For EQN Landmark, which of the following styles would you be most likely to build in?

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Nov 13, 2013.

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  1. BraxKedren New Member

    I'll build according to my likes, which mainly refers to the type of books I read.

    Still looking to make that perfect Dwarven abode that Brasse will be proud of!
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  2. Kithelan New Member

    Here's a question: Will we be able to modify the terrain as well as build on it? For example, can I carve a replica of the colossus of Rhodes out of a cliff on my claim?
  3. Illegal Argument New Member

    I voted fantasy, but thinking about it now, it'll really depend on what's available for Sci-fi. If it's more steam-punk than star trek, I could have some fun with it.
  4. Faith316 Member

    Definately Fantasy. I'm thinking Norrath crossed with Shannara with a little Tolkien thrown in. Nothing mechanical, nothing modern. I will be looking for a biome to build the perfect tavern where other adventures can meet up after dark, hopefully surrounded with locals who fit the theme. I don't want to be next door to Chase Stadium.
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  5. Illegal Argument New Member

    Watch the time lapse videos on you tube.

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  6. Matia Active Member


    If I wanted a Sci-Fi game I'd be in Planetside or Star Wars. If I wanted futuristic/modern/apocalyptic, I'd be in those games.

    I come to EverQuest for the Fantasy genre.

    If you want to have it be a different genre, remove the EverQuest name so that people aren't fooled into thinking it's EverQuest.
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  7. Pengineer New Member

  8. JennBren Well-Known Member

    I'm right with you Leah. I love the Fantasy genre and am looking forward to building in Landmark. Steam punk has it's place and I hope that is limited in Everquest Next. I think that building in other themes will be fun as well but my focus is going to be in developing environments that I feel would flow with what Everquest is. One of my biggest goals is to create something that the EQN Devs feel worthy of putting into the live game. I'm very excited about this possibility. :D
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  9. JohnDoe New Member

    1- 4 please - emphasis on "anything NOT DISNEYESQUE!" ;)
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  10. WeeMadAggie Member

    I actually had to think about this one. I'm psyched to try reinventing historical architecture as a fantasy setting. It doesn't interest me to just re-create a room/building/area. It has to bring something new to the table. One style for example I would like to mess around with are different eras of roman villa setups. But tailored to the EQNext world and tailored to a biome I happen to be building it in. I also grew up around old Scandinavian architecture something I've rarely seen implemented very well in fantasy settings so that might be fun to experiment with too. Maybe. I suspect I am more drawn to things far away from where I have lived. Oooh a miniature Hanging Gardens! I'm also really looking forward to landscaping too. I forgot where this post started. I need to google some pictures now.
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  11. Amris Well-Known Member

    Medieval type fantasy, so I stated historical... fantasy can be many things, but I tend towards medieval type fantasy with fantasy castles and the like.
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  12. Neurotoxin Active Member

    After getting my sci-fi stuff outta the way (rebuilding parts of PS1 and PS2), my focus will be on building things which I hope will be placed in EQN. I chose "Historical" because I can see a lot of application in utilizing historical themes and materials to make truly unique in-game content that will work on Norrath.

    I am not worried about the amount of fantasy content EQNL will have. Its EQNL, of course it will have plenty.

    I think this poll would be more effective if Fantasy was not listed. Just as we know the Dwarf is going to be part of the game and didn't need an option in the small races poll, we know fantasy will be a part of EQNL so it isn't productive to list it as an option.
  13. Nagafen_Katy Active Member

    It's interesting you mention this, I hadn't really thought about it until they polled about it.... This is a -sandbox- game, so aside from giant dongs (or little dongs for that matter), people will by definition be allowed to build whatever they want. This could really effect my enjoyment of the game.

    Maybe have the servers be themed, pretty much exactly as they've segregated them for the poll, and leave only a couple true sandbox "anything goes" kind of servers? You'll probably need/want more than one fantasy server at launch because the majority of players who start at launch are in this for the EQ franchise and so that's where they'll be coming from, stylistically. Unless you guys are doing some weird thing with the servers that's original or something, like 80%+ of your players at launch will adhere to EQ themes and will probably(?) want their surroundings to do the same.
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  14. Razzziell Well-Known Member

    Agreed, I dont want to see anything I could look out of a New York sky-rise and see.. (building wise)
  15. Dalean New Member

    Honestly I just can't wait for the content competitions, given a idea and seeing where everyone goes with it and the winner's creation possibly being in the game permanently sounds like such a cool idea.
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  16. Nagafen_Katy Active Member

    I think the reason they didn't do that is because they are thinking of EQNL in a totally different way than you or I.... They see it as a functioning standalone game that may draw people in who don't want to play EQN (the "MC crowd"). They're thinking in broader terms than us.

    However they should know that most of the people on this forum are here because of interest in EQN, which is of course purely fantasy. EQN has more of the EQ community behind it, and while there are some people answering the polls or forums because of their interest in Landmark, it's sort of new ground and doesn't have a dedicated fan base (yet). They should understand that their poll results/forum posts will be skewed, and I do think a question of "What type of building outside the fantasy genre are you most likely to build?" would have been more effective because adding that option skews their results. If it hadn't been an option I would have picked historic, but even that one really doesn't belong, I think they must have been looking for an answer to the fanfic v. scifi v. real word preference.
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  17. Pedekele Well-Known Member

    Next to fantasy, i really like "post-apocalyptic realworld",
    but the graphics don't encourage me to build anything post-apocalyptic.
    Steampunk is also pretty high on my list. Even if simple nature, a earthlike planet,which could be the setting for any kind of scenario, is our canvas in landmark. I'll definitely spend most of my time thinking about fantasy though.

    One thing i might miss when being creative is a more bizarre world to build in. A place with white soil and red grass and strange trees,different looking water, two green suns. Something like that.
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  18. Coadex Active Member

    I voted fantasy. As building the others bore me, as does this topic.

    Perhaps Landmark should get it's own forums. As it isn't EQN, and this is the EQN homepage.
    K thanks
  19. Brisbanoch New Member

    Fantasy for sure. I imagine there will be some mighty epic Dwarven cities and fortresses.
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  20. Nagafen_Katy Active Member

    Would lend itself well to a sci-fi themed server but there could maybe be areas like this on all servers? Or maybe there could be some kind of terrain customization in the building tools to change the world around you? If that is a feature it would be cool, but would only work for the stuff immediately around your plot. The "two green suns thing" is a neat idea and makes me think, maybe the astronomy could be different on every server with some accomodating weird stuff like this? I know they want people to travel from server to server easily so they're probably going with server variety to begin with. Could be a really cool idea! :cool:
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