Broken Miller sever

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Guppet, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Guppet

    I see nothing in the news section of these forums. Perhaps they said something on some site other than the place people would look for such information.
  2. maxkeiser

    Has this been fixed yet? I tried to log into Miller last night but just gave up after a while.
  3. Bonom Denej

    Pro7, right there.
  4. Sekaszy

    We had that "Login server patch" durning EU peak.
    Instead of 2 minutes it takes 5.
    My reaction when my game crash and i had to login again.
    • Up x 1
  5. Tobax

    Pro7 doesn't manage the EU servers SOE does and which of the 2 you have your account with makes no difference to the server status, the only different between accounts is the virtual currency and the sales.
  6. Guppet

    Then that means SOE is fully responsible for Millers problems. That's actually far worse, when they can't blame anyone else and still refuse to address the issue!
  7. S7rudL

    CmdrDieseL said:
    “Long log in times again. Miller, same as before, log in screen, just sitting here.”
    I'll forward that along to the Dev Team. I know Miller had some other issues and not sure if that was resolved yet or not, but I'll get back to y'all on that.
  8. Guppet

    Thank you for linking that :)

    It's hardly in a place people would look for it though. The miller problems are separate to the patch. Hopefully they can pop by and add a similar comment in a thread that specifically mentions the problem in its title, so people can find it.
  9. ArmedGoose

    *ib4 some badass mod locks thread because: EU - not important*

    Yes, too long login times resulting in CTDs are a constant pain for us Millerites...
  10. SnipersUnion

    And after half an hour of trying to log in, after the server being down for 6 hours to fix log in problems, an alert incoming at the start of primetime and Miller EU is the only server that goes down.

    Pretty annoying tbh.
  11. Sekaszy

    Guess what just happened....
  12. Kill2This


    And you're missing the point or regular SERVER CRASH, like right now !
    Those last days it's becoming very bad.

    Just make it work properly please.

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  13. ncDieseL

    Yes, please can you explain the problem with Miller, if the server is junk please tell us. I don't want to waste time on my character there if we are going to keep having these problems.
  14. Guppet

    And Miller server is now Unavailable, during EU primetime yet again. Shows as available in the list at the top of the forums though lol.
  15. Sekaszy

    I may repeat myself, but
  16. SuperLexatron

    Down again. During absolute EU primetime.

    This is also the second 1-hour exp boost that I earned during WDS, that is ****ted on by yet another server crash. If I thought the rewards were pointless to begin with, I had no ******* idea just how useless SOE wanted to make them.
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  17. Guppet

    If they know they have a problem with Miller, why not transfer us, if they cant figure out how to fix it!
  18. ncDieseL

    Indeed. If Miller is junk, setup a new server and transfer the character data.
  19. Prudentia

    Don't even try to use the Forum for that. As demonstrated by DERP in his DDOS attack on the Planetside 2 (or to be precise: on the Planetside 2 servers which are for some reason directly connected to every other SONY online service) those are manual only.
  20. ncDieseL

    Hey, I was shooting your libby just before the crash! Hi! I was the guy in the AA turret on mao tech plant.