Why are people being over compensated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Chiss, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. Peebo

    What about all your Flak, nanoweave, grenade bandolier, C4, stickies, engi rep gun, av turret, mana turret, medic applicator... Should I go on?
  2. CoffeeBreak

    I know right? All these guys got free max level characters so now they'll be able to do the new raids next patch while I'm still out in the field killing 10 boars!

    Seriously though, it's a FPS. Certs let you modify playstyles but if you're playing to "level up" in this game you're a moron and need to go back to wow.
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  3. alexm

    I pity those players with 10K + certs... So many certs would ruin the game for me. Now I am happy each time I can unlock a new thing for my lightning, but with so many certs I would unlock it all and ... then what? :)
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  4. CHDT65

    "This guy would have to spend $8,000 dollars.

    BR 14 with 160,000"

    This is behond ridiculous.
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  5. TeknoBug

    I only got between 3600-4000 on 3 toons, lol I wish I could have gotten 25-50K.
  6. Phrygen

    these things are often buggy.... but wtf
  7. WantedOne

    How will the leaderboards sort themselves out in "a day" when people ranging from level 0 to 10 have MORE certs than a BR 100?

    That there is a load of ****.
  8. Deadeye

    The hamster wheel mentality in MMOs today....You guys need to grow up. This is not WOW. Someone who has more certs than you is not an inherently better player. You can still shoot them. They just have access to a couple of more toys. Toys they paid cash for before account wide unlocks.

    I thought this community was better than this. Guess I was wrong. I really have no sympathy for the people getting jealous that others were compensated with certs for money they spent in the game. In fact, I find you guys pathetic. You are why the MMORPG genre is crap because you people insist on the carrot on a stick progression system instead of just enjoying the game.

    I'm going to set the record straight right now. This game, it's not for you. This game is different. If you think the only point to this game is to get all the certs or get to BR100, you are factually doing it wrong.

    This game is about faction pride. It's about territory control on a vast open world. It's about taking your enemy's base from them at the point of a gun or even a knife and when the smoke clears and your colors hang from every corner, you turn to your faction mates and you give them a high five or a handshake and a nod; then you reload your guns, jump in a vehicle and you go take the next base and the one after that and the one after that until you rule every rock on the server. Then you get to brag about it till they pry that land from your cold dead fingers.

    I play on the Mattherson server as a proud member of blue lions. Have you seen the topics about Mattherson? They're about speculation over faction alliances and epic struggles to keep or take away continent benefits, not about certs. Both NC and VS have won alerts. Meanwhile TR are stuck on indar trying to hold the most coveted of benefits. For you "meta game" people, there it is in front of your faces.

    So guys, this game is not about the certs. The certs are nice but if that's all you're playing for and you're going to complain that someone got compensated in certs, please go away. This isn't the game for you. Go back to WOW or The Old Republic or Star Trek Online or the forums for the next stupid linear progression MMORPG that will last 3 months before collapse. I'll bet most of you would have left when you hit BR100 anyway thinking you "won" the game.

    TL;DR if the only reason you are playing is for certs like that's the only point, then you're not playing to the spirit of the game. If you stay, fine, if you want to leave, your kind won't be missed. Go back to WOW and its clones where your kind belong.
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  9. Phrygen

    Its just so ridiculous that SOE didn't realize how much certs they were actually giving away. 10-20k certs is a ridiculous ammout of certs.

    I can get past that some players are no pay to win players, and we will never know who they are for sure, but SOE being so unintelligent about the matter is troubling. the fact that they got Certs rather than getting SC was just pure greed on the part of SOE anyway.
  10. Rycon

  11. McFatal

    Heh, whatever. I got nothing, I could care less. No amount of certs will change the skill level of my enemies nor my own.
  12. Phrygen

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  13. SharpeShooter

    THIRD??? What the deuce! Who are the two scrubs above me may I ask, so I can off them and be number 1?
  14. Tamas

    I owned noobs (most of the posters here) before the patch easily and I will own you after it. It didn't make me a better player or a worse player - I can see that people are way too focused on certs, so it just confirms why most are so freaking bad at this game. Go farm certs in crown and shed your tears in local chat.
  15. maxkeiser

    What exactly have these people won? They die just the same.
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  16. Nuggetman

    This is outside of infantry, but try taking a 0 cert vehicle vs. a max cert vehicle and tell me that certs don't give an advantage.

    While the certs don't give HUGE advantages, they still give advantages that make the difference.

    Things like increased reload speed and agility are direct upgrades to DPS and SURVIVABILITY.

    Extended mags, laser sights, and improved armors are perfect examples of certs that increase power. They improve dps, survivability, and visibility. Laser sights drastically reduce the hipfire COF saving time for iron sighting across multiple ranges. I could go on for days, but am gonna stop here.

    Certs are power in this game. Anyone who argues that they are not is flat out lying or just confused. That is why the original idea was to not let them be bought with $$$.

    I am still on the fence about this issue because I am a loyal paying customer who got 0 certs. Am I upset? Not really. I never had them coming in the first place, but it is kinda ****** being left in the dust by all the less dedicated players who faction hop.

    No, but seriously. They all leave me in the dust now because they have max frames on their sundys.
  17. Phrygen

    more certs than a BR 50 has managed to earn legitimately.
  18. Xae

    No, it isn't.

    A small handful of people won the cert lottery.

    Get over it.
  19. DaninTexas

    This 100%. I really couldn't care less if I had a million certs or zero. Fact is PS2 brings something unique to the table. A combined arms FPS where a battle can have 500 people in it fighting in 3 factions complete with many infantry options - tanks - air craft and many more to come. There is not another modern game that even comes close.

    The vocal minority think they matter but they don't. Sony owns the PS 2 IP - they are also famous for running their IPs into the ground. So 10 years down the road - this game will still be rocking - even if on one server - that is all we need.
  20. Phrygen

    you never said you would give people an entire BR 75 character worth of certs.
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