Scheduled Maintenance March 13th 6 AM

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Wayfar

    Haha. Yeah, RadarX will strike you with some rolled newspaper for mentioning what was left out (again-again-again).
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  2. joe smo

    I posted to reddit that Libs might be to good against ESF's and suggested a slight buff for ESFs. That did not go over well...
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  3. Rohxer

    No mention of fixing the base turret bugs that broke two patches ago:

    If you are zoomed in a turret, and you exit (or worse, someone hacks you out), you are stuck in zoom mode on your infantry until you zoom in and out on a weapon. Related to this, sometimes you are unable to zoom when you enter a turret, until you exit it and re-enter it. As a frequent base turret user, this zoom bug is exasperating.
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  4. Brasil

    Stealth is useless in the tank, or play with infiltrator, or go into a place with light assault, damn killcam.
    Patch totally unnecessary. What else will come? Pokemons?
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  5. TheBlindFreak

    Sure, SOE. Go and input the feature that everyone was against. Yes, we saw the death screen update on the PTS, yes we were against it on the forums, yet it still went live.

    "(Please note: You are still really dead)"
    No kidding. Guess what? It's irrelevant unless you want to disable all forms of voice chat for the dead because "The dead cannot speak".

    Also, what about the suppressor? I snipe one guy with it and stay off the minimap, but the guy can just jump onto prox chat and bark out my position.
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  6. UKAvenger

    By all means keep that deathscreen rubbish for the console version. We dont need it as we arnt as mentally deficient (or maybe some are?). I'd be ok with this indicator on br15 and below but i just dont get why its needed in the game at all. Anyone who quits this game from dying too much doesnt deserve to play it. Don't degrade the game for the rest of us just to make a small minority of children feel more at home.

    Just makes sure you snipers decloak/cloak after each shot, to be sure your not 'being spotted'. Hopefully this general direction indicator will be just that. General.

    Cheers for the lib stuff though, look forward to playing with it.
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  7. TommyXXL

    why don't we just show the enemy by default on the minimap now? anyone actually asked for the motion sensor and ammo packs?

    + LIBERATOR UPDATE - looks like we are back to the dark age of planetside2 where liberators were invincible even when piloted by new players.
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  8. dvizer

    Kill map is so stupid it needs to be limited to the first 30 ranks or something.

    You have created a great game, in a engine that is fantastic, it may have its problems like low fps but it can do stuff other games can only dream of.
    However I for one am fed up with the schizophrenic development and your refusal to really listen to the community you need to communicate with us your vision because it seems to me you have no idea what your doing with the game mechanics, unless you are using a roulette wheel with ideas assigned to each number.
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  9. DrBash00

    Thank you a lot, but i think a MUCH BIGGER Issue is an Infiltrator shouting "granade out" and giving away his Position to the enemys.....
    I dont play infiltrator to myself, but my clanmates cant throw granades anymore as infs. because of this Voice "feature"....
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  10. Schn00bs

    Deathblow for the airgameplay.

    The implementation of Coyote missiles is the worst thing ever happend to PS2. Learning from mistakes?; Hear the players who tested the new trash on the testsever?

    -No sign of insight.

    The number of players will drop due to those bad decisions.
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  11. cruczi

    The kill map - not kill cam - has barely any effect on Stealth vehicle gameplay. The point of a stealth tank is to sneak up on an unsuspecting enemy in order to get a massive advantage with huge alpha damage on their unguarded side or rear. They will know what direction you attacked from before they are dead. Even if they didn't know that, providing that information on the kill map would do them no good, you'd be long gone by then.
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  12. AssaultPig

    people are being so stupid about the kill screen thing

    1) You already know the 'general direction' of people who are shooting at you due to HUD indicators

    2) You only get your killer's precise location if they were already spotted.

    in short, the new kill screen isn't giving you any more information than you already had, if you were smart enough to pay attention to it. This change just gives you the opportunity to look at it for a second or three after you die. If it helps new players acclimate a bit better to PS2's environment (i.e. random death from anywhere), then great.
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  13. TheScavenger101

    The death screen can now stay up indefinitely. You can press any key to continue to the deployment screen after a couple seconds, however.
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  14. wickedhell3

    im just saying it again:

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  15. cruczi

    When is the last time you noticed the HUD indicator when you were OHK'd by a sniper?

    Not only that, but the HUD indicators wear off very fast, and they are also not very reliable. The kill map will be both much easier and more accurate to interpret and you'll have as much time to look at it as you want.

    Which makes no sense because you weren't necessarily the one who spotted the killer

    No, it does. Even top players who are "smart enough" will benefit from the kill cam, mostly due to 2) but also due to 1)
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  16. Matixzun

    So I guess this means SOE can't actually update a class or vehicle without making it OP until next patch.
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  17. BillBoBaggins

    Lots of players getting worried about the new killcam info,somehthing to hide? haha
  18. Elrobochanco

    So uh did test server feedback hurt someones feelings that they decided to just throw the switch on it going live this week?

    RIP infils, don't worry the week after you might finally get straight pull bolts as consolation to everybody knowing where you were.
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  19. Ikissyourface

    I would like to see a tutorial/guide video on how to properly engage a liberator with an ESF and successfully destroying it in a 1v1 situation. PLEASE DO IT.
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  20. AssaultPig

    It's not a kill cam. People saying 'kill cam' over and over is probably 75% of the reason people are confused about it and have decided they don't like it.

    I don't find that I have any problem seeing the indicators. They aren't perfectly accurate, but neither will be the death screen indicator.

    It doesn't really matter whether you were the one who spotted the killer or somebody else was; the point is that they were already on your minimap. The death screen is just providing info that you already had access to.

    I guess the edge case is against BASR users (because you have only a fraction of a second to look for the indicator when you get OHKO'd), but between the indicator and the tracer (or lack thereof) it's usually not that hard to figure out where the shot came from.
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