - I have been killed by someone with 2 bars of health left while using the Nyx a ridiculous number of times.
    Nano-weave needs to come with a drawback, at the moment it's far too strong compared to the other Suit slot options.
  17. Gabba202

    Skill level? I'm sure mines fine, i'm roaming around with 4 KD can't say i'm doing bad. 25% of base health is not that much of an advantage, in fact it's negligible seeing as everyone is saying it takes only 1 extra bullet at max level, and for the amount of certs you have to put into it to max i don't see how it's that big of a problem.
    Are you serious? Am i meant to see everyone on youtube?
    The suitability of other choices has come down to your own opinion. In fact all of them are suitable in every situation. When you choose one over the other you are always gaining and losing something (choosing shield over losing extra health), once again, i believe it's negligible as the max health increase is not all that much.
  18. Uben Qui

    They are in error. 25% is the same as that stock shield everyone gets. How many times have you been hit by a burst to see that it only took your shield down? THAT is the equivalent of what the Nanite armor is. Both are 25%.

    Buzz is barking up a tree. They will not change it. Too many have bought it and it is a done deal that they do not need to revisit. 25% health is not a big enough issue to warrant them making balancing headaches for themselves at this point. If we are worried about it giving something above the new player we are looking at more than this for changes.. A literal pandora's box is opened when they make a change based on what the new player has available compared to the vet.

    On the second part.. Bandoliers, Flak armor and Shield capacitors have their uses. At the cost of what is shaping up to be the standard expenditure for Nanite. It leans towards utility rather than an A or B comparison.
  19. Mightyhalo

    This is just a cry thread from someone who invested in shields or something else and now wants the other option nerfed. Pathetic.
  20. UberBonisseur

    Nanoweave isn't broken because it gives +25% life at max level, it's broken because it gives +10% at LEVEL 1

    Also, composite for ESFs