Butcher and Godsae buffed or Betel nerfed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Collin, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Scorpion97

    I see lots of people agree on improving the butcher rather than nerfing the BG,guess we all have something to agree at
  2. Noooooch

    I want an underbarrel chaingun on my Butcher
  3. Collin

    I am not so sure about that!

    I would start giving the BG an ammo pool and fix the heatmechanic that if you have something else in your hand it does not cool down.
  4. Noooooch

    I do think that the Betelgeuse should have an overheat animation so all players can see he's overheated. I'm indifferent about it being able to cooldown while other weapons are wielded/selected. It's a nice feature to have.
  5. Scorpion97

    No man,it's a VS trait
  6. GeeBee

    On Infantry there is a major balance issue between the VS and the other factions. .75 ADS and Ease of Use of weapons is rediculously powerful. The faction imbalance has created a Demographic imbalance of elitist or wannabe elitists Migrating towards vanu and farming specifically to get the Battlegoose.

    Example - Overall faction organization, on Connery I have witnessed almost the entire VS population dump on a single base / lattice time and time again. Very Rarely does this happen with the other factions, usually command chat is just arguing about which base to dump on and its never decided and we split forces.

    Combine that with 3 point bases that are farm havens, that if ever captured result in a near endless supply of kills when the opposing faction has to take it. I would like to see an experiment of 3 point bases being reduced to 2 points and the freebie (usually A point) being changed to an SCU that is vulnerable at half cap. The 20 minute capture times of 2 points is way too long, and managing to touch 3 points and getting a 7 minute timer still gives the defending faction too much time to dump population on it. If you look at the stats of many leaderboard players they have very few attacks and a lot of defenses, the game has been biased too far in favor of the defender at many bases.

    Oh yea ES Directive LMG's so the Orion has 50 rounds, the battlegoose has 65 with ammo regen. The Gauss Saw has 100 Round capacity, the Godsaw has 65? Somehow the minor buffs it gets demands it has 35 rounds removed from the magazine? The main imbalance is one faction being rewarded an "end game" weapon where the others get side grades.

    Addressing these issues is in your best interest Daybreak as you're already losing customers.

    Also Battle hardened implants, please remove, thank you in advance.
  7. Collin

    now you are really not contructive ;)

    Air - VS trait
    Fire - VS trait
    Water - VS trait
    Earth - VS trait

    killing the game - VS purpose
  8. Isokon

    I like how the beginning of your post is a response to its end.

    That aside, I was in favour of the BG having an ammo pool, simply because the unlimited ammo screws with engineers. It also inflates the KPH because you don't have to stop killing to look for ammo.
  9. Scorpion97

    So much for a constructive arguement :p
  10. Scorpion97

    It's not like you see EVERYONE around you running with heat mechanic weapons,they are only hard earned 3 weapons (eclipse,darkstar and BG)
  11. 0fly0

    I have the solution for TR heavy:


    Edit: also if tr don't love their weapons can i have the default cycler, i'm tired of having to reroll tr when i want to play medic.
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  12. dmine243

    After getting killed by the Betleguese for the zillionth time on Connery (Connery VS use Orion and BG so much I'm pleasantly surprised if I am killed by any other VS LMG) and threads like these, I've decided to contribute what ideas I can come up with for making NC and TR directive LMGs better and competitive with the Betleguese.

    I've used the Godsaw a bit and I can say that though it's a fun and unique gun, it's lacking compared to the Betleguese. I feel kinda sorry for the TR and their Butcher. 50 extra rounds in the mag? That's it? For auraxing 5 TR LMGs you get a Carv with 50 extra bullets in the mag? Come on DBG, you can do better. Or maybe we, the community, can.

    Below are some ideas I've come up with for making the directive LMGs better.

    GODSAW: SuperCharge

    When firing the Godsaw, excess magnetic charge builds up. After "X" number of rounds are fired, say 15-20 for example, the Godsaw's charge meter is filled. Once fully charged, you can then press "1" or "B" to activate SuperCharge. The next time you fire the Godsaw SuperCharge becomes active. This "excess magnetic charge" is expended over the course of a short period of time, say 5-7 seconds. While SuperCharge is active, your bullet velocity is increased to 700m/s and firerate to 600RPM with no extra recoil penalty. Once SuperCharge has been expended, it'll have to be re-charged by normal Godsaw use. SuperCharge can be held across reloads. Meaning that if you fill the SuperCharge meter, don't use it, and reload, it'll still be ready to go upon completing reload. BUT if you reload while SuperCharge is charging, you lose your charge and have to start over. This sticks with the NC's mantra of ingenuity and working around problems, i.e. slow firerate, to still be as effective as Terrans and Vanu.

    Butcher: Overdrive

    I don't know if the Butcher is less accurate than the Carv. I heard that this was the case a while back, along with the Butcher having more recoil. If so, make Butcher accuracy and recoil = Carv accuracy and recoil with forward grip attached. Now the Butcher will have 2 firing modes. Fire mode one is your standard 750rpm lmg. Fire mode two is Overdrive. Overdrive has a short spin-up mechanic, like the chaingun, where the Butcher has it's rpm increased to 800 at max speed. While spinning up, recoil is increased and/or accuracy is reduced (Not sure which tradeoff would be appropiate here.). The initial shakiness due to higher recoil / lower accuracy in Overdrive smooths out to the same as standard fire the longer you fire it. Essentially what I'm trying to say here is that initially whilst getting to speed, Overdrive has more recoil and/or less accuracy than standard fire BUT over time the gun stabilizes. This change goes with the TR's extended-mag, high firerate trend. This also can fit in the lore as an experimental fusion of the Carv and Chaingun that got extremely popular among Terrans.

    Betleguese: Moar shiny?

    I honestly believe that the Betleguese is performing as good as it's ever gonna get. No changes here except cosmetics as described below.

    I'd also like to see the auraxium glow brighter and pulsate when the LMGs' unique features are used. So when SuperCharge is used on the Godsaw, it pulses bright blue and when Overdrive is used on the Butcher it pulses bright red. This can also be added to the Betleguese. When the Betleguese overheats it glows and pulses bright purple, indicating you need to let it cool down.

    So yeah, this is what I've been thinking about. Don't nerf the Betleguese down to Godsaw and Butcher level, give the Godsaw and Butcher unique mechanics that allow them to be competetive with the BG.
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  13. Scorpion97

  14. XanIves

    There is actually a fourth heat-mechanic weapon, cloaked in mystery and deception as it is. This, is its story.

    *quietly shuffles into the party, begins walking towards the cool heat-mechanic kids*

    "H-hey guys, my name is Phaseshift, can I hang out as well? I have a heat-mechanic as well!"

    Betelguse glances over. "Oh my god Phaseshift, go away".

    Darkstar sneers at Phaseshift. "Yeah, seriously nobody likes you".

    "You've never been called OP in your life, scrub". Betelguse said. "Nobody outside of Vanu even knows you exist".

    Phaseshift leaves the party soon afterward, tears streaming from his eyes in short bursts, (with appropriate cooldowns), and vows to never be like those arrogant elites. He swore to himself that he would be the pacifist's weapon, to never be used to kill, and the only time he would ever be equipped would be after a scrub spends his first 1000 certs on a seemingly cool weapon, then abandons it for the Beamer instead.

    Plz buff phaseshift.
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  15. Naphemil

    uhhh, how about when someone fires all 49 of his bullets, he still looses time due to the heat mechanic reload so don't play it off like there is NO down time for this weapon. if you reload every time you get off a fight with a 150 round mag then you're either stupid or think this is CoD, like seriously, trying to use the whole 'I can't have what they have so I'm gonna whine about it' excuse is quite unpleasant.

    If you can't see that haveing a 400+ mag is basically BETTER than the heat mechanic than you're either too far gone on your hate train or just plan dumb. You can fire 400+ ***** IN SUCCESSION while a BG can only fire 49. With an engy every now and again you basically have unlimited ammo so don't try to play that off as nothing. And I love killing a max with my LMG, the best feeling is outplaying a bad max player and decimating him with a quick rocket shot and lmg fire because you know, maxes can still die from fire arms... its crazy, I know... don't even bring up the chain gun, two heavies with the chaingun can destroy maxes.

    Like I said, you knock on that huge buff before you even realize it's potential and yet continue to say it would be worse than the BGs heat mechanic.... get off the hate train and maybe try and suggest some buffs for your under performing directive weapons before you go nerf calling like the rest of the VS haters.
  16. SuperTrooperWaterloo

    if you cant manage the VS heat mechanic then i cant help you, the regen is so fast, its rly easy. you should never ever be in a situation where you use ALL of the heat mechanic until the auto reload starts, thats bad.

    no sry i cant see your 400+ mag idea being good or useful, and as it seems the whole meta playerbase cant see it either. they all tend to use the automatic weapons with less bullets, more accuracy and damage. your idea is crap and noone needs it, dont you see how many people use the t7-chaingun or the butcher? 0? yeah, thats how many people like to use big mags.
    the answers you need why its a bad perk are in the current game and the current meta weapons.

    go away with it, every TR will throw it back in your face if you offer them another MUCH BULLETS DAKKA trait.
  17. Scorpion97

    didn't mention it becosuse simply no one uses it
  18. Naphemil

    I've never used the betel because I refuse to grind the lmgs to get it and I'm skilled enough where I really don't need it so yea.

    400+ bullet mag is basically a buffed heat mechanic so yea if you can't see how good that would actually be than you're blind to anything short of a full blown vanu nerf. It's not my idea, I just took it from an earlier post because it was interesting to me. You're a negative person, obviously since all you seem to do is nerf call and complain in the face of potential buffs. It's really sad that you've jumped on the 'nerf vanu' bandwagon.
  19. Scorpion97

    if you don't like your trait,go and play other factions or quit the game
  20. Isokon

    Actually, the T7-Chaingun is the third most used Heavy Weapon for TR behind the CARV and the MSW-R.