SOE balancing ZOE

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by vimorain1, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. SteelMantis

    Honestly it is a good change, ideally all the MAX abilities should be on par with charge and there is a real choice to make to use them over charge. It's much better to balance ZOE then to buff the other MAX abilities and make charge obsolete while at the same time increasing the power of MAXes which are already arguably too strong.

    Well if the Mossy and Trac-5 are fine everything else on the TR list is also getting affected by the balancing patch (although the lock-on changes might work out to be a buff for the Striker, guess we'll see soon enough).

    In the end if you are using OP gear you should expect it to get bought into line.

    On a side note the Magrider is fine and out performing the TR tank vs armor and the NC tank vs infantry. It just takes some time to get used to.
  2. Paulus

    You're all missing something with this endless whining about your toys being brought to balance.

    SOE has ALOT of data to sort the fact from the fiction with. If something is OP, fine, enjoy it while you can, but know that every month SOE print off a big graph, and can plot what is doing better or worse than expected, then they think about how to change it,, and finally they put those chages on the test server. After more graph printing and in house testing, they THEN release the fix. This takes time, but they do try very hard to get it right, and if further graphs show it didn't work, they try again. Anyone who truly believes the strength of the nerf is based on the column inches it generates on the forum is deluding themselves as to how important their opinion is.
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  3. Maverick556

    Finally! I will not see anymore purple OP guys running and slaughtering everything that moves.... thank you SOE
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  4. OldMaster80

    I'd say Luperza described it pretty well in last patch notes.

    "This ability has proven to be an all-around upgrade compared to the baseline MAX. It is receiving an overhaul to make it more of a situational ability compared to before."

    Now, all those we're trying to prove the ability was somehow balanced are just grasping a straw.
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  5. vimorain1

    problem is,Luperza is not balancing it,SOE is,and they usually suck pretty bad at you can see on test server-go on it if you already haven't- they nerfed it to point where it has more negative effect than positive.
  6. Posse

    Not anymore

    False again

    Nope, that's TR, at least in average, and if we're talking about the highest ROF weapons, TR and VS are tied in almost every weapon type, being it tied between all 3 classes in some cases.

    Because no bullet drop is so relevant at the ranges we engage!!!!!!!!111111111one

    I don't know about ESFs so I won't argue this one


    Lol, because of the overshield, the ADS speed is much less relevant for HAs than for any other class, guess what factions have 0.75 ADS Carbines/ARs?

    False, weapons with the same magazine size usually have the same reload speeds, and I'd change fast reload speed of the Orion for the Magazine size of the CARV any day.

    The Prowler outperforms the Magrider in every single metric, except for the Vulcan against the Saron, and that's only because our main cannon is much weaker, thus it's expected for the Saron to get more kills.

    False, most carbines have the same numbers, in the case of the best hipfire carbines, VX6-7 and Jaguar are tied for lowest CoF.

    That's what the Night Vision attachment is for, I don't see TR and NC at night either.
  7. OldMaster80

    If that's really the case then the next set of statistics will show it.
    It will be interesting in the coming month to see if VS Max crash become less effective because of this nerf or because VS players simply quit using their Max Unit. The impression I have when I read this forum is some players just buried the ZOE before to even give it a try on the real battlefield.
    I'd like to remind that VS Max had the best K/D even before the ZOE skill had been implemented. In fact I'm 100% convinced that a Max crash will still result to be extremely effective.
  8. Posse

    Obvious troll is obvious.
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  9. Clockwerk

    Nope, I'd take Aegis over it any day.

    Still false

    There are 3 factions and you excluded the one with highest RoF while claiming VS has "best rof". Can't take you seriously on this one.

    Yup, Parallax or any bolt action and now Shot gun, we totally know what we're talking about.

    "Best ESF" pls elaborate or don't spit.

    Nope, still false

    Surprising enough, most people whine about ZOE rather than OP weapons. You wanna know what's really broken? Vanguard shield.

    Nope, it's your personal skill. Being bad doesn't mean weapon is bad.

    Yet, prowler has the highest score on stat board.

    Ironically, TR/NC always use stat to cry for a nerf on Vanu or a buff for themselves.

    I can barely see Mossie/Reaver at night either.

    Let me tell you more about it:

    -Vanguard shield (Press it and you win)
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  10. Bill

    Not so obvious, fact that I'm tolerant to different people having poor knowledge about game and being used to easy more, don't make troll off you, nor getting excuse of being troll will work here.
  11. Bill

    I talk about Planetside 2, if you don't follow topic, go elsewhere.

    So what? ONE thing nc have OP justifies vanu as faction to be OP lolololol.
    Never been, and now its garbage where anihilator/grundiger are far more better.
    WHAT? for vulcan having to get in hug range to be able to do ANYTHING, while you can sit like coward on top of hill sniping down, don't whine then that something is good, as if you would ever move your butt and flank enemy tanks, you would found out that saron/enforcer/vulcan perform same at close.
  12. Clockwerk

    So do I. You can't even make sense of your own.

    So OP stuffs are allowed? Btw Vanu is no where near as OP considering the inferiority of the Magrider and particularly after the ZOE nerf.

    Yup, can't take you serious.

    Saron, Vulcan -> same at close range. Nah I don't think you even play this game.
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  13. Bill

    No you don't, if you would play that game you would know that.
    Learn basics will you... scythe, magrider, comets, max, all grunt weapons, so why is that you consider vanu not being OP? as NS weapons don't have better stats for vanu using them than for terran?
    Read quote above about basics.
    Yea you are right you don't, also you are right that saron isnt similar to vulcan, it actually outperforms it as for size of alpha and peekaboo ability, where vulcan max certed can't one clip in back of vanguard without shield
  14. John_Aitc

    That is not a fair statement. I do not believe that we have that much power over the changes that are made. At most, the call for Z.O.E. balance may have pointed to SOE that it was something that needed to be analyzed.

    I'll bet there was very good data that would support the implemented fix. It is the same with my TR's Vulcan Harasser. It broke the balance of the game enough that something had to be done about it. I certainly enjoyed it while it lasted, but inevitably, it needed to change.
  15. vanu123

    ZOE was the best of the 3 abilities, but by no means it was OP
    bloom sure
    We have bullet drop, sniper rifles, shotguns, tank shells, etc.
    Not the lowest recoil depends on the weapon
    We dont have the fastest reloads
    Our tank is the weakest, tied for weakest armor, weakest gun, worst ability, low speed, etc.
    Id say TR would have slightly better carbines
    Since we are out of things to nerf, re nerf, and nerf again I guess we could make it fair for everyone so that we get the old ZOE glow at all times.
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  16. Clockwerk

    The rest is junk, especially the part where Saron outperforms Vulcan made me laugh my turd off.

    More over, it seems you tried quite hard to advocate or oppose to what you like or hate even though the critique is quite lame and not based off anything but personal opinion.

    Have a good night.
  17. Bill

    Ther's nothing hard in being
    There's nothing hard in describing game mechanics once you played all 3 factions and know how balance looks like.
  18. vimorain1

    slow clap.let's all together jump off the bridge to demonstrate SOE balancing capabilities.
  19. vimorain1

    i think i love you
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  20. vimorain1

    thing is.yes,it needs tweek.not nerf.other faction need tweek like thirsty sip of water in desert.lots of love.Vanu