Too many heavy assaults

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VonStalin, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. WarmasterRaptor

    You are already suppose to ambush HA when you play Infiltrator and Light assault... you are NOT supposed to attack them head on...

    Every time I fail my surprise attack or flanking, I either blame the hitreg or my aim, not the shield, because it's just 5 bullets more to kill.

    If you can't squeeze 5 more bullets with your combat advantage, I have bad news for you...
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  2. Xasapis

    There is already an inherent delay in the game. What you propose will pigeonhole Heavies in one shield type. It's a really really bad idea.

    Can you imagine the rocket spam vs infantry if that comes to pass?
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  3. WarmasterRaptor

    Either they keep the shield as is with how "efficient" the netcode and server response are, or rework all the shields.
  4. patrykK1028

    Theres also thing called "fun".
    Its damn boring to play only one weapon, no matter how good it is.
  5. nuclearunicorn

    Heavy's all in the name.

    Engineers have mines, turrets, repair gun, more tools than any other class in the game. Light assault has a jet pack. Medics have a medic gun.'s almost like they all have their own separate and specific but critical roles...what does the heavy do? Soak up and deliver damage, thats it. That's what the shield is for, that's why they get the dumbfire rocket launcher to begin with.

    People asking to nerf the heavy shield have to realize that doing so would make the class irrelevant, might as well just scrap it because we got rid of the only reason to play it. If every other class can go head to head with the heavy why would anyone play it? The trait of the class is the you are HEAVY INF....HEAVVVYYYYYYYY.
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  6. Kociboss

    Why should "fun" exclude "effective"? These two features should be combined.

    Using copypasta weapon with new sprite isn't "fun". Now heat mechanic - Thats something refreshing.
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  7. QuantumSerpent

    Eh... they kind of are. They're the direct frontlines specialist. And I say this as someone who never plays HA.
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  8. Jackplays17

    Yup. This is my view on it. They are BUILT To win 1v1 engagements to their front. I can OWN Every HA I take on as LA, Because LA's are so maneuverable that I can get behind him and shoot him twice with my pump.
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  9. z1967

    I have a feeling that the reason HA is used is not because of the upfront combat advantage but the almost Unique ability to be very good at crowd control. The game's grand scheme is 90% numbers. In order to combat numbers you need crowd control. HA has two good tools for this, a shield and high magazine capacity weapons. No other class can access weapons with 50 rounds, much less weapons with 100 bullets in the magazine. This allows HA to be able to kill far more people per magazine, and live longer in the line of fire with their shield.

    Thus, HA is the best class because their ability is useful more frequently than any of the other Infantry classes. There will always be enemies. People won't always need ammo, assuming you haven't hit the xp cap yet (muldoon, pls). In order to heal or revive, people need to be injured or dead. In order to repair you need damaged MAXes and vehicles. Infil kinda got shoved to the side when they added sensor darts. I really don't know how to describe LA's unique issues without making an essay about it so lets just leave it at "LA is a problem prone class that doesn't scale well with battles." Killing things? Rarely am I ever not doing that. Giving one class a straight up advantage in this all encompassing realm was a bad idea.

    HA also has the inherent advantage of being incredibly versatile. The ability to deal with MAXes, Aircraft, Infantry, vehicles, and be able to heal yourself all in the same loadout is at least a little bit too versatile. Possibly splitting the class into two (Rocketeer and Heavy Assault) is an extreme, but plausible solution. Forcing a HA to choose between a LMG or a Launcher is a more reasonable solution imo.
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  10. MarkAntony

    Don't even try to insult me by trying to teach me how to handle HAs as LA or Infil. I know you are not supposed to attack them head on. Because unlike you I actually have decent experience with other classes.

    And my accuracy is better than yours so i can apparently do that better than you. And what a surprise this is coming form someone with 50% time spent as HA.

    How do you figure that? This wouldn't invalidate any shield type. What it would do is to actually require heavies to use their brain and apply situational awareness when using the shield instead of ti being an oh ****/ I win button.

    Yes he can. Heavy shield protects from OHK by sniper rifle. This doesn't have anything to do with Go or Checkers. It's a simple fact.
    And where did I ever say I wanted things to be the same. A delay like the devs were talking about wouldn't make everything the same.
  11. Anantidaephobia

    Maybe if NC and TR did have so high damage output, we wouldn't need this.
  12. BobSanders123

    TR Medic is OP, we have some of the best and most accurate assault rifles on top of self heal. Use that instead of hoovy.
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  13. JudgeNu

    This is just pure nonsense.

    If HA are front line attack class then everywhere they are is frontline?
    If I am a Combat Medic and a HA comes my way, is that not the front line?
    If I flank as an infiltrator should I have pulled a LA?

    This is just plain silliness.
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  14. K2k4

    the name implies that the class carries heavier weaponry. This does not make it the only class for front line combat. Heavier weapons like a lmg with more ammunition or the rocket launcher which is effective against vehicles. This makes sense logically. But neither the words "heavy" or "assault"
    Mean front line. If anything these words mean support artillery.

    As for roles in combat the heavy is the anti vehicle class. This notion is supported by its tool, the rocket launcher. The fact that it has been used so heavily as an anti infantry class is cause for concern from a balance standpoint.

    And before people jump on me that other classes have av potential, realize that other av roles are secondary to their respective classes.
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  15. Goretzu

    What is the % population of HA?

    By all objective measures it is usually about 20-25% which isn't far off what it would be if all classes were equal and way below Engineers and Medics.

    And what % population of HAs is "too high"?
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  16. Goretzu

    That just doesn't happen....... in fact it basically cannot happen. :confused:

    Either you're missing - which would be the same with any class.
    Hit detection is failing (again) - which would be the same with any class.
    Or you're lagging like mad - which would be the same with any class.
  17. Sulsa

    I've played this game for 2 years.
    I have never once been upset about this whole HA shield 'easy mode' silliness.

    Play the game.

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  18. patrykK1028

    You need to Auraxium 5 weapons to get heat mechanic.
    And you know that VS has only 1-2 good weapons in each class.
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  19. Xasapis

    I assume you know how shields work right? Just in case somebody on this thread doesn't:
    • The Nanite Mesh and the Adrenaline shield is what we call a reactive shield. In other words, you activate them after you start taking damage. If you activate them before, they weaken the more you have them on. In fact, if they are at, say 20%, they offer only 20% of the protection. At full capacity they offer 650 hps, but gets depleted the more it's on.
    • The Resist shield offers a 45% flat resistance regardless of the shield charge state. This is what we call a proactive shield, since you need to have it on before start taking damage, in order to apply the resistance to as much as health and normal shield possible.
    What would happen if you add a delay on all shields? It means that you are trying to make all shields proactive. Since only the Resist shield is actually proactive, it would be the only one worth taking, while the others would be worst options.

    Personally I would not be affected, since I use Resist anyway. However, effectively removing options from the HA, merely cheapens the game. Soon enough everything would be trimmed in such a sorry state, the whole game will be stale.
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  20. VonStalin

    Shield should not protect the head.

    Delay for shields would kill this class. Whole point of shield would be lost. It has to be the same, just not so strong.