[Suggestion] Do not give the VS MAX ability that is currently on the Test Server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NUKABAZOOKA, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. MisterBond

    I don't believe in developer bias, this is a game they need to sell

    I do believe in developer STUPIDITY on the other hand.....
  2. Sian

    I like how you think, soldier.

    Tell that to someone who plays mainly Pyro in TF2.
    That said, I think the devs don't have a clear idea of what they want for the VS as they do the TR and NC. TR's role is clear. Move Fast, Shoot More. NC is more armor, hits hard. Is VS about accuracy? flexibility? mobility? tightly scuplted *****? Hell if I know anymore. We'll always be 'that other empire' until we get distinctive gameplay past 'newb friendly no bullet drop lol'
  3. Twitch760

    Not having read the entire thread yet all I see is VS running around in their over powered ZOE maxes melting faces left and right. Nerf this ability FFS Sony I'm refusing to engage the VS in direct combat until it gets fixed. I'll fight the TR at least I have a chance against them.
  4. Dvine

    NC is crying about OP maxes....

  5. Twitch760

    We aren't and never were that over powered. Our AI max was only good at short range while yours is good to short to medium range and it moves as fast or faster than a heavy assault. With a pet engineer following around they will stay alive practically forever.
  6. TintaBux

    And you was crying about NC MAX when it was OP, ironic eh.