Will NC guns ever be good as TC guns

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by waxpants, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. NC_agent00kevin

    Lol - look at the adorable little BR 38 trying to tell a BR 80 'you'll learn'! Thats cute.

    I did, and thats why I dont use those weapons.

    Get. On. My. Level.
  2. NC_agent00kevin

    Sure man. Sure.

    Try some other weapons, then go use other factions' default weapons, then come back and chat about it. Ive got toons on all 3 factions. My NC is BR 80something. There are far better options. :/ But hey, it affects me little of you are happy with garbage. And its really pointless of you to try and convince me otherwise at this point. Save your sarcasm for someone who cares what you think.
  3. NC_agent00kevin

    Not sarcasm. I really dislike those weapons with a passion. They may work well for others, but my opinion is that they are garbage and there are far better options. Especially after playing both TR and VS characters to level 20s.
  4. Unclematos7

    1 and 3 yes 2 no.
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  5. Larington

    I think I see what you mean about the lateral drift between NC & TR weapons, I found it most noticeable on the 2 shot burst LMG's that TR & NC get, the TR one shakes about a lot on just 2 bullets - Far more so than the NC one. VS get a 3 burst which makes it hard for me to compare there, what's interesting for the VS LMG's is that they all get a hip accuracy of 2, whereas NC & TR have a choice between 2 or 2.5 hip accuracy.
  6. Lamat

    With many hours playing NC I've gotten used to the guns and do quite well for myself. But I do think they have a steep learning curve, and the real draw back is new player retention for the NC faction. I chose NC for the lore (almost VS), and I stuck it out to get where I am now. I think many new players are attracted to the freedom fighting faction, which is a plus for NC, but there isn't much else to get those players to keep at it and master NC weapons. I've seen a few players give up and switch to TR.

    Here is one thing to consider though:

    The limiting factor for high ROF weapons is ammo, which TR have to complement.

    The limiting factor for no bullet drop is damage drop off, VS used to suffer from greater damage drop off but this was removed.

    The limiting factor for low ROF weapons is accuracy, but NC suffer from cone of fire issues.
  7. HerpTheDerp

  8. Phyr

    Someone should slap OP with a spreadsheet, repeatedly, until the spreadsheet is illegible from blood and tears
  9. Furluge

    Lol, have you actually read the lore? There ain't anything free-trade about a mega-corp, which is what the New Conglomerate is. XD Seriously it's in the name.
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  10. Axehilt

    Definitely enjoy my TR/VS characters overall more than the NC one.
    • The higher-caliber infantry weapons force burst firing which just isn't necessary on the other characters, and since the DPS only really starts out roughly even, it translates to weaker damage.
    • NC MAX weapons are a mixed blessing with blazing DPS balanced by spending most of your time reloading, and having very weak options at mid-range and farther (and I mostly use Mattocks)
    • Vanguards get a sweet shield, but feel significantly inferior to the other tanks overall.
    • Reavers I feel are fine overall. I want to get more time in on the Vortek Rotary, which looks like it has the highest DPS (by 20%!) of all noseguns. Also the highest sustained DPS by about 5% (and is it the highest sustained damage in the game against hard targets? It beats out maingun HEAT, Basilisk, and all the Rockets I've run numbers on. I guess maybe an AV MAX weapon might get up there too.
    But yeah, overall I find myself wanting to upgrade towards the NC weapons which are more like other empires, but then I look at guns like the EM1 and I'm like "You mean I have to take a massive DPS hit just to have reasonable recoil?"
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  11. Odan.be

    My main is a NC on Miller, and i only have 1 vs toon on cobalt which I played 1 hour for the loos,
    I am perfectly happy with my nc weopons, i like the differences in each faction and I would like to keep them, Tr and vs seems to rely on spray and pray, while nd is more rewarding when ADS... I like to ADS.
    If we all had the same weapons... This game would call COD...
  12. Bizzlenitch

    Dafuq I just read?! There's way too much logic in this gentleman's post, and that isn't even touching on the deceptively massive load of truth he likely just dropped on this forum. Seriously, someone should tell this poor guy that this is quite possibly the single worst attempt at playing Forumside history has ever witnessed.

    To be perfectly honest I am indescribably offended at the sheer level of thought and consideration contained within said post. It's rather disgusting, and if this game is to achieve the levels of mediocrity many seem to hope and strive for then we cannot tolerate this level of incoherent common sense!

    As many have courageously believed before me, I think it's quite clear that the argument that I have presented is without flaw and as such stands henceforth as mere fact, impervious to any ridiculous attempts to bring in the smoke and mirrors routine some refer to as "logic" to try and disprove the truth which I have bestowed upon this forum.

    Seriously though, you come in here and make an intelligent post? Ballsy. And well played, sir, well played.
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  13. Kociboss

    Guns are garbage.

    Nerf Chainblade. Buff Magcutter.
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  14. Crowne

    I don't need to read the lore man. I played Jumpgate. The Terran Republic is just a bankrupt Octavian Empire, while the New Conglomerate is the Solrain Empire but new only for tax purposes and contract nullifications.

    The Vanu are the result of Quantar miners spending too much time in Amananth and being lured into the deep by the song of sentient mantas. The few that made it back gave up Hamalzah and instead began worshiping alien technology hoping to recreate the infamous probe they're always raving about. I guess alien abduction has an understandably strange effect on people.

    The only reason we're fighting on this tiny planet is because The Reconstruction Initiative failed and we can no longer access the network of interstellar Jumpgates we took for granted. I'm hopeful someday the initiative will be resurrected with Solrain funding, Terran labor, and Vanu for comic relief, but first we need to liberate the poor malnourished and oppressed nanites.

    for those who never had the pleasure...
  15. Excretus Maximus

    Battle rank is nothing but a measurement of time invested. Looking at your numbers, you may be rank 81, but you're nothing impressive.

    Get on your level indeed...

    EDIT: The tone of your posts when coupled with your signature is freaking hilarious.
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  16. Cinnamon

    NC guns are generally good if you use ads a lot and rely on high accuracy rather than "dancing." Otherwise you better get used to shotguns and SMG.
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  17. Epic High Five

    I just

    I mean


    SAW owns bones, Gauss Rifle is the uncontested best default gun in the game (and godly even compared to the full pool), and the Merc is just a solid *** gun all around. Both Merc and GR need only a laser to be great from 0-100m, something the Solstice/Pulsar/TRAC-5/Cycler can't say.

    NC have seriously great guns, the problem is we're really being tossed around philosophically, what with high alpha weapons becoming common pool and shotguns becoming ours/nerfed.
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  18. Fang7.62

    I'm loyal NC but we had this server event on PTS where all Woodman (me too) went as a TR against Miller. God I hated their weapons. Merc? Are you kidding me, this gun is awesome and its free! Gauss rifle.. wat, get the S version and you wont ever need anything else. SAW is special :)
  19. GamerOS

    Gaus saw sucks due to requiring burst firing while it's DPS is ballanced around full auto.
    Same goes for the Reaper DMR or the AC-X11, they can be nice if you kill people in one trigger pull but most of the times you will get more out of the more well rounded guns.

    Otherwise I think all NC infantry weapons are fairly decent, especially since they removed the flinch that made ROF king, now most NC weapons compete with the TR and VS versions.

    My only problem is the faction weapons were the TR get the MCG which is incredibly awesome and pretty easy to use and the VS get the Lasher which is great against large groups of infantry and MAX suits, the Jack hammer is just a shotgun that trades it's one shot kill for a a 3 shot kill that works at slightly longer ranges.

    MAX wise the NC MAX might have a small advantage in CQC, but the low magazine capacity, long reload times and low (nonexistant) damage at range make them horrible for anything that is not an indoors fight or ambush, while both the TR and VS still play a role at longer ranges, even if it's only suppression.

    Vehicle wise, Harrasers are a bit OP on the TR side due to their ES weapons, Prowler does a little to much dps but it's not that much of a problem anymore and well, the Reaver is the worst ESF.
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  20. IamDH

    You're just asking to get flamed by saying that

    I wouldnt consider them garbage guns but they are definately harder to deal with