Best NC Weapon for CQC?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Bloodwod, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Armchair

    Seriously, the only CQC edge the NC had was the scattermax. Everything else is either common-pool like the infantry shotguns, or knock-off versions of TR gear.
  2. Mumnoch

    you mean knock-off versions of TR gear that does more dmg? That maybe true but /shrug. I made the comment about taking your pick because NC dominates in CQC because 1: They do, and 2: people on this thread have already posted 5 or 6 different weapon suggestions that they said was their "go-to gun for CQC".

    If you seriously want to whine about NC even though it's obvious they dominate in CQC then take it up with the other NC players here that are suggesting the plethora of great choices, not with the guy who agreed with them and pointed out to the OP that based on the amount of choices being offered he couldn't go wrong really picking any of the weapons being suggested.
  3. Armchair

    The ones that have higher damage per bullet, but more recoil, smaller magazines, lower rates of fire (equating to lower DPS), and usually lack the .75 ads movement modifier? Yeah. Those knockoffs.
  4. Mumnoch

    Any recoil can be learned and adjusted, and most the TR weapons don't have the great movement modifier either. But if it takes 3 bullets for you to kill my TR toon and it takes me 5 bullets to kill the NC toon then you will kill me before I kill you, then you can take your own sweet time reloading or whatever while I wait to respawn. This is demonstrated everyday in NC vs any of the other faction fights.

    That has nothing to do with the OP though, and while my original comment did pertain I'm unsure why you are continuing to derail this. If you want to make a thread about how sucky the NC is compared to the other factions create a new thread and get bashed there, instead of where someone is asking for advice~
  5. LowTechKiller

    After the latest round of knee-jerk nerfs to all that was holy and pure...The Claw...I formally and officially withdraw my answer.
    Now there is no "best" NC weapon for CQC.
  6. WaitShift

    Use the Max.
  7. Tyrranis

    Yes, the standard LMG is pretty awesome. I've got the Auraxium medal for it already, and it's currently got the most kills on it than any of my other weapons. I switched over to the Saw S mainly because I felt that after getting said Auraxium medal that I needed a change, and the Saw S was relatively cheap cert-wise, and during that double XP Easter weekend thing I earnt a whole pile of certs.

    I prefer the S to the standard one, though it might be because I didn't get the Compensator for it (and, to be honest, I don't think I could), and the increased fire rate means in a panic situation I fire more bullets and have more of a chance to kill the guy.
  8. ladiesop

    Rate of fire?

    The bullets needed comparing a 143 damage weapon to a 200 damage weapon is 7 bullets vs 5. The Carv/Orion RoF is 50% faster than the SAW. With head shots it is 4 and 3 head shots.

    In CQC, DPS matters more than ttk, because you're firing from the hip and can't guarantee the first shot to hit two things matter: hip COF then DPS. Horizontal recoils is a non-factor at these ranges, and by the time it takes you to sim down sights, you're already dead (or at least losing). The high ROF weapons are the high dps weapons.

    At mid-short ranges where you do ADS, horizontal recoil still doesn't matter and the high ROF weapons have a faster TTK after the first damage drop off.

    At around 35m+, horizontal recoil starts to matter, and this is where the harder hitting weapon advantage begins.
  9. llPendragon

    You're right, I may have biased that choice on all-around ability instead of CQC.
    My trial with the Anchor wasn't very positive, so it's the only one of those I don't own. I'll spend some more time in VR with the Anchor and see if I can't get a better impression. If I can't get a feel in practice, I may even pick it up with my extra 2x station cash.
  10. Mumnoch

    If NC's weapons rate of fire is so much slower than the other faction's the proof would be in the pudding as the saying goes. As it stands (looks at all the servers and how NC dominates all maps on all servers but Aussie) looks like the proof is saying the NC's weapons are superior~

    And are you crazy? Some of your weapons can 1-3 shot/1-2 shot(head) people, especially when they are closer. Are you whining just to be whining or do you actually believe anyone believes your hipe?
  11. ladiesop

    Because I'm quoting the stats straight from the gamefiles and commonly referenced spreadsheets. While it has been wrong on some details in the past, it's been pretty accurate and the Automatic Infantry weapons are easy to verify, especially the damage ratings. The SAW fires at 500 RPM, while the Carv/Orion have 750 RPM, which is 50% faster. Overall they achieve similar TTK, with the faster ROF having much higher DPS which helps in CQC situations and against targets like Maxes.
    NC weapons that 1-3 shot without headshots are: Shotguns, Sniper Rifles (all identical over all factions). With headshots, weapons that 1-2 shot are: Shotguns, Sniper Rifles (all identical over all factions).

    The SAW (and Reaper DMR) are the hardest hitting automatic infantry weapons. At the very best, the kill in 3 headshots over 10m, and all 3 have to hit the head and at max range 1 rank of nanoweave will require one more hit. At the same range, the Carv/Orion require 4 headshots.

    I play NC on Woodman, with the massive influx of new players (SOE recommend new players join this server, and you'll be able to tell if you wear ammo as you're teamkilled with 50%+ damage done at least one each battle on average). When there's an alert, the continent caps 33% each faction and NC always do the worst here. At the very least this is a bit of evidence that shows they have a steeper learning curve.
  12. Mumnoch

    So you admit that NC weapons do more dmg and take less shot's to kill people, but this isn't enough for you and you want something more. K.

    Think that clears things up for me anyways. Just another NC fanboy that isn't happy enough with his superior weapons hitting/killing faster but want's it so he can do less work to achieve this.

    Here's a idea to simply what your asking for. Just give NC a ability to freeze the game so you guys can walk around at your leisure and point-blank headshot TR and Vanu ground forces...or better yet how about we give you a ability to stay safely in your spawn room and zip some kind of explosive round around by video control to snipe anyone in the area?

    Oh wait, they already did that,
  13. ladiesop

    No, I'm saying that the weapons are fine. What the NC lack in CQC (actually short-mid) LMGs, they have in long range LMGs. Over the sum of the weapons, the TTK is extremely close.

    In real CQC, Shotguns are the preferred weapon and these are the same across all factions.

    I'm pretty much completely satisfied with the infantry small arms in this game in terms of balance, actually. Every faction has their stinkers in one category or another, but there are plenty of good weapons each faction can choose from.
  14. Kingside

    My experience with the EM6 in QCQ is that it is very much like the MSW-R except it has double the magazine. Sure, they are less effective than Claw or Piston, but if you aren't solo capping your going to have a lot of staying power with an EM6. I have killed 4 people with one magazine before and it is very effective at solo killing MAXs if you use concussion grenades.

    In other words, the NC do have a very effective LMG for QCQ
  15. Epoch/Eep


    I tend to only listen to people who have actually used a gun for a significant amount of time.
    Most people who say it fails have maybe trialled it, used it in VR, looked at a spreadsheet or have issues buying it because its for a single class and they are too cheap.
    I know 7 guys who run with it now and all love the gun for CQ role that isnt point blank. There is one guy i know who doesn't get on well with it and only bought it because the other 7 guys have got it, he enjoys his OHK cheese with the claw though. thing with Jack is if you use it for a few hours it really grows on you and covers that CQ area that saw fails at. Its kinda middle ground between pump action and LMg but that middle ground is very easy to play in and you can kill stuff at silly ranges for a shotgun if your willing to spam ammo. Its good for group play because of this and u need an engi nearbye.
    You have players out there with 15000 kills on Jackhammer who claim it sucks but lets be honest. 15000 clearly works :)

    If your cheap then another shotgun works great too. If you dont care as much about SC efficency though. Its a fun gun to use.

    Happy to discuss this gun with anyone who has just 100 kills or more with it. im only around 800 atm but ive used it a bit. If you quote me to disagree just link your stats and ill reply. cba to argue with people who have no clue though :p
  16. llPendragon

    The Jackhammer is a flaming pile of fail. It's so bad that I only needed two kills to feel comfortable saying that.
    I'm not willing to waste more of my life playing a horrible gun just to prove something to you.

  17. Epoch/Eep

    lol muppet
  18. Taiga

    You are f*cking ret*rded. YOU are clearly a fanboy of whatever f*cking faction you play. NC guns are easily outclassed in CQC and excel at long range. you think that 1 less headshot to kill with far less fire rate is OP? My god, you idiots always think that the grass is greener. If you want to have a range advantage on your enemy, join NC. if you want to have a cqc advantage on NC, join VS or TR. easy as that. and please, don't even get me started on the striker or prowler or even the mossy, and how they CLEARLY proven by FACTS out-score the NC and VS equivalents.
    • Up x 1
  19. KnightCole

    Whats the determiner one uses for OP or not OP?

    I dont think the NC guns are really OP. I will say that while they do fire a bit slower then the other factions, the higher damage of the NC, it has won me far more engagements then I ever did on the TR side. My BR24 TR HA, I had a 2.7KD, my BR20 NC HA guy right now has a 3.43? I play the same way as I did on the TR, Tank/LMG combo.

    NC are not OP, but they are certainly not UP. They are just all in all bad ***.
  20. LayLow2013

    if you NC character was your second character it should be higher since you are not new to the game anymore simple as that.