[Suggestion] Do not give the VS MAX ability that is currently on the Test Server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. TeknoBug

    :eek: Are you using the Blueshift?
  2. JudgeDeath

    My AA max needs this.
  3. Fenrisk

    They should of given the VS a Guyver style chest blast that can 1 shot enemy maxes but on a long cooldown :p
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  4. MasterTater

    3 Vanu players in the SOE team and all decision makers on the right NC side - GG - wont spend a cent on SOE Cah Shop as long as they abuse their power position to **** with 1/3 ... of sorry meanwhile it is far less sorry - 25% of the player base.


  5. MartianDiscoFish

    What is.....I don't.......WHY?!

    I don't understand why the Devs are so opposed to Max Jumpjets, at least make them avaliable on the test server so we can see if they are balanced.
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  6. Shadestrike

    Look, if the mercy bloom stays the same in lockdown, just run at us. We won't hit you, ever.
  7. MasterTater

    I had to LOL about your "sarcasm" I hope the "..." indicated my Sarcasm when I spoke about your sarcasm.

    Check out some videos with Higby representing - NC faction 90% of times and how hard they roll ^^ thats what I call a fanboy.

    At least try to get it straight when you jump into a thread. And game lead designer VS lol - yea that dude is really making the game chaning decisions right ^^
  8. MasterTater

    I am using it - at least I bought it after testing several VS guns. As I tested them all I thought I hold to the cash shop description which says for the Blueshift that it was actually the MOST ACCURATE LONGRANGE weapon for VS MAX.

    In fact its the worst gun of all in all aspects - lowest RoF in comparison to dmg - worst accuracy and overall performance.

    When asking in support to get what I bought according to the shop description, they normally would have to give me the cosmos in an exchange (removing blueshift - booking in Cosmos - they do it and did it for my outfit mates already)


    they told me to kiss their buttrose in a more polite manner and get 7 euro to either wip my ar+se with or to purchase the cosmos as I already know now which weapon should have originally received the long range Max AI weapon description.


    SOE ..|.
  9. TeknoBug

    The Blueshift is the WORST MAX AI of them all, get the Cosmos, you'll be surprised at how effective they are (the TR Mercy are the same but with an earlier COF bloom than the Cosmos).
  10. KI-Natas

    Oh no, press this button to nerf your VS Max-Ability?

    No good for a max which will be shot in few seconds. Maybe good for a NC Max but not VS.

    Why no jumpjets? Why no fast movement? Or high jump Charge like a frog?
    Hmm switching the abilitys between NC and VS?
  11. GalacticBulge

    Sounds kind of meh on the whole, but a VS dual-burster ZOE Max would wreck enemy air even more so than they do now.

    The tears would drown us all.
  12. stalkish

    you mean your wrong so your leaving lol.
  13. Rayden78

    Coming soon ... Cert your minimap.
  14. Jaloro


    At least roll them onto Test so we can see.
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  15. Nexnyn

    What is up with the infatuation with jumpjets on the MAX.
    It will not add much of any effectiveness to the MAX, and while the other 2 faction abilities increase effectiveness, the jump jet would have to be some ridiculous near Hulk super jump with low cooldown to not make the VS max get stomped every encounter vs either MAX with their ability

    Id rather have neither,
    Something that fits better into the technological limelight would be
    either a mode that transforms the MAX
    or something like
    A mode that basically turns the max weapons into Photon II PPA super charged lasher machine guns with high RoF that also slow targets it hits
  16. Jaloro

    The infatuation comes with experience of them.
  17. Nexnyn

    I have experience with them to, but also remember the TTK environment in PS1 and compare it to PS2.
    Jumpjets on a MAX in PS2 would only aid in getting closer to an enemy, or rather a quicker death for the MAX itself especially when opposed by lockdown and riot shield+Hacksaws.

    Jumpjets would be so situational and gimmicky in PS2 on a MAX it wouldn't even be funny, the only time they would actually help your MAX in performing anything would be with dual flamethrowers (obviously using a mobility tool to shorten the distance for Close range weapons), but you can pretty much already do that with charge.

    At least with each arm turning into a supercharged lasher (like 2x splash radius of normal lasher) that slowed people each hit or did a DoT effect, is suddenly the max would excel in area denial. At least it would excel in something then
  18. RomulusX

    Gimme dat Bro Gun bro
  19. ent|ty

    The same time when I AA and am not in the direct line of fire, and I'm clever enough to conceal myself until its too late for the target to get away. Thats when.

    The 'glass cannon' has been used in many games.
  20. FlayvorOfEvil

    Give the VS thrusters like giant robots.