Hackmax has broken the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheWhiteDragon, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. TheWhiteDragon

    There's really no other way to put it. The hackmax is without a doubt the most unbalanced element we've seen in the game since release. They simply have too much of an advantage in close quarters combat. Two hackmax's can completely lock down the spawn rooms within a biolab. Flak armor allows them to sustain multiple rocket hits. Not even other max's can take them down. They do almost 4 times as much damage as the other max's do. Add to this the fact that half the NC team is constantly running with max suits.

    We saw changes to tanks because Magriders were killing Prowlers at a 2:1 ratio. I'd love to see what the stats are for NC. I would not be surprised to see NC spawn 10 times as many Max units as their opponents. I don't even want to think about what the K/D ratio is.

    It's really not even worth arguing. I'm sure the masses of NC will come in to say "learn to play". They'll say you should use concussion grenades or rockets. Why bother? They'll just get revived and repaired back to full health while the other 3 Max's cover for them. Biolabs are broken. As a TR I feel I really have no choice but to avoid biolabs altogether, and spam my Prowler before that gets nerfed next week. Too bad there's nothing to shoot at since the entire NC is at the Biolab.
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  2. Dkamanus

    Without Flak armour, MAX units can take up to two hits of rockets. And the NC MAX, while a beast @ 10m range, it isn't that good past that. Higby already said that the amount of MAXes getting killed by other MAXes isn't that big, compared to the magrider. That doesn't mean more VS and TR MAXes should be out (which we don't see at all).

    Oh, so the problem is biolabs? I agree.
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  3. Izriul

    Well, we have pump action shotguns on all factions now, so the NC max isn't much more than a glorified MAX killer.

    Against infantry one could argue it's a little too much but as a general rule of thumb here, all factions now have an equal TTK another infantry.

    I do believe it's too powerful against other MAX's in CQC while being too weak at mid range. All maxes suck at long range.
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  4. Tasogie

    lol someone got killed by a max an rushed to forums to demand it be nerfed.
    You died because you got stupid an got too close to him, it happens. We have all done it, learn an move on.
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  5. Zotamedu

    The solution is easy. Lock the fire between the arms so they only use alternate fire. They can still keep the same fire rate, just offset from each other. That gives them the same sustained DPS but removes the ability to instagib all infantry. That would mean that you would at least be able to see where they are standing before you are dead.

    Or they could decrease damage so it takes more than a double hit to kill but increase range to compensate.
  6. Zotamedu

    Great solution, stay 100 meters away from all bio labs at all time. That solves it.
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  7. Tasogie

    lol there is no issue to be nerfed. All this is, is the continued demands of players who refuse to be responsible for their own gaming.
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  8. TintaBux

    Your a noob who gets owned, I own NC scatt max solo, it's easy, you just not playing good.
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  9. Tasogie

    Wrong, if your are more than 30 feet away he cant hurt you, unless he gets very lucky.You should be running with a squad, an know how to kill max's, I play Solo all time an I have no issues killing them. Yes I get killed by them, but so what ?....
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  10. Grotpar

    Everybody should just have access to shotguns and machineguns.

    All the other infantry, except the infiltrator, have the choice. So why not MAXes?
    There are simply moments when you bring out the shotgun, and moments when you bring out the machinegun.

    MAXes need the ability to adapt, too.
    If anything, just give the NC one variant on the machineguns, something like the Quasar/Cycler, so the TR/VS still have the machinegun edge with the Cosmos/Mercy.
    While the TR and VS only get a semi-automatic shotgun, so the NC still get the shotgun edge with the Hacksaw.
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  11. NaySayer

    I think either all or no maxes should have shotguns. It's funny how each faction believe everyone but themselves are op.
  12. AccelPrime

    Actually, Flak Armor does nothing against rockets that directly hit your suit. On that note, MAX units can only take 1 rocket, the 2nd one will be a kill.
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  13. Mr.Vancassy

    Yep, pretty much what this man said, maxed flak armour does nothing against direct hit rockets.
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  14. Devrailis

    And apparently a Decimator headshot is a 1-shot kill regardless of what armour or health you have.
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  15. LordMondando

    I don't like dying thread 12312523#
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  16. TheRev

    Isn't that what people who drive tanks say to do about normal bases?
  17. Aghar30

    easiest way to break a scatmax hold on a biolab is to wait them out, if you stuck facing a max, go LA and grab c4, most of these people cant understand looking up before its way to late.
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  18. TheRev

    It's not that people don't want to look up. It is just harder to look up then to look side to side for several reasons. The way people anchor their hands alot of the time lends to X axis having easier range of movement and Y being more restricted. Not to mention that the range of Y axis is limited in game while the X axis is not.

    My fix for looking up is to get a mouse that lets you set different dpi for X and Y axis then up your Y axis dpi. This is also good for recoil control.

    As far as the original topic is concerned I would say Scats are indeed good in bio labs. But TR maxes are better in towers and lots of other places. I would be willing to bet that the k/d of both maxes are closer then the TR whiners would like.

    I also find it funny that when I am complaining about the NC Lmg having a clear disadvantage in cqb everyone points out the SAW power at range. But when the tables are turned the same does not seem to apply to maxes. Funny how quick **** changes when you are the one dying in cqb.
  19. Bill Hicks

    One weapon, of one class that is on cooldown, and cost resources, in one type of environment, in one situation.
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  20. Aghar30

    I tend to nail light assaults trying to fly over me to drop c4 on me regularly when playing my max, however i kill scat maxes quick and easy because I just fly over them and drop a stick, pop and and run away laughing.
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