Thumore D'armer [MASSIVE SPOILER]

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-BrashForester, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Bakual Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Ack sorry. I blame google for that :)
    And there I wondered why nobody came up with that argument before...
  2. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Umm...your completely wrong on this point Cusa. KoS has creation lore for the Droag. While it doesn't go into detail on how it was done Kingdom of Sky points out that the Droag were created to server the dragons loyal to Kerafyrm. By the experiments being performed by Sothis in the Halls of Fate you can gather that the droag were probaby created there first and are being further refined to make better shock troops.
    I did find it suprising that the Ring of Scale was using Droag troops as well. This could easily be explained as defectors from the Awakened as in their own lore they have Droag who question the leadership of the dragons Kerafyrm left behind. Once the Ring had a few droag under their control, they could of either breed or manufactured their own.
    If your going to argue that Droag pre-date Kerafyrm's hatching and explain their complete absence from EQ1 I'd like to hear what your source is.
  3. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    I thought the L&L said they were created by Veeshan to serve the dragons? It has been a long time since I read it.
  4. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Something like that. I made an ogre Paladin (betrayed) that I stuck a droag illusion on to RP as a Paladin of Veeshan once.
  5. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Yep, created by Veeshan to serve her. Here's the link and the excerpt.
    Excerpt from
    "They were created to serve.

    That was their only purpose. Hand to hold and carry, wings to ease their travel and scales because they were born of scale.

    Generation upon generation of droag served her and worshipped her in their home, the Plane of Sky"
  6. ARCHIVED-Lodrelhai Guest

    Wilin wrote:
    I brought that excerpt up ages ago, also thinking it referred to Veeshan (that's not the Droag L&L). I was told the "she" being referenced was Harla Dar, whereas those who's faith has changed were now following Lord Vyemm after Harla Dar went into seclusion. The actual Droag L&L book, Scales in Balance, tells a similar story, but this time giving a personal view of the argument.
    Seems the Droag were not Veeshan's creation. And the split between the faithful seems to center around whether they should act against the world below now, as Lord Vyemm wants, or wait for word from the Awakened, as Harla Dar does.
  7. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    Lodrelhai wrote:
    Ah, good point. The Droag L&L doesn't say much.
  8. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    Wilin wrote:
    But between the 2 books you can draw a few conclusions. The Droag were created to serve dragons, specifically the Awakened. They are drawn between 2 factions (most likely Harla Dar and Lord Vyemm). The Droag are slighly older than the temples they created for the dragons. The Droag are awaiting the return of the Awakened (aka Kerafyrm).
    It is possible to read it as they were created by Veeshan, as it isn't specific in who "she" is. But why would Droag created by Veeshan wait to serve The Awakened? That makes no sense. Also the temples should pre-date EQ1 if that was the case. I don't think the intent was to retcon EQ1, but rather to point out that the Droag were created by the Cult of the Awakened to serve them in their new base the Pedistal of of Sky.
  9. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    I always took it at Veeshan created the Droag, and they served along side her in PoS...after the departure and the melting of PoS into norrath and Kera's Awakening...he simply took command of some of them...and some of them went to Kunark and serve the Ring, adn I bet if the Claws are around, and not already subserviant to Kera, there will be droag serving them too.
    I don't think they were created by Vyemn, because judging him from the interactions in the raid zone and bonemire...he's not the type to share his toys, even with his 'allies'. and he certainly wouldn't give them the free will to not serve him/his interpretation of Kera's will.