PTS Patch Notes - 8/1

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by d_carey, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Strottinglemon

  2. d_carey Developer

    I don't disagree. I think the art is cool, but I do think we should rotate if they are going to be themed like that. We just wanted a change, and this was a GREAT piece of art, regardless. Thing it, these take a few days to make, so we can't just whip more out. But the goal for me is to either make them more neutral or rotate.
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  3. vanu123

    We said NO to the tank changes, we said NO to the rocket changes? Did you guys listen to the feedback or just blow it off.
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  4. vanu123

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  5. d_carey Developer

    Our Design Lead bore the brunt of the report creation, I handled the hellish forum formatting. Bugs are copy/paste from our tracking, mostly...
  6. user101

    When they fixed the AMD video they messed up the Nvidia video stuff some how... Some Dev on Reddit say the z axis is messed up.
  7. d_carey Developer

    We did, and we factored it in. I've said before, we need to stop thinking of things as final and fighting tooth and nail to stop them going live. Nothing we do can't be reversed/modified. We can't balance in a vacuum, we need thousands of players to see the results.
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  8. d_carey Developer

    Nah, I posted this a minute ago on Reddit to a similar question:

    PS2 Fun Facts: Size of the patch has very little to do with the downtime. And size of the patch notes has very little to do with the patch size. Example:
    *Changed the terrain tiling on Indar
    Would be a larger download than ALL the patch notes listed today.
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  9. d_carey Developer

    Nah, nothing really low level except the input lag issue (which is so good the other games are taking it too). Plus it soaked on Test for so long with such high pops on Test.
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  10. AdmiralArcher

    well...i have to admit....even tho i hate the NC....the image is quite beautiful and i think that it would be better to rotate them once you guys get more of them because it would be a shame to see the image go and the change it provided was really nice

    when test loaded i looked away from my computer, then the image came up and i was like "crap which program crashed this time.....oh....DAM that looks awesome" one persons opinon should spoil art, you know whats best Mr. Carey :)

    you should see that the artist gets their bonus check :D
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  11. d_carey Developer

    Tell Malorn. If we have the hook, it's easy to put in. If no code hooks, we can add them w/o too much effort.
  12. d_carey Developer

    We'll be watching the gameplay and the numbers for sure. Higby's made a point of focusing on this after the update hits Live.
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  13. AdmiralArcher

    well it still deals the same amount of direct damage, so this isnt a huge problem, besides you have to hit the MAX directly for it to be all that effective

    i dont think it will be a huge problem in the coming days, and rocket primary is more of a mindset then it is a technical issue.
    try not to make a big deal out of something that someone tried to make a big deal out of, 2 wrongs dont make a right
  14. Scr1nRusher

    But if it pacifies infantry side then go figure.
  15. d_carey Developer

    Actually it came from someone off the main PS2 team- the artist for the web pages. Hence it being the background over there too. Good stuff for sure. Maybe I can convince him to do some other factions...
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  16. AdmiralArcher

    that would be pretty sweet

    and i had a random couple of questions to ask

    so i was looking at the roadmap eariler....will it be updated after this patch goes live?

    and for your producer's discussion threads, were you looking at weekly? or monthly?

    and who would i go to to talk about Planetside 2 twitch chat?
  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    Directives! Cool!
    Ribbons! Cool!
    Faction Pistols! Haven't spent time testing these specifically, but I can't imagine ever carrying the mag scatter over the commissioner.
    Resource Update! Patch notes need numbers. How much will everything cost? I frankly don't like the new system but I suppose it is simpler. Please never sell nanites for cash.
    Spawn Changes! Again, I disagree with shortened spawn timers and less time to look at the map. Pain fields increased size worries me. They need visual feedback before you touch them or they will become really annoying. Sunderer shield needs to be rebalanced, it's too good compared to mineguard and blockade currently.
    Outfit Recruitment! Cool!
    Continent Locking! Rewards seem slightly skewed in favor of the starting empire in the event of a draw, but I suppose that's reasonable since they had to reach 75% to trigger it.
    Rocket Launchers! Decimator should NOT do less splash than other launchers. It's in a really bad place right now compared to the default due to slower reload, lower ammo, and drastically reduced speed. It doesn't need another reason to ignore it. So be it if it still kills on direct hit.
    Tank Splash! These changes seem reasonable. It should be mentioned that Mag HE gets a 26.7% increase in DPS against vehicles while the Van HE gets only a 18.6% increase because its reload time which has been the same all along is not reduced as much. Faster reload also makes the Mag HE more effective against infantry.
    Air Bulldogs! Reasonable. Velocity in particular was too high for its intended role and saw the bulldog being used as an anti-ESF sniper weapon.
    Vehicle AI secondaries! Changes are moving in the right direction. What canister really needs is splash like the airhammer and the other factions' AI secondaries.
    Walker and Drake! Drake CoF increase was unnecessary. Walker will be really, really good. Maybe too good. Time will tell.
    Repair Tool & Cruise Control! Cool!
    Misc! Cool!
    Notable Bugfixes! Rocket sights don't break! Drop pods no longer fly up! Jackhammer now updated to be fully automatic as it says in the stats!Right?
    Overall: 85% Enthusiastic about patch notes, 10% dubious about balance issues, 5% not thrilled with new resource system.
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  18. d_carey Developer

    We'll try to update the Roadmap no less than once every couple months, but it requires a lot of meetings and overhead, so we may lag a bit more than once a month.

    Producer's chats will happen as needed. I'd love to do every week but I don't know if I have the bandwidth yet. The only thing worse than not informing the community is saying you will and then not following up (sill have some catching up to do on that Dirs thread).

    Twitch: I got your PM, and did some digging, but haven't found anything yet. PM Radar, he may know.
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  19. Elrobochanco

    People complaining about rocket changes do know that it's the blast that's changed not the direct hit damage right?

    Like I know it adds on to the direct hit damage but it's not like you won't still mess someone up with a hit, or kill a group with the nade combo.

    I think overall really good patch changes. Well except the pistols unless they surprise us with more amp/mag ammo and the spiker getting a fire mode toggle and bring back down the refire time.

    edit: also I'll just toss in, disappointed in no aurax med/repair tool with faction beams.
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  20. minhalexus

    Don't worry, I said yes to the rocket changes. Those were needed.