Why are there so many NC UP threads?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. Phazaar

    All I'll say is that from the last couple months of tracking, my TR platoons succeed in taking bases almost twice as much as NC. The obedience is the same, the progress isn't. :/
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  2. Mikenuge

    NC is losing WDS - even with the North Warp Gate
    NC doesn't have a dominant server ? Matherson VS, TR Waterson, Miller, Cobalt
    NC hasn't won a single Community Clash
    NC is hard mode
    NC weapons sucks
    NC Max is only good for shooting things not moving, 1m away even then, still sucks
    NC gets hardly any new gear
    NC Enforcer Modified :eek: any NC player seen using it probably was drugged/life threatened into it
    NC gets nerfed every patch
    NC has hardly any MLG ready teams most are either VS/TR cus if they rolled NC they'd just get pwnd
    All top 5 players score/kd are VS/TR


    NC is an SOE inside joke. Confirmed
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  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    He only used one T.
  4. NC_agent00kevin

    But the TR say that statistics dont matter and any in game experience is dismissed as 'anecdotal evidence' and invalid!

    (that is, until it supports the TR's side of the debate)
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  5. Aegie

    Data and objective evidence is convergent and disagrees with you and has since release.
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  6. Aegie

    Issue is, according to population wide statistics NC has been under performing overall since launch and within certain categories. The difference is often not so striking as to be game-breaking but it certainly clear and stable and has been there for nearly a year. What you are witnessing, IMO, is the combined result of certain select items being a bit OP (in fairness, in part due to long standing bugs) for too long and the cumulative effect of being objectively under performing for so long without any recognition. You can actually go back through the forum posts and see that many of the specific issues raised by the NC (things like overall lowest DPS in most major weapon categories, the under performance of the 200 damage weapons- save, perhaps, the SAW, the ineffectiveness of the MAX outside hugging distance) have been raised over and over more or less since release. Add to this the existence of much bigger balancing issues, like flinch and air superiority, OHK Pheonix's, early splash damage, etc. and it makes some sense that the details would be overlooked for some time.

    Problem is, even if the imbalance is relatively not that game breaking, it is both cumulative over time (much like the frustration) and gets compounded by several other factors. For instance, only in the last several months have we seen the true impact of the certain consequences, like the relative ability of NC items to handle vehicle zergs.

    TLDR: patience wears thin over time.
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  7. Goretzu

    I dunno if they'll ever get that working right, but if they do then I suspect that will show up a lot of issues, and set off an endless nerfing streak, much like The Arena did in WoW.
  8. Raraldor

    I've looked at the TTK for all our best weapons compared to all of the other factions best weapons in each category. The difference is so minimal it all depends on who gets the first shot off, and the NC benefit most from this fact since our weapons are the hardest hitting, and who lands every shot. I don't run vehicles so there may be slight imbalances there, but I'm guessing those are also minimal things since I've seen prowlers get blown up by other tanks just as much as I've seen vanguards get blown up by them.
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  9. Aegie

    API data- data from in game performance >>> stats on paper. Stats on paper is a theory about balance, API data tests that theory.
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  10. axiom537

    The imbalance really isn't in the Infantry vs infantry weapons, other then with our AI Max being ineffective beyond 15M. Where I see the biggest imbalance is in the ESRL. The NC have a very niche ESRL, that can't effectively deal with air craft, it is severely lacking range and is very difficult to impossible to hit fast moving vehicles, neither of the other empires ESRL suffer these limitations. As mentioned before the next imbalance comes from our AI Max its great <5, but once you get beyond 15m it becomes next to worthless, while the other two empires AI Max's are very effective up to and beyond 30M. The third most glaring imbalance is our lack of an AI-secondary weapon for our vehicles, which may seem trivial but when you consider that infantry is one of the greatest threats to vehicles it makes it very difficult for NC vehicles to deal with AV infantry, that are already caring very versatile AV weapons that can easily hit vehicles in the 300-400m + range.
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  11. GhostAvatar

    I can think of a reason why certain players are attracted to NC. Simply put, it is the lore. There lore is going to attract more lone wolf players who generally ignore teamwork and authority (even there own orders channel and leader chat). Not to say that the other factions don't attract these kinds of players. But NC do generally attract more of them.

    So I wouldn't say they attract rubbish players. They just attract less team players. Which in this game means a lot more than actual skill level.
  12. Raraldor

    I feel our rocket launcher is the best for AV out of them, since we can fire them without the tank having a chance to fire back, it doesn't even have a lock on indicator. I'd rather have that than a jack of all trades rocket launcher. That is just my opinion though. It can still hit aircraft that don't know it's coming though, so all the but most astute of pilots are viable to get hit.
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  13. axiom537

    You have absolutely no evidence to support this claim...and it is a based in bigotry.
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  14. axiom537

    You have no idea what you are talking about, but maybe that is because it looks like you have never fired the weapon in combat, unless you have another NC character that you use it on, but if it was so good I would expect you to use it on all your NC characters. If it was the best rocket launcher then it would be used in over abundance, but it is a niche POS and as such it is used the least. A weapons usage is proportional to its effectiveness...
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  15. Cab00se187

    The only issue I see with NC, not bringing weapons into the convo, is the outfits. Outfit A thinks they are better than outfit B and won't work with them or they try to boss the other outfits around which leads to no one listening to anyone in leader chat.
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  16. Raraldor

    I hear phoenix missiles go across the area in basically every fight I'm in. It's used quite frequently, and I've heard more than a few people say they love the phoenix.
  17. Herby20

    Actually, his statement about strategy between NC outfits is true on Mattherson as well.
  18. axiom537

    I never said it is not ever used. It is a very niche weapon and yes their are some people more then content to sit in the spawn building and launch them all over the place, but they are having nominal impact on the game and most players once the novelty wears off realize using the Hawk, decimator or the Eng AV turret are far more effective and only use it when they are bored.
  19. Rogueghost

    His reasoning is pretty solid, my NC and VS alts have almost double my spm, kpm and k/d, as pure infantry too, my TR as a lot of stat padding on it, that doesn't mean NC and VS are OP, it means I was a much better player after I made those accounts.

    And I can blow away the competition with the gauss saw just as easily as I can with an Orion or carv, or almost any gun in the game for that matter.
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  20. TheShrapnelKing

    **** Germany was evil. Period. They deserved to have the ever loving **** kicked out of them. So were the Japanese. The choice was nukes or complete annihilation of the Japanese as an ethnic group.

    The Western Allies were the only combatants in WW2 that were actually civil and honourable by the standards of everyone else.

    Edit: Why is N_a_z_i censored but I could go on and on about the Evil Communist Stalinist Soviet Union and that's ok?