Test Release Notes 5.29.2013

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by Luperza, May 29, 2013.

  1. Syphers

    you're clueless dude, winning alerts is about the numbers and you're slightly underpop on most servers. Everything you got is fine and even stronger and more accurate for most things
  2. Kize

    That guy is literally just straight complaining without a purpose. Notice the belligerent tone, situational use of caps, random use of pronouns being emphasized and general disregard for the state of the game. Not to mention directly attacking me and being in direct violation of forum policy on Luperza's announcement (I kinda feel bad for her being disrespected like that).
  3. Netsurfer733

    Will you guys be dealing with the Nanoweave bug so that bolt action snipers can't possibly kill someone with nanoweave rank 2?
  4. Ranik

    AMC changes don't seem to be in yet, or they are basically just a change of iron sights.
  5. Cougarbrit

    This. I've seen the changes for the LMGs and ARs on reddit, but not the others.

    LMG/AR pics:
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  6. Deemmou

    I'm just gona say this... At least we have something on our maxes now :p
  7. MrIDoK

    I'm hoping for this:

    this preview image was in the files as "icon_Weapon_TR_Carbine006", so it's possible this is the new T5 AMC... And given the similarities with the T16 and T32, it's probably it.

    I mean, the Razor got a stock, so i want one for my T5 AMC NAO!
    (higby pls)
  8. PwNrJoKeR

    Are you being serious right now? You're acting like a child. SOE are not your parents, time to put on your big boy pants and accept another's opinion that just might be in direct conflict of your own opinion. The only reason Vanu started to win any Alerts on Connery was because of the merger with Helios, not because of the ZOE. You just use the ZOE as an excuse to why you guys have lost any Alerts to us at all. The Vanu has been stuck with losing every single Alert since the release of the patch that included the Alert content. Most of the Alerts we have won at all were barely won as it is. This has been a population issue.

    Do you see anyone complaining about TR fractures or NC Phoenix that one shot ESFs? You guys had "goku god mode" NC Hacksaws for 2+ months on your MAX. With ZOE mode, the Vanu max can be easily killed by 2 rockets to the face because they take 20% increased damage. Coordinate with a buddy of yours who is a heavy assault to take him down. It's really not that hard. Stop trying to solo the game, this isn't call of duty. At least you have a chance to do something against ZOE, it's not instagib like the hacksaws were. God forbid, it's an ability with drawbacks.

    Each faction has something the others don't like. You just choose to whine about it.
  9. NeverWas

    so right now we know the TRs fire 65% more bullet, per bullet.

    technology obviously by cave johnson.
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  10. MrIDoK

    Coming in GU10: lemons.
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  11. Deemmou

    As long as we get the portal gun im fine by that :p
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  12. Ranik

    If that's it i'll be more than happy with it compared to the current one.
  13. GraphicJ

    "Tracers are now more visible during the daytime."

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  14. g0aten

    The NC and TR MAXes have better damage output than the VS that's why the ability is good. There is no imbalance mate.
  15. g0aten

    Complete bias is what you're saying. :)
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  16. g0aten

    How is Alpha 1,2,3,4, Bravo 1,2,3,4, and so on complicated? Colours aren't at play here you just say the name of the Squad so it doesn't matter what colours people use...
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  17. Kize

    Yeah I am serious. I also think you are confusing respect with being responsible or being tolerant. You are supposed to respect the forum guidelines/not attack another player directly so you can have a constructive conversation. Direct attacks on players is not constructive by any sense of the word... and really you aren't being constructive either... so really this puts you in a bad spot as well. You can have a conversation without name calling or being generally rude. Also I allow other peoples opinions and heavily encourage them but when they are no longer constructive you need to go elsewhere (for obvious reasons).

    Really I can't speak for Connery. This may be the one piece of halfway constructive argumentation you have throughout your entire post. I can speak for Mattherson and it is just so far out of control I can't possibly fit it into this post (not to mention it is outside of this threads original purpose.. I just want feedback on balancing from Luperza if possible!)

    The rest of your post is dismissed mostly because it is inaccurate nonsense that you have no clue about. Please keep this on topic so it doesn't get locked and we get feedback from the developers on the test server.

    I am on topic and hoping for some balancing changes to be discussed.. I choose to mention Goku Mode because it is a very very serious problem on my server right now/causing hordes of people to transfer to VS/cause players to quit faster than the over buffed magrider or prowler patches... and would like to know if the development team is trying things to even it out on test or not. (Really this will help me allocate my play time).
  18. Leer

    I haven't seen a bug of this type mentioned. If it is a head shot it should be a kill. An HA with rank 5 nanoweave + full shield should should survive all other classes should drop. (not counting MAX)
  19. AuntLou42

    Can we also add the squad's waypoint changing to the picked color of the squad?
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  20. AIMBseagullMC

    Those white NS tracers are gonna be nice!
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