The EQ2 Time-Locked Server Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Vinyard, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Rob_Barratheon New Member

    Hey I will be happy to log back on for a dev to see what's what if it helps. Just need to know when, if it will help.
  2. Chrisworld Active Member

    Then, can you agree with me, in the very least why can't they revamp the quests in the starter isles to make them more interesting perhaps more modern but still the feel of the old zone, than just dump your a$$ off in one of the city adventure zones that thank god still do exist when you're finished with the isle? Example being that you can start oak myst around 7-8 right? Isle ends at around that level too. Just throwing some ideas around.
  3. Crowder Member

    I guess the devs are expecting everyone to funnel into one of the few places that still have heroic encounters.. Should be fun to see places like Stormhold and Fallen Gate completely camped if the new TLP servers are as successful as Ragefire. My guess is that the TLP servers will be like a live server except with key features turned off. People will probably level to 50 pretty quick and blow through the prismatic timeline with master crafted gear. If they don't have enough resources to make Commonlands and Antonica challenging then they probably don't have the resources to fix the gear either.

    Since we have so few devs I really not expecting much from this but I will probably play on the server anyway.
  4. Matik Member

    i can't read 23 pages of thread at this point but the first thing that jumps out at me...

    contested dungeons will be a nightmare i would imagine with all the gear that has been buffed multiple times at this point, even without mercs and AA

    really need to instance those if you want people to have an experience period, let alone a fun one. i think what will happen is fighters will still get hit hard enough without stuff like the flat damage reduction AA in shadows, but dps will just be way too high for it to matter much. also the xp gain will be way too fast?

    and if there is AA then yeah it's over, but I guess one grouping some raid content could be fun? desert of flames would be cheese with everyone wearing a lavastorm collection power proc trinket
  5. Louly Well-Known Member

    I still would like to know if it's feasible to take the Isle of Refuge prestige house and make it real again. Sure maybe we won't spend a lot of time there, but you never know. Starting in New Halas would be horrible. I hope there's a better start then that place. I like the idea that we could start on the Isle and get dumped to the city. :)
  6. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    They've confirmed like 20000000x now that they will be unable to restore the isles or the suburbs. So we're pretty much going to have to content ourselves with either one of the current starting zones, or getting dumped right in front of our Race Mentor NPCs lol.
  7. Strings Well-Known Member

    I like starting in New Halas.
  8. Crowder Member

    I don't think that is a good idea but one they may have to do. Once the TLP server is turned up they should make the server feel like launch as much as possible.. The problem is they have already gutted the starter areas for Qeynos ans Freeport. AFAIK they can't use those cities as starter zones because they weren't 're-designed' for that and the only toons that do are heroic characters and they are level 85. They definitely don't have the resources to add quest lines to Qeynos or Freeport so they will probably do something that will be universally disliked.
  9. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    No, they have not. They have said it is very likely they won't be restored. They haven't ruled it out. Like everything, it is a cost-benefit analysis.
  10. Ucala Well-Known Member

    tbh if they can't restore atleast half of what old eq2 was, I won't bother with it. I can already play a time locked current eq2, just join a progression guild
    Avirodar likes this.
  11. Rhodris EQ2Wire Ninja

    I much prefer New Halas to Kelethin. I can't wait for the orcs to finally burn that place to the ground.
  12. Silverdragonx Member

    Is it possible to turn off the auto follow command? otherwise the new server will just be overrun by 3rd party program boxers. But this is great news and I'm interested.
  13. Castekin New Member

    This is without a question of doubt one of the best things to happen to everquest 2. I bet it will bring lot players back into the game. I just hope that Daybreak advertises it properly and gets the word out.
  14. Alenna Well-Known Member

    That is true the devs even said New Halas was not a part of DoV
  15. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    I thought that too. But realistically, all the content is still there. The starter stuff, sure, is gone, but after that it is mostly intact.

    The new server will have no AAs, no veteran bonus, no veteran rewards, no years of plat farming, no abundance of cheap masters and rares, and no research. Everyone will be chilling at level 50 in handcrafted gear with adept spells. True, it will be nowhere near as difficult as it was back in the day, but it won't be the cakewalk some people are assuming it will be. Especially if they do something to redress the power creep, which I am holding out hope for.
  16. Ucala Well-Known Member

    idk what you experience, but back when I played I never decked my toons out until atleast 80 (to make sure I knew I was probably gonna keep them). so my toons pre 80 were, gear from drops (I remember one time my 50 zerker had level 20 leggings on cause I couldn't find better, lol), app1 spells (unless better dropped).
    I will admit he did have AAs and vet xp bonuses, but those can easily be turned off

    so am I already basically half way there? the only difference is it will take me forever to get to 50 instead of an afternoon on a weekend?
  17. Mankar Active Member

    They have basically already said they are going to do something about the difficulty either through a zone-wide mob buff, a player debuff, or some combination (see post 293 on page 15. And read what was quoted in the message, not just what Gninja said.)

    So no, it won't be the same as a progression guild.
  18. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    I've led a few level-locked guilds in the past, and if the experience on the TLE server is anything like that, I'll pass. When strats take longer to explain than they do to execute, it kinda makes you question why you're bothering. I have visions of clearing the content within a week of release and then losing all of my raiders because nobody will stick around for 3 months for DoF to unlock.

    I'm quietly holding out hope, though. I'm a terminal optimist.
  19. Ucala Well-Known Member

    yea, a debuff doesn't do anything (that's what I meant about taking forever to get to 50 instead of an afternoon btw, but thanks for reading).
    that's like saying their debuff in SoS stopped farming, when it did nothing

    tbh I am someone that wants this, weither people believe it or not.
    But I am a "right or nothing" person, if they can't do it right, don't do it at all and wait until you can do it right.
    From what they have said they don't really want to spend time to recreate things to make it the right way.
    GrunEQ likes this.
  20. Liral Active Member

    I like this. Encourage broad participation in a variety of stuff.
    Alenna likes this.