[Video] Banshee nerf - now on PTS

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Alarox

    I'm glad.
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  2. Villanuk


    Banshee,Vulan, Striker, Factuers, MSW, Carv,

    Shall i continue?
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  3. GoyoElGringo

    The banshee was clearly the best AI nose gun for actual AI purposes, so as long as it hasn't been over-nerfed it should still be good for AI. I suspect that the change will only make pilots with poor aim worse with the banshee, but those with good aim will still be tearing people up. My only concern is that the TTK will be too similar to the rocketpods. Since rocketpods are the more versatile weapon, they should be weaker against infantry than an AI nosegun.

    But whatever the case, the banshee will probably still be cheapest, and possibly best option for newer pilots who just want to get into the air and earn certs, so I doubt this nerf killed it.
  4. Blippy

    Vanu OP farming PPA gets absolutely butchered: "Haha look at all those Vanu tears."

    TR OP farming Banshee gets a comparatively lighter nerf: "Wow all the bads and QQers getting everything nerfed."
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  5. sL360

    I think I'm in love with that new sound. Hilarious sarcasm by the way. Got a good chuckle out of "Hot and Nobody" and the Mcdonalds.

    I don't fly much at all because when I try, I crash into the ground and attain more suicides, so the nerf doesn't really matter to me. At least the amount of 4th factioners on TR should go down...

    ...Until that planned MBT secondary weapons change hits the game. Banshee turret mounted on a Prowler? Forumside is gonna have a fit.
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  6. Ikarius77

    Well...good... and bad... :(

    They chosen the worst formula to nerf the banshee... why reduce splash ??, tone down damage, increase cof, increase damage drop off to reduce range, a huge magazine reduction... .. . but not, they reduce splash to turn it into another general nosecanon... .. . destroying the "main core", the "flavour" of the banshee, it's supposed to be an explosive cannon....

    come on SOE, please, try to make different weapons for differents factions with differents playstyles...
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  7. Blippy

    Be careful what you wish for. Those were suggestions to nerf the PPA. Any one of those would have been good, but then we got all of the above at the same time
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  8. \m/SLAYER\m/

    wait, all farmers will go NC now, to farm with AH :D
  9. Flag

    Difference is that the AH has to be much, much closer to do these things. I went and asked some non-NC sky knights about their view of the AH, and between the restrictions on range for AI and the accuracy demand for AA they didn't find it to be a problem.

    So no, I don't see the AH as a problem.

    By all means. Don't expect people to readily agree with you though.

    • Banshee: Still performs it's job, just not to the ridiculous degree it has up until this point.
    • Vulcan is getting a buff - it's on test
    • Striker also does it's job. Is it an upgrade over the Grounder? No, but it's not meant to be.
    • Fractures, fine. Those are lacking these days. Then again, they had their glory days.
    • MSW-R and Carv aren't bad weapons. Granted they may leave some to be desired, but they are by their nature CQC bullet hoses, with the former having access to SPA (and Adv Laser, but eh, foregrip all the way) and the latter has 100 bullets which gives it twice the uptime of guns like the Orion and MSW-R. They may have issues, but they're not dumpster tier weapons you suggest they are.
    So from your list there's only really the Fractures that would be a valid concern. The rest are fine or due adjustments to become fine.
    Unlike the PPA where we've basically been told that nothing's going to be done to it, and ZOE has remained untouched for a stupid amount of time.
    Saron? I think that one is fine for the most part. Could use some downwards angle, but that's about it.
  10. T0x1s

    Have you tried the new Banshee? Range was the thing which kept AH from being OP because its effectiveness against everything but it lacked range. Banshee had range but lacked AA and AV capability. Now when Banshees AOE is almost gone(only 1m) that range is gone. To be able to kill MAX/infantry it needs to be at the same range AH is effective.

    I have auraxium medal on both and after the nerf its UP compared to AH. I think Banshee is in a good state now if it gets AA buff which could be accomplished by just 10 extra bullets in the magazine.
  11. FieldMarshall

    Im a bit confused about how they nerfed it. Apparently (judging from nc/vs players) the problem was that it killed too fast and was too accurate.
    So they nerf it. But dont nerf any of those things. (???) I guess splash could be considered an "accuracy" stat.
    But to almost remove it? Definitely the wrong thing to nerf.

    Experienced pilots who use this thing to farm all day are (probably) good enough to not notice the reduced/removed splash anyway.
    Who gets to suffer? Inexperienced players who pull a banshee mossy, get 1-4 kills and crash into a tree.

    Why didnt they flat out reduce damage by 50% instead. Or gave it a larger COF. Or both. Give it the TTK of the PPA or something.
    Just dont feel like nerfs that only affect inexperienced players and doesent affect experienced players half as much is the wrong way to do things
    And only serves to further lock people out of trying to get into the airgame.
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  12. Flag

    If you think the Banshee is restricted, never use the L-PPA.
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  13. TriumphantJelly

  14. BobSanders123

    Well what the hell is the point of a mosquito now? It's lightning assault synergy with the banshee has been nerfed, its a2a nose guns are inferior to everything else, and a reaver can easily out fly it with max afterburners.
  15. Villanuk

    You would swap the striker over the Lancer then? Or our LMGs over the orion, i think not.

    Zoe, if you read my posts im a strong advocate of saying its an utter disgrace its still in its current state.

    My response was to him was to point out the VS are not the only ones who got nerfed with the hammer.
  16. Flag

    If I could I'd swap the Orion for the Gaus SAW S, but that's not what you asked. My fav VS LMG is the Flare anyway, not the Orion. In fact, after I got the Auraxium medal on the Orion I've not touched the thing. Flare/Ursa all the way, thank you very much.
    For the striker/lancer? Dunno. As good as the lancer is it's also very restricted outside of that niche. The striker less so.

    However, you're right in that it's not just the VS who get nerfed hard. Even so, the VS do get to lay claim to the most absurd nerfs in PS2 history, with the ZOE, post-launch Magrider (thankfully that one was buffed since then) and now P.II PPA.
  17. miraculousmouse

    I'm better than you.
  18. T0x1s

    TR got: Fracture, Vulcan, Striker, horizontal recoil got a massive nerf after launch ON ALMOST EVERY WEAPON, Needler, M18 Rotary, Hellfire and now Banshee.
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  19. miraculousmouse

  20. iller

    RIP in peace RawkitPod-LAZYRBEAM

    I read it more as "Bad players over-used the Banshee, causing it to be nerfed becuase ****ing SOE designers don't listen to us here anyway, they only look at their DataMetricSpreadsheeXMLs"