Best NC Weapon for CQC?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Bloodwod, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Pie Chasm

    The smaller populations are losing the battles, implying less resources, implying less vehicles spawned, implying less total exp possible for the other side.

    Infantry kills aren't zero sum exactly, but in practice they mostly are due to the insanely low ttk. It is simply not probable that more than 2-3 people get more than the small assist bonus based on how low health values are.

    From experience, I always make more exp defending a base by picking off a few lone infantry than camping a base with almost no defenders with a vehicle.. and obviously capping an empty base is trivial.

    The alert is the only thing making larger populations possibly favorable at the moment.
  2. Taiga

    You know, for all the NC that came here to "defend" you, you sure seem to be argueing with a lot of them.
  3. ladiesop

    XP possible is a nonsense figure, because the vehicles can't be systematically all destroyed and the larger number of vehicles will cause the roll over and help score more in the long run.

    Lone wolf infantry attackers aren't statistically that relevant, because of lack of numbers and probably no local spawn. Of course camping a base with no defenders won't get many points, but in a battle the more populous side will find killing the defenders easier. A base with no defenders is a battle (basically) already won, especially with an SCU base.

    The assist value doesn't matter, because 10 vs 3, the 10 will be able to kill the 3 many times over:

    a zero–sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which a participant's gain (or loss) of utility is exactly balanced by the losses (or gains) of the utility of the other participant(s). If the total gains of the participants are added up, and the total losses are subtracted, they will sum to zero.

    So it isn't zero sum as it's not a CS match where you're out of the round until you die.

    You respawn in seconds and when seriously outnumbered, the smaller group is likely to be killed more times over by the larger one. The opposing side doesn't lose points when they die; the only gain in points is killing over and over, and the bigger the group the easier that is, assuming all things equal.
  4. Pie Chasm

    There's really nothing mathematical to this debate, because there are too many assumptions being made about player behavior.

    If you want to actually show stats that sort of back up the conclusion that greater player numbers imply more exp per capita per hour, then I'd like to see it, but if not.. well I can't rebut that, because I don't have access to stats either, or am too lazy to google.. or fail at googling.
  5. ladiesop

    In simple terms, 10 vs 3, equally skilled in twitch and tactics, who wins?

    Now do it over multiple respawns and sessions for a period of time. Which side would get the highest score?

    Or are you implying there's some kind of inverse law if ninjutsu around in this game?

    I was actually countering the notion that the side with the larger numbers has the lower average score, because there are less kills to distribute among them. This isn't the case because there are no distribution of kills as it isn't a zero sum game, getting a kill doesn't remove a player from the overall match and they are free to respawn and be killed again.
  6. MurderBunneh

    My BR 48 has a .90 k/d my BR 29 has a 1.30 k/d what does it prove?!/5428044677952152049/29!/5428013610459911745/stats48
  7. MurderBunneh

    The side with the larger numbers tends to have better k/d and more kills overall. If you are frequently outnumbered and surrounded you will score less in most instances.

    I don't even know why you trying to explain this to him it is obvious to anybody that PLAYS the game.
  8. Noppa

    Sadly the best CQC weapon is the new SMG Blitz.. before that it was the GD-7F and medics GR-22 and both of em pretty much loses to TR/VS stock weapons (or maybe be even with em) :p
    .. but yeah after they added blitz, i rly havent been using any weapon and i wont until there comes better one :)

    EDIT: and offcourse the new pump action shotgun is pretty good but it is gonna get nerfed like the last one was cos all of the noobs whining.
  9. Vyss

    The outnumbered faction is usually defending and I for one get a ton more kills when defending a tower/base against 2x as many people.
  10. MurderBunneh

    Really?> Because you may get more kills while defending but the base will be capped twice as fast because it impossible in this game for a defending force to hold against a attacking force with 2x the numbers.

    So yes if you ae shooting out of the spawn you may get some kills and have a good k/d but you will be moving on rather quickly.

    Also I'd like to see the amount of kills you are getting when the base is surrounded by 25 Prowlers.
  11. MurderBunneh

    It will get nerfed because it is released op to sell more guns.
  12. Vyss

    If you put yourself in a base where you can't get out of spawn(yet you still try) then ya your KDR sucks and guess what, so do you. I don't hide in spawn (I seem to also be one of the few that uses the tunnel system at bases). In towers I will go out the spawn level door and jump off the side immediately and float above one of the doors that cover's the lower spawn doors. There are usually a ton of people here so GL can get multiple kills a shot. Add in a flash bang + C4 and you can wipe the 5-8 dumb campers.

    Also, don't act like every tower is a zerged tower. There are plenty of 10-15 v 20-30 tower fights and they are definitely able to be won. Not every fight is a complete slaughter when outnumbered 2:1
  13. MurderBunneh

    Sorry I must be bad at math but 10-15 doesn't equal 2:1 odds now does it?
    And I would be the guy sitting away from the base waiting for LA to make that suicide run.
  14. Vyss

    Not bad at math, just bad at reading. It's 10:20 to 15:30 on average. I'm giving you a range to work with.

    You'd most likely shoot and kill one of the idiots who walks out and stands there firing. Anyway, there are many ways down as LA, and a top door works just as well. In the smaller engagements there aren't enough people to cover every door 3:1.
  15. MurderBunneh

    Well anyway bottom line is you are trying to argue 1 number and say that devalues all the stats. You want to maintain that certain weapons are op but have ZERO proof while other people have presented numbers to refute this.

    You are waging a negative arguement and thus it would be idiotic to continue this "discussion" with you.
  16. Vyss

    Straw man? Never talked about any weapon being overpowered in this thread. I only contested that your idea of being outnumbered leads to lower KDR and # of kills is incorrect.

    Tsk tsk.
  17. Mumnoch

    If you click the above image for NC posted by Murder on the surface it looks like they are the least of the 3. However let's look at this:

    They have 6,000 roughly more people playing regularly than the other factions, this means more of their teammates are trying to kill the "bad guys" so they end up with less kills per person (as shown). More people blasting the "bad guys" also means less assists, less veh kills, etc, per NC hooligan. However even with the TR/VS having more of NC to shoot at NC has the lowest Avg deaths/hr (means when NC and TR/VS gets into a shooting match NC wins the majority of the time). NC has the highest captures (they come in and will kill TR/VS and push them out in most situations). They have the lowest defense due to having the majority of the bases and only defending a few of them (usually around TR/VS's warpgates).

    Hope this helps.
  18. ladiesop

    There's no such thing as 'less kills per person' because of fast respawn times. 3 people can keep getting killed by 10 over and over again, and it's easier for 10 to kill the 3 over and over again provided skill and tactics are more or less even.
  19. Mumnoch

    let's say 10 people are lined up shooting those 3 people every 10 seconds without pause. Only 3 of those 10 people will be credited with a kill every 10 seconds. That means 7 of those people will not get credited with a kill every 10 seconds. See where I'm going with this?
  20. MurderBunneh

    too bad you can look at all the other statistics and they say the same story over and over.