Air is the only thing that doesn't fear its counter.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Cyropaedia

    Nah. Reclaimer77 made a comment about urinating into my mouth in this thread. He's psycho.

    I've reported it to RadarX.
  2. Reclaimer77

    Are you just pretending to be 12 now? That is a very common expression, and most definitely does NOT mean I want to do that to you.
  3. Cyropaedia

    I've PM'd RadarX. I might send copies to Dexella and devs. It's a disgusting expression. They will decide on your fate.
  4. Cyropaedia

    Sending copies to Dexella and PS2 devs.
  5. Booface

    The problem is that it takes a ton more people and resources to deny air in an area. Even with 3 Skyguards, a Lib can simply use cover to fly over, kill one, and retreat behind a hill to repair before taking lethal damage. Hell, I've both seen and been in comp-armor Libs that could smash two out of four Skyguards in one pass using cover. So unless you field 4+ dedicated people to counter a single Lib, plus at least a few more that are partially dedicated (like AA guns, lock-ons, etc.) you get whittled down pretty quickly.

    And this is where it gets nasty. Because a Lib can fly off, repair, and rejoin the fight. Or it can fly off and find another fight. But those 4+ Skyguards are absolutely useless at anything but staring at the now empty sky. Considering a Lib or a pair of Libs can quickly bounce around between 4 hexes in less than a minute (and that's being conservative, I think it could be half a continent with a decent Lib pilot), and at each hex you might have 4+ Skyguards being pulled to counter. Over the Lib's entire range of influence, you're talking 16 or more people to counter even just 2 in a Lib. Not even counter, just deter and slow down their kill count.

    And, since those Skyguards are so useless at anything else, they will shortly get eaten up on the battlefield, or get bored staring at empty skies for 5 minutes between lightly annoying a Lib enough so it only gets a few kills per pass instead of dozens.

    They'll either die or ditch their Skyguard, and the Libs will return to smash the undefended hex. After enough smashing, someone else will sigh and pull a Skyguard and subject themselves to a certain span of time of no fun and general ineffectiveness.

    Honestly I'd be fine if Skyguards were kept as ineffective versus air as long as they were made fun in non-anti-air situations. Make them decent anti-infantry or anti-something so that if you get stuck on Skyguard duty at least you can do something fun in the minutes that the Lib gives you to cool off.
  6. FateJH

    That is not a common expression. I don't even think it'd count as an uncommon expression.
  7. Klabauter8

    If you pull a Skyguard for just a single Lib then you also don't have to wonder if you waste your certs. Just pull Sundy instead. They are always usefull and also can deter air very well with the right weapons. Hell, even if multiple people would pull MBTs or Harrassers with a Basilisk or whatever would be already enough. Skyguards are only really good if you know there is a lot of air around for quite a while.
  8. Tycoh

    "Oh! My rice film thick skin! I need every developer and moderator to know how much emotional pain i'm in!" Grow a backbone and quit pussyfooting about. Plus get back on topic.

    As for the OP, once the new ANT building system comes out i have feeling that the air game will be drastically handicapped by the massive amounts of AI assisted AA turrets players will be placing up across the continent. I know i surely will be doing that.
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  9. Cyropaedia

    Reclaimer77 has a pattern of purely vitriolic comments and personal attacks. He degrades every discussion he participates in into a cesspool of verbal assaults. I am simply reporting his behavior in violation of the Forum Guidelines.

    This behavior should not be tolerated and must be immediately addressed. It verges on cyber bullying (he may attack someone else - a teenage newbie without recourse).
  10. Cyropaedia

    I think spirited debate with cussing and other theatrics is fine. I was mum about my encounters with him. Today, I came to the realization that his comment on urinating into my mouth bordered - if not, was - cyber bullying.
  11. Savadrin


    And this SJW hurt feelings stuff is just weird. Grow a set.
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  12. Cyropaedia

    What is weird? Reclaimer77 making a statement about urinating into your mouth or reporting it? lol.
  13. Doombunny

    Oh quit being such a victim and get back on topic. No wonder you're such a skyknight.
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  14. zuka7

    This video proves nothing. It took forever to kill two esf's and and they nearly killed the max. That max appears to be alone in the open field, plus video cuts off as the 3rd reaver started shooting and probably killed that max. You can tell that those esf's are not afraid of one deterant. This is why flak needs to be buffed. LOL
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  15. Savadrin

    It's a 30 second clip. I am the MAX, with one friend in a harasser. FYI, the harasser and engineer died, the MAX did not. I had already killed 3 reavers and I got one more in that field solo before getting in the new harasser and leaving. We died to random tank mines after the rest of the air left the area.
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  16. zuka7

    30 seconds to deter one esf and kill two is a long long time for one max in the open field. It should take like 8 seconds to do that.
  17. FateJH

    Most of the time to destroy the ESFs was target acquisition. (He completely failed to lead that first target.)
    Only losing half health against targets that are actually shooting back at you, at least one with weapons that should be really good against you (see below), is pretty decent.
    0:11 shows the evidence of being repaired and you can see him being repaired at the end of the video and even has the name of the Engineer with him. End of video shows flank of Harasser that, by the looks of it, suggests being used for further AA support by its mounted weapon, and the MAX couldn't have possibly driven it.
    He is uncharacteristically open. He and Aasvirat must have been driving along and stopped because the moment looked convenient. If they did die next, would be entirely their fault for such prolonged exposure.

    That first reaver he kills and the one shooting at it him from behind seem to be using Hornets based on the amount of damage they inflict. By comparison, that second Reaver he somehow doesn't realize is looking dead his direction before correcting his targets is using normal rocket pods. Hornets are actually very effective weapons against armor, MAXes included.
  18. Savadrin

    I'm a terrible infantry mans, MAXes included, fully admit that. But still, just a couple of us were able to make a dent in the bad pilots flying around and eventually we were persistent enough to make them just go elsewhere.

    Also, your dissection in the video is spot on. We didn't have too much opportunity to use the Walker on the Harasser as well because I was taking significant damage at times. We also used a dual walker sundy which eventually died to a Vanguard.
  19. LodeTria

    There is a friendly sky guard also with you which you can hear & see on the mini-map and even drives in front of you at one point.
  20. Gundem


    This thread is going swimmingly.

    this thread is the reason I reap people