My two cents on DasAnfall

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trudriban, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. Trudriban

    (oh boy another complainer)

    Before I begin, I want to state that I have nothing wrong with DA members as individual people. On the contrary, I haven't heard a single word of them ever trash talking and their website even has a detailed complaint box for incidents with their members. For Mattherson, that's like finding an albino unicorn covered in dollar sign shaped birth marks.

    However, back to why I started wasting my time writing this and your time by reading this, I hate fighting against them immensely. I completely avoid the VS front not because a plasma gun killed me and I thought it was OP since then, not mainly because all the 10 year olds who just learned how to curse seem to like purple, not even because of immense overpop leaving 10 guys in the spawn room expecting to take on ~200 angry men in spandex, but because I can't even take a **** without someone in DA stealing my toilet paper on Auraxis. I never seem to have enough bullets to drop any of them and they never miss any of theirs aimed for me. Most people in my outfit (and probably the server) thinks they're all hackers because of how good they are at this game

    The worst part is I don't feel justified in disliking their presense when fighting them. I only see myself as being pretty decent in shooter games and I don't really plan on getting better. I just want to sit back in my desk chair and distract myself from the world with a fun and unique videogame. Instead I have to deal with them, and it feels like a high school hockey team facing against guys currently in Sochi winning medals. Of course though a lack of skill according to basically the rest of the gaming world is my own fault, but those hockey playing teenagers in my metaphor aren't going to want to practice more so they can stand a better chance. They're going to want to find someone else to play with or even quit the sport altogether if they have no choice but to face those same Olympians over and over again like I have to in Planetside (yes DA you can take that as a compliment).

    Also on a side note their tag only reminds me of DeviantArt and being an art student any mention of that website makes me want to cringe my eyebrows off and strangle some sonic recolors with them

    TL;DR DasAnfall is too MLG for me and losing every VS fight because of them kills the whole game for me
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  2. SteelMantis

    LOL, you need to come up with a new plan.
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  3. NinjaTurtle

    Some players are just that good, I have seen parts of Enders stream and I can tell you from what I have seen there are no hacks just a lot of practice involved and a natural talent for fps games. This is a similar story with other top players like Kudochop, Noxious, Scourge, Zoid etc very good players that have put alot of time into getting good

    I also realized just now I am in the wrong outfit and wrong faction.... DA have a Ninja Turtle rank :eek:
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  4. IamDH

    Well at least the VS outfit on your server is skilled
  5. Trudriban

    Probably should've made that part a bit clearer: My outfit mates think there's something fishy about them, I think they're just way out of my league

    Yup, and it probably should involve not joiing forumside at 5 in the morning because of insomnia
  6. vsae

    So what are you complaining on exactly?
    I would gladly play against DA or AC for that matter, but it is impossible for me due to high ping. It is only way to improve myself, not the farming peasants part.
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  7. NinjaTurtle

    Some people need an excuse as to why they lose that is all

    10am here in England ftw :)
  8. Trudriban

  9. vsae

    This is the same as the new pilots complaining they have no chance against ace pilots. Of course you dont have chance and you will never have if you will not practice for days just like they did in their time!
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  10. Trudriban

    unfortunately for me though to be on par with them I need like 20 BR100s using above average team play and a zerg to back me up. Mattherson NC isn't doing so good on either one of those

    Plus those guys who want to be pilots can always just say "**** it" and learn to drive a Vanguard instead, which doesn't work so well when DA does infantry, tanks, as well as air
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  11. Rift23

    Funny, they don't seem any particularly different than all the other lvl 100 outfits who hit a base with 2:1 pop. Also, please don't let the OP be TR....:rolleyes:
  12. NinjaTurtle

    I felt similar when I started, I never played a competitive multiplayer fps game before PS2, I had stuck to RPGs and I tell you when I started I sucked so hard.

    I didn't enjoy getting beaten hard every time I logged on but I persisted because I loved the scope and size of the game.

    When I started for the longest time my k/d was 0.4 so it is fair to say I was getting owned alot, I have since become better just by playing and am able to enjoy the game alot more and though it may not seem it playing constantly against better players will improve your own game play. Maybe not to a level where you are up there with DA but to a level where you can at least feel competent if not the best against anyone

    No matter what game you play there are people that are going to be better you
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  13. DamageKing

    Actually, there are at least two very sketchy members in that outfit. I won't give names, but I do remember them when they were still without a clan. May be they don't cheat today, but back then? Well, who cares, eh?
  14. Trudriban

    Most FPS games though don't lock all your progression onto a single server though. I still love this game and will continue to play it for possibly a long time, but the VS are taking the pleasure out of it when I know we're doomed to lose right from the start.

    to be honest it could just be the WDS and how NC and TR gave up the moment it started and I'll just be embarassing myself until it's over
  15. Craftyman

    Dose gitz is da only 'umies in tights dat knows how ta fight
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  16. Trudriban

    I only wish we had dummies in cargos that can fight back
    how did I even understand that?
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  17. Dinapuff

    Join a better outfit.
  18. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Out of everything I have ever heard... that right there is the biggest red flag.
  19. Winfield

    Well, atleast the OP was a politely written piece.

    +1 for you buddy.
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  20. Mustarde

    I guess it has been a while since the last episode of the karDAshians...

    Hey OP, next time you are up against DA at a base try this. Don't run straight at the point. That is their kill zone. Instead, take an alternate route and look up. You'll find LAs covering high ground and scattered DA waiting for you to trickle in. Once a few go down its a lot harder to maintain the killzone and your Zerg will get through.

    They are good but I suspect you and your outfit are playing into their hand. Just pay attention to who is in your hex and don't keep flinging yourself into lanes of fire that they are in position to camp. That's a sure way to die, even with great twitch and aim ability.
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