TS wish list for the next dev?

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-MadTexan3, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-sargonnath Guest

    Tradeskill system has few drawbacks today.
    1) A first item bonus (pristine bonus) is granted for the first item of one kind created.
    Jewelers, Sages who have more recipes than Armorer grow in level faster due to this bonus.

    2) If I am an Armorer and a Warrior, I expect to equip myself with the plate armor I will create.
    However, levels x0 to x4 (with x = tens of level) provide recipes of chain mail armor, while x5 to x9 plate armor.
    At warrior level 40 and armorer level 40, what shall I do? Wait to be armorer 45 in order to be able to create the pieces I am interested into. And this:
    - Forces me to go through levels 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, with little recipes, reclaiming hundreds of components.

    - These components, I don't have them as soon I reach level 40: I have to go to a tier 5 area, and gathering will be very long.

    - When I will have gathered enough components to pass my levels 40 to 44, and start crafting my HANDCRAFTED plate armor at armorer level 45, I'll surely be warrior level 43 or 44. If I look to craft the breastplate (armorer level 48 or 49), I will accordingly be a level 46 or 47 Warrior. And behind me, one thousand of tier 5 components gathered just before being able crafting that single breastplate!

    All the recipes of a tier should be accessible at the begining of this tier (level x0) to allow a player to create what is useful to him immediately.
    3) Many spells Apprentice IV or forged items (HANDCRAFTED) have definitively no use.
    It should exist a way to create by common components items from a range a quality Apprentice IV to Adept II.
    Each refine granting an item a greater quality but also costing more components to create.
    4) When will provisioners receive MASTERCRAFTED recipes? Can't food or drinks grant poison protection, increase attack speed?
  2. ARCHIVED-Bozidar Guest

    i'd still like to see mastercafted jeweler of any level, at any point in the game other than lvl 77 faction recipies, be relevant again.
    T1/T2, TD jewelery destroys it.
    T3, EoF collection items and TD Jewelery still superior.
    T4/T5/T6, collection jewelery still better, as well as a couple of HQs.
    T7/T8, quested/collection/dropps still better than mastercrafted at just about any level.

    I dont know the solution. I dont know if you can throw double attack, crit chances, dps or attack speed buffs on rings and jewelery. I dont know what we can do that wouldn't unbalance the gear.. but I've got a toon at 78, and i've got a jeweler at 80. And My jeweler hasnt' made a piece of mastercrafted jewelery for my other toon, ever.
  3. ARCHIVED-Mikkahl Guest

    That's funny, my jeweler (on AB) has made over 1200 plat in sales, almost exclusively in MC jewelry in the top five tiers! :)
    When you hit 72 the Mastercrafted T8 armor and jewelry is great, with all the resists. Once I add adornments to almost every piece, I have yet to come across any RoK quest items that are better (and I'm over halfway through the Fens timeline). My 72 Pally has 2 level 68 Fabled pieces from T7 raids, and the rest is MC gear with adornments.
    Not everybody has time to raid and do every instance and HQ, and it still takes some time to get from level 72 to 80 (62 to 72, etc.). So my sales tell me there is still a strong market for MC jewelry! :)
  4. ARCHIVED-Bozidar Guest

    Mikkahl wrote:
    I'm on a pvp server, i don't raid. I don't even have T7 pvp rewards, just quested items. Your pally is likely missing out on a lot of dps by avoiding the quest items that have double attack, melee crits, attack speed and other bonuses, becuase you geat just as good resists from quested gear, with a few less stats. btw, you can adorn quest items as well, so saying that it's better than quest gear after you adorn it -- seems silly.
    I'm sure people still BUY mastercrafted gear, i play with people who use it. But my experience in game has been that it's been worse than what's available through every tier of the game, and i find that unacceptable, and wish it weren't the case.
  5. ARCHIVED-Sirenta Guest

    As stated by Domino MC jewelry WILL BE addressed.

    It jumped from the maybe part of future things to come to the general part, stating it has been proven to be
    addressed somewhere in the future

    But looking at Dominoes work so far i doubt she will take this easy, and therefor look up every progression
    and tier. This does take time.

    Better off, waiting 2-3 LU then getting something halfhearted, a word which does not come to MY mind when regarding this
    busy little gnome lady.

    @Dominoe : I would really like to see some steady blue lines on MC. Armor has this very useful ministration and defense which i
    really appreciate and tons of stuff with +ca and +heal. Maybe some crit or spell hastes and such,
    we do have seen some nice jewelry from chromatic essences.

    And maybe add Rune of portals as a faction recipe ;)
  6. ARCHIVED-MW2K2 Guest


    Please fix the anomalous level 60 CAs/spells material requirements. It is the only tier transitional level that is like this. When RoK came out, level 70 material requirements were retooled to accept the T8 materials so I see no reason why the level 60 CAs and spells cannot be retooled as well.

    This isn't an instance of perspective. This isn't something that's been this way so long and everyone is use to it so why change it. This isn't something that isn't broke and doesn't need fixing but I'm asking for it to be fixed anyways. It most definitely IS broken, has been broken for too long now, and really, REALLY should at least be on your to do list.
  7. ARCHIVED-Bozidar Guest

    Snowdonia@Runnyeye wrote:
    I actually think they should change the lvl 70 recipies back.
    The fact that to upgrade my lvl 70 spells.. and then lvl 80 spells.. that means i need 2 silicates for each spell at that level. Brutal.
  8. ARCHIVED-Mikkahl Guest

    Yes, I hadn't created all my level 70 spells before RoK came out. So then I was horrified that I had to spend about five times as much for the rares, to make the exact same spells! Aaacck! I wish they had left the level 70 spells the same.
  9. ARCHIVED-Alienor Guest

    Writs for tinkering/transmuting w/o the need to go all the way to pristine :)
  10. ARCHIVED-Walford Guest

    I just wanted to link my proposal for adjusting min/max harvesting amounts through the tiers to make them more in line with increasing raw requirements. Thanks to all who gave me their comments here . ..... Good luck with this issue! ;)
    Also addended to it is a suggestion for implementing a system of tier-specific ressource exchange system.
  11. ARCHIVED-Ogrebait Guest

    Here is my list of suggestions
    • Placeable House Vault Boxes, so you can access it from items in the house and not just from the door.
    • Tiered Crafted Items. Legendary, Fabled, and Mythical recipes. Of course the difficultly of the items and/or recipes to obtains should scale with the level of quality.
    • New Tradeskill tables availble from City Merchants that starts at 25% complete. more expensive and requires tradeskill level to use.
    • Make all Loam come from a seperate node and not the main metal node. Metal (ie iron, carbonite, feyiron, etc) is such a highly needed resource it needs dedicated nodes like root nodes.
    • Guild tradeskill writs that involve multiple classes that gain you a lot more status. 10k for 1 craft then 100k each for a 9 craft writ. and variations on that. Should be able to assign writs based on tradeskill classes in the group or raid.
    • Mending Station for your house. Allow you to mend your gear at home with same process at tradeskill.
  12. ARCHIVED-axl_2baz Guest

    I'd like to see on modification to the craft writs : a better scaling in the Tier.
    Today the writs are at n0, n4 and n8. So a lvl difference beetween them of 4-4-2.
    I think placing them at n0, n3, n7 would be better (lvl difference 3-4-3).
  13. ARCHIVED-MW2K2 Guest

    axl_2baz wrote:
    Actually, they are at #9, not #8. The reason they were put at #9 instead of an earlier level, Domino has stated, is that if they put it, lets say as you suggested, at #7, players will either never use the #8 or #9 recipes for their writs OR they would be forced to work in more than one tier of materials at the #0 stage in order to incorporate the #8 and #9 recipes. Which makes sense if you think about it.

    I don't think the #0 and #9 writs need to be moved around but rather more writs be put into place between them instead of just one. That would be more beneficial in my mind that trying to make space between the #9 and #0 writ levels.
  14. ARCHIVED-axl_2baz Guest

    I didn't knew about this recipe thing
    So now, I say it's fine that way.
  15. ARCHIVED-dstri Guest

    this is a minor thing for tradeskilling, but i would like to see the ability for my sage and alchemist to be able to sort the recipies by end user class, ie shadowknight or warlock ect. the sorting system now for me seems to lump all of an accounts characters to one system. i have to reset my custom searches for adornments on each character because it changes every time i change toons.
    so a revamp in the sorting system would be alot of help. Thanks for reading
  16. ARCHIVED-Domino Guest

    dstri wrote:
    We already added that, check your filters! :D
  17. ARCHIVED-xsikal Guest

    DominoDev wrote:
    And you made my wife very very happy when you did!
  18. ARCHIVED-Calain80 Guest

    Yes it is a great feature. It just doesn't work on the German Servers. :-/
  19. ARCHIVED-Domino Guest

    Calberak@Valor wrote:
    Oh? I hadn't heard of this issue. If you could PM me with more details I can look into that.
  20. ARCHIVED-BK613 Guest

    I really wish that the sage, jeweler and alchemist recipe icons for combat arts were a little more diverse, with different icon symbols for each of the adventurer subclasses (warrior, rogue). or maybe just tinting the background color according to subclass.