ToFS Bug List - Heroic and X2 -- Long

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-djrfan, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-mjlinton2 Guest

    If you are wanting a nerf on the x2 access just wait cause you will probably cry for a nerf on the x2 zone. It not suppose to be easy mode. Just deal with it
  2. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    Sixth (and final) mob in Kraytok's Fortress Normal mode requires the debuff.
  3. ARCHIVED-LardLord Guest

    Karnos@Guk wrote:
    I think the change to make the spawn rate on the adds less random is great and something I would have suggested myself if I had gotten around to it. However, I don't like the change to only two spawns, since if you can get by the doors once, you should be able to get by them three times, especially now with the less random spawns. Especially if the second spawn is at 5%, you can just bring an Inquisitor and some miracles (ect) and just "gimmick" your way through one round of mirrors and beat the encounter, which is kinda lame.
  4. ARCHIVED-ykaerflila Guest

    Tower of Frozen Shadow: Haunt of Syl’Tor
    - Several times now while trying this encounter we've timed it just right and burned her to 50% starting the script t right as she starts to port away. if the two happen at the same time, the advisor becomes aggro, whats her nutts turns non aggros ports to to the middle and comes back to wipe the group.
  5. ARCHIVED-Sinaya Guest

    x2 - VhalSera
    Is there any way to remove the 'Empowerment of Reflection' buffs on VhalSera? We seem to be able to slow the rate at which he gets them by having the cursed person attack their reflection, but the buffs are stacking up on VhalSera numbering in well over a dozen buffs with no apparent way to remove them.
  6. ARCHIVED-djrfan Guest

    Burn faster. He stops getting them around 66 when the lightning starts. We've gotten him to that with 4-5 buffs before. ~400k dps.
  7. ARCHIVED-PhabiusBile Guest

    Something we noticed last night.
    While in the x2 raid zone during the time of the PQ (on the hour for about 10-15 minutes) the PQ raid quest was showing on our quest journal screen and the lag was horrible did you link the x2 area to the pq area some how?
    Also The manifestation kept resetting over and over in the middle of the fight and going back to spawn point.
  8. ARCHIVED-Narbuvold Guest

    A gm said that it was ment as an entry level for the x4 zones in beta, but back then you needed demoralization for easymodes. With only hm (and em end bosses) requiring demoralization i like how the zone scales between em and hm difficulty.

    Manifistation teleports to a random person in the raid, was there someone standing far off so when she ported to him she reset instantly?
  9. ARCHIVED-acctlc Guest

    Vhalsera in the x2 bugged on us last least we think. We had him down to 9%. Going on the assumption that the final stage of the fight was get the hell away from him when he ports you (he's supposed to stay rooted...right?). Well he ported us after once successfully running away from his soul suck aoe, then the second time the port happened he just ran right after us. AOE went off and he healed clear up to 50%+ health. Really annoying fight btw
  10. ARCHIVED-LardLord Guest

    Yeah, we've had him run after us before, too. Our tank didn't realize it at first and thought he was just doing a really bad job of jousting
  11. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    Vhalsera in the x2:
    - after a wipe multiple people had a simultaneous client crash
    - the whole bolt spawning script seems to be pretty messed up. The delay between two bolts spawning is sometimes shorter than the duration of the ice cage. So the mob is rooted from the ice cage and you can't drag him to the next bolt. Sometimes there is no delay between the end of the root and the next bolt damage immunity, giving you almost no time window to do DPS on the mob
    - when nobody is near a bolt when it is supposed to cast the ice cage, the first bolt won't disappear, until the 2nd hits somebody
    - when you get the add curse there is no warning or delay and you get toasted when you hit the named with the curse. There should be a warning, either a text message or a colored screen a few seconds before you get the curse, to give people time to react and stop attacking the named
    - and I think the DPS/heal requirement is too high. Our raid didn't have much DPS, but more than enough for all other encounters in the zone (Tserrina, etc), but the named still got ~15 buffs and was easily hitting for 20k+, critting a lot, doubleattacks and everything. Certainly managable for skilled players in raid gear. But this is supposed to be an entry level raid for people in legendary gear
  12. ARCHIVED-lollipop Guest

    Bremer wrote:
    this zone imo is not entry level, is not for people starting to raid. SO far this zone is the bridge between EM x2 then HM. If this was meant to be the entry zone they failed.
  13. ARCHIVED-Dark_fairy Guest

    Vhalsera in the x2:

    - Adds even tabbing to target and getting them in .38 seconds they one shot the person spawning on unless already massive heals on them. Please tone down thier dps and give a red script or some kind of few second warning to get heals on that person. As it is now its luck and massive massive dps to get through. BTW we are geared with EM and t4 UD gear max crit mit for the zone and max crit chance.
  14. ARCHIVED-Leovinus Guest

    lollipop wrote:
    Itemization seems to indicate that the zone is the entry level raiding for the expansion though. With crit bonus and potency of 5.6, this is less than the normal mode x4, where those values are 6. Some of the encounters in this zone are still slightly overtuned, but not by much, I think.
  15. ARCHIVED-Nephiere Guest

    Did Vhalsera tonight for the first time since the changes. Are the reflections supposed to continue spawning at 66%? We were trying to drag the reflction around after Vhalsera so we could aoe on him but with the constant mem wipes from the reflection we didnt have much luck. Anyone else had any luck with this fight since they "fixed" it?
  16. ARCHIVED-Sephiroth Guest

    We just did this fight last night (and the night before) and can confirm that the adds are continuing to spawn after 66%. We cleared everything else in the zone with ease, but we can't get this guy to go down as he is currently coded.
    As specified by others here, 90% of the time the person who gets the curse dies to the add immediately. While that in and of itself is fine (just rez and move on) they then die randomly throughout the fight as if they have a "phantom curse". We ussually get him down to 66% with about 6 or 7 buffs and I can confirm he does stop buffing himself. The combination of adds + lightning is whats ruining it for us.
  17. ARCHIVED-Fanguru Guest

    Is this still bugged?
    We get him below 30% tonight (march 15th), adds stop spawning, reflections keep popping, he stoneskins everything we throw at him.
  18. ARCHIVED-Leadine Guest

    Vhal'sera in the x2
    Vhal'sera tried him for a solid 3 hours streight tonight. and here is what we saw

    AS of 3/15/2011
    6 to 9 PM PST
    add's spawn the lowest his hp was at when we saw one spawn was 25%
    during the first phase 100-66% adds were fairly standard no issues
    during the 2nd phase 66-33% would continue to spawn adds. lightning bolts would target corpses and pets
    during the 3rd phase 33-0% we only saw him continue to take dmg twice all other times he would continue to stoneskin, adds would continue to spawn during this phase as well as the arcane debuff. and it seemed like the moment the add spawned and killed a single player he healed back up to 56% and getting him back down to 33% he would lock into stoneskin and not come out of it again.
    - some warning before the spawned add's curse would go a long way to helping this fight as you can cast a .34 second spell and have the add spawn and curse you before the spell goes off.
    - more distinct phases making the fight more intuitive
    - if the adds are supposed to be spawning the entire time can we kill the chain memwipes a little not sure about other tanks but as a paladin we have a very limited number of snaps as it is.
    - stoneskin mechanic needs to be tweaked getting the mob down under 33% just for it to lock invulnrable is extremly irritating for a raid to have to deal with.

    final thoughts - Extremly buggy fight in its current form. possibly doable but unless you're aiming for high end hardcore raid guilds as your x2 populace target it needs to be tweaked in its current form.
  19. ARCHIVED-Silzin Guest

    The High Priest on the floor just after Vhal'sera is even harder. this weekend i was able to take a group into UH and we got Vhal'sera down in about 6 min. but spent 2 hours on the high Priest.
  20. ARCHIVED-0ppression Guest

    After the 3/15 patch we went in to finish off the final x2 access encounter. While we cleared it, we had 2 wipes due to bugs.
    1st attempt we burned tserina down to 50% and at the same time she ported to the center of the room with a group member, she triggered her script to activate svartmane. Instant wipe trying to fight Tserina and Svartmane at the same time.
    2nd attempt a group member talked to svartmane and used pet options to change his name to something more.... evil :) After we got a good laugh out of that, he changed the name to nothing. Svartmane dissapeared when his name was change to nothing. We thought maybe he would repop back up when we pulled Tserina but he didnt, and since we didnt have his buff or debuff on tserina she took no damage and we wiped.
    3rd attempt went great, I like the change you made to this encounter.