When are Domeshields going to be implemented?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PastalavistaBB, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. axiom537

    You can not buff ground based AA, otherwise there will be NO Air game. As I stated above your issue is you want to play a ground only game, when this is an Air and ground game. Yes, ground based AA can deter and kill enemy Air craft, but if you want to control your objective you needs boots on the ground for the ground based aspect of the game and some Air support to control the Air above the objective...Heck most times you only need a single reaver as long as you have a burster of skyguard on the ground, then the ground based AA can work in conjunction with the ESF.
  2. PlatoonLeaderG

    why dont you pull air too and chase them off?
  3. Zar

    where ever im need i will be there to protect troops from the air
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  4. Thefailknight

    Because air should not be the only option to counter air. That's why. That would be stupid game design in a game trying to strike a balance between Air Vehicles and infantry. If they go that route this game deserves to die off.
  5. axiom537

    Air is not the only option, you can pull Bursters and Anti-Air lock on rockets at every terminal in this game as well as at any deployed Sunderer at a moments notice. You can also pull a skyguard or put 2 walkers/rangers on your sunderer, MBT or Harasser.

    Another Air craft just happens to be the best and most effective counter, because it can follow and chase down enemy aircraft. This is a game that has both Ground and Air units, if you only come to a fight with ground units, then you are neglecting half of the game. As I mentioned before a well round squad or platoon, should ALWAYS have 1 or 2 people providing Air support with an ESF, liberator or Galaxy or at least be prepared to fall back and pull an Air craft if the need arises. Not doing so is like trying to hold a point with out a medic, or attacking a base with out a sunderer and then complain you have no where to spawn when you die...
  6. Thefailknight

    Neglecting a third. And the problem is even if your enemy is mostly lacking in the other two thirds as long as they have that one they've already won anyway for the majority of bases. (Least on Amerish there are a few where having a crap ground force and a ton of air doesn't mean you win against good ground vehicles AND infantry.)

    Problem is bursters are terrible against libs. And libs can basically blink a skyguard out of existence.Lock on rockets actually require them to be close enough to lock on to. And take about a dozen shots just to make them run away to repair. One side of the fight should never be so key to victory in a game where balance matters for crap.

    Heck not even one 'side' so much as one vehicle. I can one clip an esf with my dual bursters WITHOUT extended mags. I see ESFs and think 'free certs here.'. I see a Lib and think 'well, the ground game is done here'. Gals? they're basically non entities in a fight unless they plan to suicide bomb your Sundy. And if they decide to do that, they're going to do that whether you focus fire them or not because they're the only thing in the game with more absurd armor than a Lib.

    I do see the issue in buffing current AA though. ESFs are already too weak. What we need is something that will be a near non threat to ESFs but can ACTIVELY threaten a lib.
  7. axiom537

    - Burster are fine against Liberators, 3 Burster = 1 vaporized Liberator
    - If you can't lock on to the Liberator, it CAN NOT hit you because you are not rendering.

    As I stated before there are plenty of ground based AA options and they do work perfectly well, if you know what you are doing, but most people are idiots... However, if you want to play this game properly, then you should ALWAYS have an ESF or Liberator in your group, because they are the best choice vs Air and in conjunction with some ground based AA you can easily control the Air above your ground forces. Not only will they help you control the battle space above your objective, they can also scout ahead and behind you ground troops and if one of the ESF's has Radar, then they will light up all the infantry trying to kill your infantry.

    As for a vehicle that may be more specialized for dealing with liberators...I have made such a recommendation...

    AA MBT Variant
  8. Thefailknight

    -I dunno about that. I had two others trying to back me up while ago and the lib just kept wrecking face and running off to repair. Had more than enough time too.
    -It can however kill your vehicular AA options safely before descending to obliterate you in half a second. All while you sit there helplessly.

    Not everyone has friends that can deal with this game's crap flying controls. I TRIED to learn them for about a week before I just figured 'you know what, I have a better chance of killing a max with a pistol than I do of killing anything with these worthless nose guns while dealing with these controls.' If I had a decent outfit MAYBE, though I don't play often enough for any to even speak to me. >.> Or well enough for that matter. Yeah I'm decent at AA and AV maxxery but ah..I'm bloody terrible in a gunfight unless it's running back and forth reviving or supplying ammo.

    And I DO rather like the idea for the MBT AA gun. Unlikely you'd hit an ESF (Though if they're sitting there lolpodding for ten seconds straight they're liable to be dropped in a heartbeat.) It's something that has been needed for a bit.
  9. Vivicector

    Get 2 Skyguards and Libs won't be around. Get MAXes too and it will be a death zone. Problems?

    Liberators got a very, very weak buff against ground based AA. They are still fragile enough.
  10. axiom537

    Your example of the liberator running off, is exactly why you need 1 or 2 players in an ESF or Liberator to back up your ground forces. A good Liberator pilot is tough nut to crack, because they tend to fly conservatively, swoop in get some kills and then bug out, they know exactly how much AA they can take.

    How dare you knock this games flight controls...LOL I happen to absolutely love them, but I've been playing this game for close to 2 years now. I do highly recommend finding an outfit to play with though, most won't care if you only play a few days a week or casually.

    I find that players that complain the most (not all) about air craft are either solo players or not in an outfit, or run in PUG groups. Air can be extremely frustrating for them because on their own they are not very effective and they do not have medics or engineers on team speak with them to come rez or repair them, or competent teammates that play together frequently. Also if you are not good at flying or even used to gunning for liberator, then it makes it very difficult to understand the flight characteristics of the Air craft. I find it very easy to hit liberators, because I fly them all the time, so I know exactly how to lead them because I know how they fly.

    If you are NC on Waterson feel free to look up DVSgaming.org. We are always looking for new members, we just ask that you jump on TS with us, because communication is key. We don't care if you don't play every night, but I guarantee you, you would noticed a huge difference playing with a group of experienced players, that work as a team.
  11. PlatoonLeaderG

    About rendering is not actualy true,just because you are not visible doesnt mean it cant shot you.I saw libs and sky ceiling and still killing.I would check it out though.
  12. axiom537

    Actually, that is true. If you aren't rendering then the liberator is not going to hit you and infantry stop rendering at 300m vehicles at 500m
  13. Astealoth

    I'd like to see a couple dome shields in game, maybe one per continent. They already made them, might as well use them. Just another base type, more variety is better. I don't think they need to be on many bases.
  14. axiom537

    They are already in game...They are called bio Labs, and they are horrible grind fests.
  15. Octoknight


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  16. r1stormrider

    Im so sick of the airspam. Its like airside 2 era: the 2nd coming. How do you win in ps2 as whole except biolabs? Spam air. To win any fight all you need is to pull a dozen mossies or scythes. Then pull a dozen libs. You get your allied outfits to do the same and you will clean sweep the continent. This is not how it should be. It needs to be combined arms. Instead if **** goes bad just say **** it and spam air. Why bother with strategy or tactics?
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  17. Astealoth

    Biolabs are nothing like the dome shields they had on PTS. These allow in armor in. This way we have the majority of the game as combined arms, biolabs as infantry only, and dome shielded areas as infantry and armor. If you don't like biolabs don't attend. You don't need to frustrate yourself, personally I love biolabs. Never in this game's history has every single player of every faction all been inside the biolabs, there's always somewhere else for you to be. Same thing if we get a whopping 3 dome shields as I suggested.
  18. Goden

    1) Not all bases have AA turrets.
    2) Dedicated AA units are 1000 certs each and also require resoures to spawn - something players may not have.

    This "just grab AA" argument that people keep brining up is such rubbish.
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  19. Paragon Exile

    Literally five minutes ago my VS guys pulled six skyguards and ten burster MAXes to counter a TR air zerg. It's not an unreasonable expectation.
  20. Goden

    The amount of players that own AA is only a small percentage. In medium or smaller fights the amount of AA owners is really small.

    Even if people at a battle do own AA they probably won't want to waste their resources to spawn it because AA does pathetic damage to aircraft and is very boring to use. It takes an ungodly amount of flak just to down one Liberator. 3 to 4 DEDICATED AA units are needed to actually bring one down in a timely manner. It's goddamn insane how much damage those things can soak up. If I have 3 to 4 dedicated ant-tank units shooting at my tank then I'm 100% good as dead. Aircraft gets an easy-ride because, I dunno SOE I guess.