Lancer and Phoenix should one shot infantry like other AV.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Livefire, May 26, 2013.

  1. TrainerS2

    No No Rocket Nabs !!!! Make No Rocket Can One Shoot Infranty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I sick of geting rocket in face the vanu players use it most times GRRRRRRR
    Make all rockets cant one shot Infranty and there no rpg nabs will use it as wepon for infranty !!!!!
  2. Ganelon

    Planetside is not supposed to be like Arma. At all.
  3. Livefire

    Like the afterburner and all the things you said afterwords, the stand up bug is especially annoying. Can not see or shoot back? It's a slow moving blue missile that you can move right out of the way of as people do it to me all the time, that's only when they don't simply shoot it down which they do a lot to. How can they not see it or shoot back if they always seem to move out of the way or shot it down before I hit them?
  4. Livefire

    It's suppose to be way more realistic then the first one and based on modern FPS's mainly battle field and call of duty, however the devs have mentioned world of tanks and arma many time with admiration. They have even expressed there intension to put track IR in the game which you may not know is a arma favorite.
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  5. Apis

    NO. The game works best with all ESL's not OHKing infantry.
  6. EliteEskimo

    And have this nightmare happen again?:eek: I don't think that would be a good idea LOL

  7. huller

    mass reactive, the warhead only detonates if it hits armour plating.

    Also, terrible suggestion is terrible, let's give the striker dumb fire and make it OHK while you are at it, see ho much you would cry then.
  8. Vorxil

    I'd rather have a better scope on my Lancer than more AI damage. Hell, I'd trade all my AI damage if it could do more AV damage + better scope.
  9. Jeno

    Yay, great idea! Then even a single person could kill a tank without it being able to get away or fight back. Enough exploding tanks without warning as is, just team up with other lancers if you want lame fun.
  10. siddar

    Phoenix's can't one shot infantry anymore because all the TR and VS would rage quit if they still could.

    Really don't spend your time asking for something that will never happen.
  11. Nasher

    NO, in fact the other AV rocket launchers should be changed so they DONT 1 shot infantry...
  12. Livefire

    LoL I see that it's very sad huh, the devs would not of put it in the game as an OSK in the first place if it was as broken as people are acting. So many ******* whinny bad fps players ******** about OP weapons in place of there lack of skill. It must of caught the devs off balance to with the amount of whiners that hit the forum and they eventually caved and gave them there nurf, so sad. When I play my TR I never get hit by a Phoenix as I can always easily out maneuver it or just watch it fly towards me as I take aim and shoot it down.
  13. Livefire

    Doing this would be a game breaking change! When I hit you in the face with an AV rocket, every AV rocket you should die . If i land one with in a meter of you you should die as I'm pretty sure it is in game right now. Shoulder lunched RPG type weaponry is the biggest threat on the modern battle field and should continue to be in the future.
  14. HellasVagabond

    If they can make ALL launchers NOT 1 shot infantry then all is well....
    However having half do that and half not is simply stupid.
  15. Metalsheep

    After reading 5 pages of this, i get the feeling it's just a troll thread.

    But, seriously, worst idea ever. They should actually make all Rocket Launchers like PS1 and not 1 shot infantry at all.
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  16. metrotw

    Not gonna happen...this thread can go to 100 pages and its not gonna happen.
  17. metrotw

    This is the correct solution and I believe it will be implemented sooner rather than later ;)
  18. Liquid23

    actually it isn't... artillery and mortars are... they have ruled the battlefield for a long time... shoulder launched weapon systems don't actually see a lot of use with infantry compared to just about any other weapon system... mostly that's because of the weight issue but also because it's simply easier irl to call in air, armor or artillery to do the work of the shoulder launched systems... and that is coming from someone who carried a SMAW and loved the system
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  19. The King

    I don't believe itl'l be a good idea on my lancer.. I don't really care for it, not many on my team uses it.
    So i don't really like it much.

    On Matterson, it seems like most VS uses it and that's when the lancer is amazing.

    But for OHK'n a dude, I think that would be bad for the TR and NC.
    If you can get a headshot, then I think yeah, but bodyshots, no...
  20. Metallic123

    This logic is beyond me