Do you want to build in public or in private in Landmark?

Discussion in 'News, Announcements, and Dev Discussions' started by Dexella, Sep 11, 2013.

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  1. Azari Lite Member

    One of my holy grails about Second Life is running around the place and bumping up against all the ban lines to keep me out of an area. If I want to see in your place I can just pan my camera over to one side and see in anyway. Most of the time there is not any one at home any how. Nothing is really private in a sand box game. You can even pan your camera to see in those as well. But most people don't fly up to the sky boxes. They also make good places to hold private weddings and parties.

    Azari Lite
    Old Timers Guild on Unrest Server if you are OTG PM Azari
  2. Gurt Well-Known Member

    You know, I looked up if EQN was free to play last night and found a source saying it was buy to play (like GW2), but it seems that on further inspection it's a free to play game.

    Still, I want to be able to pay my rent with Gurt's Door Emporium.
  3. Crayolakitty Active Member

    I completely agree with you. I'm a graphic designer and when people stand over my shoulder I feel like my work isn't as great because I feel more rushed and can't focus on my ideas as well as when I am working on a project without people looking over my shoulder.
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  4. Amris Well-Known Member

    Manastone instead of redstone!

    If moving parts are possible, my husband and I are going to do really, really well. I'm a decent builder and he's a wizard with redstone.
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  5. Jyve New Member

    Default to open, but an option when buying the plot to set to private/hidden.
    Most of the time I'd want to build out in the open, but I might want to try things in a hidden plot (if it's possible with StationCash maybe to buy an additional plot in such a manner).
    Yeah, think that'd be the way to go. Default to open, but StationCash for hidden/larger/premium plots.
  6. Mallas Scumlord Well-Known Member

    we will see. It just worries me if free to download. Ominous winds blow towards annoying MTs to play the game.
  7. Amris Well-Known Member

    It seems to be "the wave of the future".

    My whole family loved plants vs zombies. Despite my daughter's pleading, we'll have absolutely nothing to do with pvz 2. Microtransactions for the total lose. Booo! As far as I'm concerned, I'd have been willing to pay the whole fee up-front, but if you're going to nickle and dime me, I'm keeping ALL of my nickles and ALL of my dimes.

    Not to mention that it's only on ipad and whatnot. No pc version. Which is less disappointing than microtransactions. Sort of works to my benefit that they were that stupid. It's that much easier to tell my 7 year old, "Couldn't even if I were willing to."

    They're not getting my money at all since they've chosen this route. NW got $5 from me for another char slot so my daughter could play it. I wouldn't have minded forking out more on that game if it had ended up being "my new MMO home", but that's another story.

    Microtransactioning games makes them significantly less interesting in my book. I would be willing to fork out $15 per month. But trying to weasel your way into getting me to fork out more by making it extremely unpleasant to play without buying a bunch of $50 packages is a sure recipe to lose me, personally, as a customer. I'd rather quit than buy a bunch of microtransactions.

    It adds up really fast, and they know it. That's why they do it. I find it underhanded, and that's why I don't put up with it.
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  8. skullzz098 New Member

    i believe this is a strong community based thing. i personalty feel by letting people see what you are doing it will open up for new things. plus the idea of having a strong sense of community has to start in being able to see what others are doing. i think what people may be concerned about and so am i is the amount of control you have who can enter your land or not. will people be able to help you or destroy what you have built. that needs to be addressed.
  9. Mallas Scumlord Well-Known Member

    well i think GW has it right. Do skins and useless crap MTs. Core game play like in SWTOR is not the way to go and will kill it fast.

    So I hope they don't do it that way.

    I can deal with char slots, bank slots etc as long as we get enough of them to begin with.

    But yea.. we will see.
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  10. vagos Member

    I don't care who see me build as long they don't destroy it i am fine.
  11. Xurtan Well-Known Member

    *shrug* Believe what you wish. He was talking about Rallying Calls right before that, and the question that I quoted from was basically 'This sounds insane. Can you really do this?' - As far as I know, RCs aren't in Landmark. Listening to the actual question and his full response within context it really does sound like he's talking about EQN, and not Landmark. Although I suspect Landmark will also be free, as it is the gateway to EQN. Whether they will still have a box for pre-order bonuses, early access or anything.. who knows. But all signs are pointing to the game itself being F2P.

  12. Mallas Scumlord Well-Known Member

    i am down with it being free. Saves me monies. But not sure how that will happen and what downside it will have in game.
  13. Xurtan Well-Known Member

    My greatest worry, as well. If they go the SWTOR route, or even EQII's free system.. I'm cutting my losses and not going to bother, I'm sorry. No matter how much I love EverQuest, no matter the fact I've invested hundreds, possibly thousands in the franchise, or that I'm a giant EQ fanboy.. I despise being nickle and dimed. GW2's system is fine. The $15 a month is fine. But if you make me pay for things as small as HOTBARS or to wear certain qualities of gear, to upgrade my spells etc etc etc.. it annoys the ever loving hell out of me. I've resigned myself to cash shops, and as long as it's restricted to cosmetic gear/mounts/house items and such, I'm okay. Pay to Win, or nickle and diming me to unlock things that should be standard features? No thank you, I want no part in such a system.
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  14. Bongo Member

    I think it should absolutely be optional whether or not to share your works in progress.

    Every artist has a unique process, some are more public, some are more private. I can see myself wanting to build out in the open at times, while sometimes wanting to craft a secret project and then revealing it all at once.

    Power to the users, give us options!

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  15. Mallas Scumlord Well-Known Member

    That is exactly what i am worried about. Oh access to Layer 2 10 bucks! Chat bar 3 bucks! Able to attack dragons 100 bucks!

    They will find a way to make their money back fast. So its either b2p and no sub or f2p and possible bend over and grab the ankles. The latter will make me not play. Same boat, love EQ, but will not be forced to buy core game stuff just to play.
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  16. Xurtan Well-Known Member

    My personal hope is they're just confusing their terminology, and it's actually B2P. I like the EQ boxes, always have, and their pre-order bonuses and such are great. That, and I want a collector's edition. *snort* But who knows. They'll find a way to make it work. I just hope it isn't like EQII's system.
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  17. Mallas Scumlord Well-Known Member

    I am hoping for business sake and for our sanity's sake its b2p and they are just using f2p as no sub. They need to release more info about a few things soon.
  18. Ironskull Member

    I think in order to make it feel apart of the world it is important for it to have it exist in the world and that it would be important to see it as it progresses to completion, otherwise it is odd if you have been walking through a field for 50 days then one day the entire landscape changes and now some giant skull castle is in the middle of a swamp...

    That being said my concerns are the obvious ones will they place some controls on what can be built? The videos showed folks making a forest, which is cool but not so cool if the guy who is on the plot next to the now dark forest has built rocky out post over a canyon or a high elf themed building is in the middle of dark elf territory...

    Another concern is if they allow it to be in the persistent world instead of instanced this will limit the available land plots, will this drive the price of land up to obscene amount? what will happen if someone built something on a plot of land but they no longer in the game? will it decay over time or go back on sale for someone else to take it over and decide if they want to do with it? stay forever a haunting memory of those who left the game?
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  19. Mallas Scumlord Well-Known Member

    depends on how huge the world is. If they have EVERYONE on the same server... maybe they would run into trouble maybe not. We aren't exactly sure how big the world is at the moment.

    There are so many things we don't know about this game at the moment so most of these questions we can't even have a real discussion about.
  20. UrbanWraith New Member

    Could just make it so we could use the tools offline, and push what we make to the servers when done. Much like you could make a character for Saints Row, and import it when you got the game. Just have the offline tools sync with the online tools when you log in (option to turn sync on/off.) You go find your plot online, and once you do it syncs with the offline tools. This helps players who want to build in private, and those who want to make stuff for sale (and who are worried someone might take the idea.) Of course you can build in game as well, but it would let players work on things while servers are down for maintenance.
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