Tradeskill Wish-List

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Lord_Ebon, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-WingedAvenger Guest

    Didn't read the whole thread so I'm sure it's been suggested already, but all I really want them to add to crafting is the ability to queue up items to be made so I don't have to sit there and press the Remake icon over and over. I don't care if the crafting session takes as long as it takes. Just give me the ability to tell the system I want to craft X number of such-and-such item so that when it finishes working on one -- regardless if the crafting was successful or not -- it will move on to the next item automatically.
  2. ARCHIVED-Jenadara Guest

    I honestly didn't read through all the posts. But just to respond to the OP.. One of the last things he mentioned was guild heraldry on curtains. That is something they discussed at the fan faire, and if I remember correctly it is coming soon in an update.
  3. ARCHIVED-skidmark Guest

    When transmuting, everything returns at least one fragment:

    Treasured: 1 Fragment (Common); 1 Fragment and 1 Powder (Rare)
    Mastercrafted: 1 Fragment and 1 Powder (Common); 2 Fragments and 1 Powder (Rare)
    Legendary: 2 Fragments and 1 Powder (Common); 2 Fragments, 1 Powder and 1 Infusion (Rare)
    Fabled: 2 Fragments, 1 Powder and 1 Infusion (Common); 3 Fragments, 2 Powders, 1 Infusion and 1 Mana (Rare)
  4. ARCHIVED-Theladorn Guest

    I, like many others, have not read this entire post. Nor do I visit the tradeskill forums regularly, so I don't know if this has been mentioned before.
    I would like to see an equipment tab dedicated to tradeskill equipment (yes, I know this is in Vanguard, and I LOVE it).
    With the growing amount of tradeskill gear it makes sense to have slots dedicated to equipping them. I know that it doesn't take a whole lot of time to change out individual items when preparing to craft, but for people like me who may jump back and forth from crafting to adventuring regularly it would make the transition much more smooth. It would also free up some room in our bank/bags, though admittedly this is really a non-issue with the size of bags/boxes available these days.
    Also, I would like to reiterate the need to see item stats on mouseover. Having to double-examine the item just to see it's stats is really a pain in the rear. it also makes it much more difficult for new crafters to know what they are making if they don't know how to access the examine window.
    Finally, I would like to see the appearance of crafted equipment be in line with some of the $C appearance items that are being offered. Even if the items are appearance only, it would be nice for people who dedicate time and effort to this game and do not care to spend even more money than they already do to have decent appearance options available to them.
    Thank you for your consideration.
  5. ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire Guest

    i had few of original ideas, but lost in archieved posts or buried by posts.
    1. New Dress panel for crafter gears, so far we have adventure dress panel and appearance dress panel, set as optional dress mode as crafter or appearances as choice.
    2. "Extraction" crafter skill, pull anything that has bonus "buff", example, pulled Haste from old looted item and put on Mastercrafted gears to get improved gears, making crafted gears more desirables if not able to get any legendary or fabled gears.
    Extraction is not a form of tinker skill, it more like having to transfer the buff from old gears and into the newer gears that need some boost.
    3. increased extra pulls from a harvest nodes, 3 pulls is kinda a joke, 5 pulls seem little better.
    4. harvestbots need more pulls of raws, they are out for 2 hours and only to get 35-40 iron clusters? geez, that way too low in my opinion, for 2 hours time, they would had 80-150 iron clusters.
  6. ARCHIVED-Zehl_Ice-Fire Guest

    Minigames? Crafting IS a minigame.. I do love crafting but I still laugh at how involved some of us are (self included) in just crafting in an adventure game.
  7. ARCHIVED-DeathtoGnomes Guest

    I want the option to bypass the mini-game at a cost ofcourse..
  8. ARCHIVED-souldnce9 Guest

    I actually didn't come up with this idea, but I think it is brilliant:

    Taldier@Venekor wrote:
    What do you say Domino? This would be an awesome idea. If you miss a counter more blocks can fall, or the dropping speeds up; slows down if you successfully counter it. etc. :D

  9. ARCHIVED-MW2K2 Guest

    I'd like some snow/frost covered hedges to craft this Frostfell. :)
  10. ARCHIVED-Neskonlith Guest

    Would it be possible to get a Wormhole Generator: Kylong Plains recipe for Tinkering?
    Or perhaps consider a crafted upgrade (ie: imbuing generator with new destinations) of the generator to open a portal which ties into either rings/spires/additional zone evac points?

    thanks a ton for considering!
  11. ARCHIVED-Neskonlith Guest

    Would it also be possible to have items like the "Tinkered Vision Enhancer" be adjusted to allow an auto-consume option like Totems have?

  12. ARCHIVED-Senya Guest

    White furniture. Beds, tables, chests, drawers/cabinets, armoires.
  13. ARCHIVED-Guitar_Guru Guest

    Senya wrote:
    Along this line, I think some really bright furniture would look nice. A lot of the stuff that's made currently is either stand-out by design (bright glowie orbs and stuff) or comely and warm in color.
    Just ONE set of bright or vivid common items (like chairs, desks, etc) would be amazing IMHO.

    Ooh, and increase the number of ammo items made per combine to complement the new coming-up multi-attack change? :]
  14. ARCHIVED-Raienya Guest

    My wish list:
    1. Increase size of the guild harvest depot. Before Nights of the Dead would be great. 150 slots is just too small, given the sheer amount of regular components plus holiday ones. 250 would be a good number, I think.
    2. Usefulness of crafted items. MC armor, spells, and jewelry are good, but the rest of the tradeskills need some serious love.
  15. ARCHIVED-Guitar_Guru Guest

    Raienya wrote:
    In regards to #2, what exactly did you have in mind? I think all the crafted items are pretty useful considering the audience they ar targeting. Honestly, I don't see how any single profession is NOT useful.
  16. ARCHIVED-Crickett Guest

    Since the addition of the Guide shiny quests, we've been able to learn the names of many of the founding Guides...BUT, once collected the names are gone :(
    How about some Guide Dolls (and)
    "Red name Dolls" so we could have our very own "Domino Delivery" girl
    I want a Kiara doll too, and Rothgar, and the list goes on. Admit it, you'd all like a "Smed Doll"!!!
    Now you might think this would just add to the clutter, and it would, but let me tell you why I want them.
    "History" is what and who the future is founded on, none should be negated.
    Perhaps this would be something for the marketplace, in which case I appologize.
    one other good reason is :
    <explicit language ahead>
    "Because dammit!"
  17. ARCHIVED-Raienya Guest

    Lyme@Mistmoore wrote:
    I suppose my main complaint is that the things that crafters like carpenters and tailors should make seem to have been implemented in the SC store. Appearance armor should be made by tailors and armorsmiths, weapons by weaponsmiths, the furniture by carpenters, etc.
    Maybe not "useful" as in gameplay, but dang I wish my carpenter could make some of the store stuff.
  18. ARCHIVED-Tyrus Dracofire Guest

    two more druid rings! PLS!
    a mini Snow-covered Druid Ring
    a mini Lava-effect Druid Ring
    ok, how about square/rounded water tile get retextured for blood?
    there someone wanting a blood pool, blood fountains, and anything that oozing the blood.
  19. ARCHIVED-Arauka_Gurtha Guest

    I would like to see Rare Harvests that are of your current tier provided with the completion of each daily as a selectable reward, much like the New Halas quests.
  20. ARCHIVED-Raenerys Guest

    Arauka_Gurtha wrote:
    I can support this one, but I think it should be maybe a "harder" weekly quest, much like the ones from Isle of Mara. I spend a lot of time in the crafting instance because of the nice rare return (atleast 1+ rare from most).