Will NC guns ever be good as TC guns

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by waxpants, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. waxpants

    after playing both factions for some time now without a doubt TC guns are better than NC guns mostly because there high ROF and low recoil . I cant count how many times I got the drop on a TC soldier only to have him whip around and unload into me and get away with like 10-20% HP and that's even when I hit every shot
    Please SOE give a NC more damage or ROF
    also allow certs to transfer over every faction so people can switch factions any time they feel like
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  2. Van Dax

    Terran Conglomerate OP
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  3. Kortan

    Oh, this man is just full of great ideas.
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  4. FocusLight

    Back when I started playing on the live servers after launch, my IRL buddies decided to go NC despite us all playing TR during beta. So I did too. I had a ****** PC and after a month or two, don't recall how long, I stopped playing for about a month or two after that, awaiting better hardware. Now that I have a far better PC I do play TR, on a separate server, but what I can tell you from my NC time on Woodman...

    My frames per second was low, so I had to compensate. My settings were horrible, so I had to compensate. The answer was my favorite class, the Heavy, and my most respected NC LMG: The God-Saw. The God-Saw was basically my CRUTCH. I did not have to worry about latency, or bad setting, or anything of the sort, so long as I could see the enemy, take aim and fire in controllable bursts, and kill in 5-6 bullets per enemy. 200 damage per bullet, 100 bullets per mag is nothing to joke about and the Gauss Saw, as it's actually called, is rather easy to control once you get the feel for how it behaves.

    Much like any other gun in this game you have to learn how it behaves. My second most used class was the Engineer, mostly for running with my Vanguard so much. Love that tank, if for nothing more than being designed like one, the Prowler looks like a horrible joke, a huge F U to the face of any Terran. I use it on occasion, but I don't really like it much.

    Where was I? Oh yeah, NC guns and Engineer class. Do you have any idea what a monster the Mercenary carbine is? Seriously that thing is among the best carbines I've ever used, and my TR engineer runs with a freaking Jaguar. I had to *PAY* for that thing. The Mercenary came free out of the box when I start playing. Once I got the hang of the recoil on that thing hardly anything won a 1v1 fight with me, and dropping unsuspecting enemies or anyone who were not paying attention was so damn easy, so fast, so fun...

    I tried the infiltrator for a bit back then. You get a freaking bolt-action sniper as your default gun. WHAT.THE.HELL. I had to *BUY* the .50 caliber for my TR infil. Medic was fun, for the short while I used it. Say what you want about any other NC assault rifle the Gauss Rifle that come standard issue is a beast, it reloads so fast, it kills so easily...

    I would never ever complain about NC guns. (Except GD7-F, *cough*ripsoffTR*cough*) They have their charms and their strong suits and their traits need to be respected.

    Because if you don't, the NC heavy will kill you dead. With the EM1, EM6, or worse, the God-Saw.
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  5. MarioPIe

    nope nope nope nopedy nope nope
  6. NC_agent00kevin

    AF19 Merc? Garbage.
    Gauss Rifle? Garbage.
    Gauss SAW? Garbage.
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  7. Lord_Avatar

    Think what you may, but the Terran Conglomerate... Imagine - TR ROF and Accuracy coupled with NC punch. A true 4th faction. :D
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  8. Blarg20011

    can't tell if sarcasm.
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  9. Mxiter

    In the same way, striker is garbage, SVA-88 is garbage :rolleyes:.
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  10. Nexus2151

    Will NC guns ever be good as TC guns
    no Top Cats guns are the best but he needs to watch out for officer Dibble.
  11. KnightCole

    That means you wont someone seriously when you encounter them with those guns. Youll learn lol.
  12. Crowne

    Seems strange to say in a virtual environment, but NC guns feel heftier to me, better built. I just prefer them over TR weaps that feel more like cheaply built knock-offs.

    Plus, NC guns are fair-trade weapons made by healthy, well-compensated workers, as opposed to the TR weapons that are made by malnourished, oppressed workers in need of liberation.
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  13. FateJH

    BS, they're made with nanites.
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  14. Crowne

    Malnourished, oppressed nanites in need of liberation :cool:
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  15. Larolyn

    More damage or more ROF?

    We have the hardest hitting weapons in the game. Be it LMG, Carbine or Shotgun. Not sure about Assault Rifles, haven't played enough medic to start experimenting with ARs.

    More ROF? We have highest ROF carbine in the game. GD7F. Beast mode.

    We have more attachment choices, more variety in scope selection, a wider range of specialised weaponary. Simply put, the NC has more weapons for more situations than any other faction. Finding the right ones for you is half the challenge.

    I've dabbled with TR and their guns just don't sit with me. The NCs arsenal feels and gels better with me. If the TRs arsenal gels better with you, then perhaps you are more suited fighting for the TR. But when it comes to high damage and ROF, NC wins.
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  16. Swoo

    I've always thought the weapons felt like they were in reverse for the factions. The NC guns seem like the heavy-duty mass produced weapons of the Terran war machine, while the TR guns had that quick, flimsy feel that you would expect guerrilla's fighting against a numerically superior force to use.

    I like both sets of weapons, just a thing I always believed.
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  17. Sordid

    It's the same for tanks. The Vanguard actually looks like a tank, the Prowler looks like someone took an excavator, took the driver's cabin off, and installed a gun turret in its place.
  18. Consumer

    I've played NC very heavily (exclusively for my primary server, Connery) and I find that I'll more often come across people who feel that the NC are underpowered. And when I say underpowered, I don't mean "our Reavers are larger and lack some handling advantages others have" or "this particular LMG has fewer substantial benefits than this Vanu counterpart". I mean: the NC are hopelessly outgunned in every encounter and cannot possibly hold a candle unless they swarm the enemy.

    Some of them are on my friends list or in my outfit! And I don't really want to kill the buzz by going on the tangent, so I'll take the time to do it here, in a more neutral environment.

    I think the balancing in this game is done satisfactorily, as with most games that have a decent audience and are centered around multiplayer balance. It's just something that's necessary. A game so poorly balanced as many NC I've met (as well as VS and TR; fewer still, but still many) have led themselves to believe couldn't exist in at least a playable state. And in some cases, on some servers, people might be justified when there's various imbalances in the populations and such. But for the most part, balances that need to be made at this point are either large and impacting all factions on several levels or small and numerous regarding specific weapons or vehicles.

    I really did buy into the "NC is beyond hope" early on because that was a general sentiment. To some degree, before the rounds of balances, perhaps the scales were tilted in disfavor. Or maybe not. But at this point in time, as a player with much more time spent in-game than before (when most of my beta time was spent fooling around with new content), it's not and has never really been the case that NC weapons are awful.

    One thing that was pretty jarring to me when I first switched to TR was the horizontal drift in recoil. Almost all NC weapons, barring the Medic's, seem to have balanced lateral recoil. The ease to control NC weapons is largely impeccable when consistency aiming at targets, standing or moving left or right, is important in improving accuracy at longer ranges. I'm not suggesting horizontal recoil is impossible to work with, and there will always be some shaking left and right while firing. But it is a notable component of NC effectiveness where accuracy counts.

    I can't speak in much depth to the hard numbers behind weapons because I've lost interest in them. The TR's slightly faster time-to-kills compared to particular NC weapons and greater volume of bullets in general (which I still feel encourages less penalty to inaccuracy, whether altogether or with headshots) has always given me the impression that their weapons are more forgiving when players are both of lower accuracy. And statistically, I realize that there should theoretically be little difference if fire rate and damage are normalized for an exactly equal damage output; however, at a practical level, luck plays a larger role with lower rate of fire for weapons of the same type.

    And so it's a story of convergence. Even now, I feel that the usability of the TR's and even some of the VS' weapons have an upper edge of familiarity or comfort for unfamiliar players. NC players might be missing out on the earlier stages or perhaps there is some redeeming point newbies can work off of. So while this might all sound like some underhanded message to promote NC skill and undermine others, it isn't. I do think it's a natural story for more NC newbies to find the other grass greener than others, but there's a point where NC skill converges with equal TR or VS skill and disparity between balance under a generic infantry playstyle becomes much less obvious and more manifested between the tiny things and, thus, "who has the most of those marginal things going for them." And there may in fact be fewer little things going for the NC, and there might not. But unless I am deluded in a diverged margin of balance-immediately-significant-to-the-player for newer players, this is what I'm sticking to for my anecdotal experiences.

    I think it's natural but incredibly unhealthy. I've met so many more NC players who are so adamant in their conviction that there's some defect with their weapons. While there may or may not be some small points of truth in each case, their arguments are typically vacuous. You see them complaining about the Mercenary or Gauss Rifle and it gets peculiar, because they're really quite effective when used...effectively. So what does that mean? As I brought up earlier, I do feel that the sole impact of fire rate while keeping damage output constant is that slower ROF gives chance a bigger influence. And I don't think it's balanced quite 50:50 in that the rewards of chance are identical to the punishments of chance. A weapon that fires a one-hit-kill shot slowly in a cone compared to a weapon that fires a eight-hit-kill eight-times faster in a cone might be less desirable to the less-familiarized but may in fact be an incredible weapon to those who understand the advantages in difference, not in spite of. Of course, the real differences are not quite so obvious and are not so large, but I reasonably believe they exist at a considerable enough level. But even among the NC, this is a case of the EM6 and Gauss SAW LMGs: where, disregarding accuracy, the EM6 is more versatile and forgiving for more players largely for its tradeoff of ROF for damage.

    And this gets even more muddled as the discussion begins to encompass more, including the vehicles, the selections, and what have you. But in looking at predominantly infantry weapons, I'll sum up this personally necessarily wordy post as: I think there is a slight disadvantage for newer NC players that evens out quickly, or for some who may simply be in the wrong faction, plagues them forever.
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  19. Hibiki54

    Possibly the greatest post I have ever read on this damn forum. Good job.
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  20. XRIST0

    TC guns are the best , nothing compares .
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