252nd Spec Ops Outfit [252V] Recruiting

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Luzario, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Mhaza

    @ Devil and Baptist: I will forward the word.

    @ INI Elite: Thank you for our own private little war. It was fun. Too bad I noticed very late my suitslots were empty, causing me to die way too fast. But when that was fixed the fun was all the better :D
  2. Furus

    @At Bptist

    Wasnt a problem bro,anytime you need smth let me know :)
  3. Mhaza

    Wingardium leviosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    • Up x 1
  4. Furus

  5. Odan.be

    I wanted to apply, but your recruitement form is bugged :(
  6. Dodo

    Yup, same here for me, I was checking out your website and noticed that your recruitment form is bugged..

    I am not planning to apply as of yet.. I am just trying to get some info on a couple of outfits that look interesting out there :) (although I am more of a air fighter)

    One question for you, Is your outfit very active ? :)
  7. Qballos

  8. Mhaza

    It's active Dodo. Especially during our ops nights.
  9. Pella


    Looking good lads.
    • Up x 4
  10. Luzario

    and its actually readable :D :D :D
  11. Dignity

    Like seeing you guys around. Always makes for a good hunt.
  12. Luzario

    yeah we need to concentrate on the pink some more again.... :D
  13. Mr T

    Wow, wow, this place needs a BUMP! It was nearly at the bottom of the page! :eek:

    @Dignity Would you perhaps have any idea if Lolwood still plays this game?
  14. Dignity

    I haven't seen him in 6 months, so I'd say no. Good to see you actually still around in the game. Too bad you switched over to NC.
  15. Mr T

    Yeah well, someone needs to liberate Auraxis... :D

    Still kept some of my 'Vanunism', so I'm not completely converted.

    :eek: ******************:eek:****:eek:********************:eek:**************:eek:********
    :eek: ******************:eek:****:eek:********************:eek:**************:eek:********

    This place needs a BUMP!
  16. (CSG) LukasAlexander

    yep right back at you, nice little fight we had going (5v5), enjoyed it! Shame about all the randoms that got in the way.
    Shoot you guys around some other time ;)!
  17. Qballos

    nice looking the logo on the armor :D
  18. Luzario

  19. Arquin

    Booty bump
  20. Furus

    Araquin wtf is that siggy?