Hackmax has broken the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheWhiteDragon, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. centurionvi

    Yeah well I spent 1000 certs on a second weapon for my MAX,
    spent another 1000 certs for extended mags,
    spent another 1000 or so certs on armour and cooldown,
    have to use 100 Infantry resources (every time) just to spawn my MAX suit,

    and I get C4'd by your LA because I can't instakill him...
  2. Zotamedu

    10 meters away is hard in a Bio lab. Specially when they have dug down already. There are only a limited way into those things and all entrances are easily defended by MAX that can hide out of line of sight. I agree that they should be good at close range but right now they are too good.
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  3. Tasogie

    well I am sure SOE will nerf them into oblivion, they did with planes.. Just get lots of people to spam stories every day in forums... it works.
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  4. bodmans

    only if a NC max can aim it kills me as the HA popping plasma into their tiny little heads. sometimes i even have time to pull out that huge *** launcher of mine. only skilled MAX users instagib me
  5. Viper279

    i find ESF still a pain as ever here an idea NC max thing gives it the ability to shoot confetti and flowers but give it an ungody melee strength so as we shower the TR and VS with love we quite happy smashing their faces to a pulp
    it tiring to see this they have three shotguns on each arm if they have to nerf the shotguns does that meant they have to nerf the infantry ones to bring it into balance
    food for thought
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  6. Purg

    10 meters is hard?! Really? Just defended a VS Bio Lab assault - Scythes were blowing the crap out of both ends of the landing pad pushing our defence back and infantry were firing rockets through the door from the pads of anyone that took up the camping spot near the teleporter in the spawn shield room. Another would pop out at the window of the teleporter room and rocket the opposite door in complete safety stopping any MAX from covering that entrance. Another then faded and blew up anything near the third door including an Engy who insisted in putting up his turret despite eating rocket every single time.

    A few times LA's got in through the second teleporter and flanked any MAX guarding that shield room since no-one seemed to guard the other entrance.

    If they had any sort of co-ordination they could have had infantry storm out of that teleporter and overwhelm the sheld gen after a rocket bombardment. The guys in the teleporter just seemed content to kill anything that wandered in the vicinity. Was an easy defence because of it.
  7. Purg

    Here you go - Hacksaw MAX with extended mags against VS MAX. Don't know if the first guy that faded put any damage on him, but two full clips of Hacksaw at ~15m couldn't do the job. Lost half my health in the process, too.

  8. GamerOS

    There is a video out there of someone running around the bio-lab with render range limited to 15M, it's a lot shorter then you'd think.
  9. PaperPlanes

    It clearly put him near death or else he wouldn't have hid back in the teleport room. He also seemed to be getting combat repaired by an engineer so that was mitigating your damage.
  10. Kediec

    No , Hack maxes didn't break the game. The players who need ot come to the forums claiming " X Broke the game " instead of adapting are the only ones actually breaking anything.

    I run into NC maxes a lot, and i have ZERO problem with the dmg they do when i'm close enough to kiss them, that is their ability. And if your being spawn camped by an NC max either work with YOUR empire to remove them using AV / LA & C4 etc etc or spawn elsewhere.
    It really is that simple.

    If NC Maxes were godlike in biolabs as you claim , how is it that the NC regularly loses fights in them to the other empires eh ?

    Really , get some different tactics and deal with them, if they are using Flak armour ,then they are very weak to small arms and will die rapidly to sustained fire, even if an Engi is hiding round the corner trying to heal them.
    They also have to reload much more often than the other 2 AI maxes, use that to your advantage.
  11. Marinealver

    Ps2 MAX class system was broken from the start.
  12. Zotamedu

    MAX punch is totally OP!
  13. Dragam

    Sounds like a very reasonable solution to me.

    Now i play on both sides of the fence so to speak, and i must agree with the people that say that NC max is useless at more than 10 meters. Its only in VERY close distance that they are deadly... gain a little bit of distance (20+ meters) and youll barely get scratched by the hacksaws.

    So in that term, they are very underpowered outside biolabs, compared to the other maxes, who can easily engage in combat at 50 meters.
  14. TintaBux

    Then your not a Good player or don't know how to use TR max, it's deadly and amazing chainguns, go to you tube videos and have a look, you will l earn allot.
  15. Purg

    If it was being repaired by an engineer, it would have had the large ominous glow in the middle of it's frame - which it didn't. It may not have even been at full health when I started my Hacksaw barrage.

    That was a range that if neither of us had cover, the VS MAX had the DPS advantage due to me having to reload. I have to be *closer* than that to have a chance of killing it and I also have to have extended mags to have a hope. Apparently this is what has broken the game according to the OP.
  16. LiamPam

    One should notice the line "equipped with AI Weapons". I didn't talk abotu them in general.
  17. MaxDamage

    Agreed 100%
    Though I think Liberators had the edge on OPness previously.
    I definitely would like to see Hacksaw K/D stats.
  18. KingSnuggler

    Here's the counter to the NC MAX its called concussion grenades...... if people would learn how to adapt and use what they have at their disposal instead of coming to the forums and cry about dying then all the unnecessary nerfs wouldnt have had to happen.
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  19. Aghar30

    VS have a great defensive counter to NC scat maxes already, the lasher. When used in teams of 3 maxes can barely get into the room, a team of 5 and even going near that door the max will melt.
  20. hawken is better

    I see that the "TR/VS MAXes are good at range!!11!" argument has been tossed around for the umpteenth time. Fine, let's play that game. TR/VS MAXes should, by virtue of needing to be "balanced," have a weapon that can instagib at range, since, apparently, range is their specialty.

    This weapon should be similar to the UBGL's grenades in that it does not actually arm itself, thereby causing no damage (and allowing the NC max to retain its CQC advantage), until the projectile has flown more than 10 meters. After that distance, though, the projectile has the capability of instagibing a fully-certed, nanoweaved-out heavy assault, just like the Scat/HackMAX. Its rate of fire would be similar to that of the M6 Pounder, while having a 10 round magazine and an ammo pool of 50 rounds. The projectile's drop would be similar to that of the standard, faction-specific dumbfire rocket launchers (Shrike, ML-7, and the S1).