Too many heavy assaults

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VonStalin, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. Shanther

    Or you know you can learn to aim better...
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  2. Xasapis

    From the official wiki:

    Their armor and shields can take more punishment than most other soldiers can, allowing them to dominate in direct close-quarters conflict where their heavy weapons are most effective. In addition to the survivability provided by the Reinforced Exosuit's defenses, Heavy Assault soldiers also have access to prototype Nanite Mesh Generators that temporarily reduce the velocity of incoming projectiles, decreasing their kinetic impact on the user. Though the experimental technology currently requires the user to remain momentarily stationary while the mesh is being formed, NMGs have shown themselves to be an integral component to the Heavy Assault's continued presence on the field.

    Heavy implies shield, not weaponry.
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  3. nehylen

    This description doesn't ring very true: in effect LMGs suffer from a single damage tier drop, like ARs which is more of a ranged weapon aspect, suck at hipfiring with very few exceptions (and only with LS/ALS, so not great at pure CQC), and they're only slightly worse in ADS mode than AR/Carbines. Actually their damage models limitations (nothing >750/143) don't really point them towards CQC.
    Also HAs may wield battle rifles.
    If that's supposed to be "close quarters conflict", i wonder what's not close quarters!

    CQC is going to be deadly against a HA because even bad hipfire won't make him miss much (or the overshield gives him time to ADS anyway) and you don't stand a chance at that range while having less effective hp gauge, absolutely not because the HA is truly fit for it, unless you have both a high dps weapon and the initiative (and/or the HA is really bad).
    In effect the only limitation of HAs, other than lack of access to higher dps LMG is that their move+stand CoF is not good. Otherwise, no real downsides.

    As mostly medic, yes it's annoying to run into HAs so often, but that's the name of the game i guess. Still, i'm a little upset every time i die and see the HA is left with only his health, as this means i should've won the fight had he been playing anything else. It's actually easier with an engineer (tricks -mines/autoturret- and better hipfire)
  4. Xasapis

    Lets put it this way then, do you get upset when dying to a heavy as a scout in TF2?
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  5. Copasetic

    Every class is a combat class in this game, there are no dedicated healers or anything like that. They're combat medics and combat engineers and light assault classes.

    I've got no problems with HA but lets not act like they're supposed to be the only "front line" class in the game. We're all on the front lines here.
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  6. FateJH

    Actually, it's just Engineer. Unlike the Medic, we don't get the privilege of having the word "Combat" tagged onto our job title.

    Besides, our main shtick is indirect engagement (through utilities and others).
  7. iller


    Also the reason there's so many of them is not just b/c they're good at 1v1. Medics /w reaper/carnage are amazing at 1v1s too. But ya don't see everyone from n00bs to tryhards running them nearly as much. The HA is just the most versatile of all the classes and the problem comes from the fact that this is one big team deathmatch. The objectives never focus on any other kind of gunplay or combat. The entire "progression system" is rambo in as fast as ya can and take as many dude with ya as ya can.

    Most people don't even realize that "Rocket Primary" would never had to have been adjusted in the first place if the Objectives, Win states, lattice Supply Lines, and everything else in the base Meta incentives of the game were better designed and executed.
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  8. nehylen

    I've played TFC a little some 15 years ago but never tried the sequel, i don't have the slightest clue about balance on it.
  9. I play by many names

    So you are bad and can't get head shots. OK.
  10. WarmasterRaptor

    Yes, I do wish wholeheartedly to insult you. :rolleyes: I do not know you nor how I could but it seems that it's my goal in my reply. :rolleyes:
    Care to be an adult please? ;)

    I also have experience with the other classes, as the remaining 50% seems to be shared with. :rolleyes:
    It just that they aren't as suited to counter the continual presence of vehicles as that class is suited to.
    You know, those things with armor ? That normal firearms can't damage efficiently? :confused:
    The guys shooting at that tank over there? Yeah, they help you not being killed by it. :eek:
    Oh, that sunderer over there from which the enemies are spawning from? They also kill it to win the battle.:eek:

    Crazy eh? :rolleyes:

    If your attitude towards me keep being an easily offended child, I'll be glad to add you to a list I enjoy adding individuals I find particularly annoying. I want nor have time anymore for the kind of people I put there.

    TL;DR : lol :rolleyes:
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  11. Bixli

    ... too much dd's around , we need more healers , mages & aggro-tanks. no wonder if there's one big wipe over wipe.
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  12. WarmasterRaptor

    Like I once got for a reply : "What kind of game do you thing this is?!?! :mad:"

    But yeah, I understand what you mean :p
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  13. Bixli

    ..isn't it CoD ?
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  14. WarmasterRaptor

    Call of Douchery? :p
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  15. iller

    After they nerfed the FAN too much, yes.... Otherwise the scout was a heavy bonking machine in pubs.
    You didn't even have go the b****boy route by using Sandman if you were sneaky enough and let physics do the rest
  16. OldMaster80

    Lol I mainly play Engineer, sometimes Infiltrator with the Trap M1 and HA do not represent a real problem.
    Every player pretending to engage a HA face to face 1 vs1 without taking him by surprise didn't understand a thing about Planetside 2. It's like pretending to take a Lightning and charge frontally a MBT.
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  17. p10k56

    So what is entire thread about?
    Infiltrator master race angry cos something has slight chance to survive its attack.
    And it is soooo terrible difficult to get behind somebody when one is so visibleo_O

    So which is next totally OP class?
    Medic, MAX maybe LA or maybeeeeeee..
    ..Spitfire cos this little bugger is lying deeply in guts of some local cloakers:rolleyes:
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  18. MarvinGardens

    I can kill heavies just fine with any class. Maybe not in a head to head 1v1 fight, but that just means you don't fight a heavy in a head to head 1v1 fight.

    When I play engineer I'm staying in the back of the line, setting up turrets, dropping mines, dropping ammo, and repairing MAXes. When I play Medic I'm among the front line, healing and rezzing, but not rushing solo headfirst into the enemy. As an infiltrator I am either far from the battle sniping, or sneaking around the front to hit the enemy line from behind, grenading clusters of enemy infantry and taking out lone targets of opportunity and support units. When I play Light Assault I use hit and run tactics, flying up to rooftops, taking potshots at the enemy and repositioning when they realize I'm there. Also good at spamming clusters of enemies with explosives.

    If I need to fight a heavy I hide around corners and ambush them, never face them head on. If my initial salvo fails, I retreat and try again later, or on another target. There are always plenty of targets.

    Every class has multiple roles and special abilities. In fact, you could argue that the HA is the class with the least variety of things they can do. All they can do is shoot stuff and take hits, shouldn't they at least have the weapons and abilities needed to shoot stuff and take hits? They aren't even that much harder to kill than any of the other classes. Might take a few more bullets or and extra shotgun blast to the face, but that's about it for their vaunted shield. If you ambush them they go down, if you ambush them and they don't go down, you may want to put in a few hours in VR to fix your bad aim. They are in no way OP, just specialized for frontline combat. If you see more of them than the other classes, that's just normal. They're the ones holding the frontline while the other classes flank or support them.

    Personally, I play Medic or Engineer primarily myself, sometimes Light Assault when I want to mess around. Heavy Assault are just too slow and limited in function for me. The only time I pull them is when I need to scare off air or armor units.
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  19. z1967

    The analogy doesn't transfer. HA isn't penalized heavily in movement speed for having bigger and better weapons. They don't have slow Hipfire to ADS speeds. HA also is a much smaller target than Heavy is. A better analogy would be a Battle Engineer v. a Soldier. Weaker improv class v. a dedicated forward combat class. The difference isn't subtle to those who play both games.
  20. Jackplays17

    HA Is not the "Best" Class. a few questions: Is HA The best at tower stomping? The best at taking enemies out as soon as they render in? Best pilot? Best Vehicle driver? Best Anti vehicle? For one or two of those. Yes. The rest no.
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