State of priests

Discussion in 'Priests' started by The Jones, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Balbasur Active Member

    Just being honest, you can verify what I'm saying with ACT.
  2. The Jones Active Member

    Sigh. If you would have read my post the first time or even the second time that I suggested it you'd see that I upped your 40% to 60%+. Just go away and let the thread continue.
  3. Balbasur Active Member

    I'm just informing you that most of the channeler healers are to the pets and alot of raid leaders are waking up to that realization as are other healers.
  4. Ainaree Well-Known Member

    Don't argue with pokemon. They are only capable of saying one thing over and over.
    Balbasur likes this.
  5. Andy1 Active Member

    Why wouldn't they want to be grouped with a channeler? Tanks love them and I think the channeler hate is mainly coming from those grouped up with the ones that have no clue how the intercept is supposed to work or how effective the intercept is based on construct's health. They have zero problems soloing ANY of the heroics except VD, and they could even do that depending on the tank.

    On topic though, state of healers this expansion seems to be pretty much even depending on the fights with cleric/druid/shaman...channelers seem to be pretty good all around, able to hold their own with any of the other priests with lesser gear. I was doing VD initially with my channeler in hp/pot/crit CRYPTIC/QUESTED gear and still topping the heal parse paired with the geared cleric/druid. It's all about what your focus should be on the channeler, construct health/dissonance/ that order. That construct's health gets too low and you're left relying way too much on subpar heal abilities that are meant as touch up/emergency abilities, not your primary way of keeping the group alive.
  6. Balbasur Active Member

    But 40-60% of your heals were to the pet, hence inflated, which alot of people don't realize.
  7. Andy1 Active Member

    Nothing inflated about it...did you not understand anything I just typed? All the damage that pet is taking is what the tank/group would have taken...which is why it's critical to keep the pet healed to remain effective.
  8. Sylke Well-Known Member

    This is blatantly incorrect. Channeler healing of their pet does not show at all in ACT. Please learn at least one fact about healers before posting in this thread again.
  9. The Jones Active Member

    I think he's suggesting that other healers don't want to be grouped with a channeler because they would look weak on the heal parse in comparison, which is true if you're worried about people that don't understand the game. People that know the game would understand that a channeler or shaman is there to absorb a bunch of damage, while others pick up on the things that weren't absorbed.

    If he's suggesting that channeler's don't need any skill to heal then I think that's quite silly. It's not an easy class to play.
  10. Balbasur Active Member

    Oh it definitely shows up. The next time I'm, unfortunately, grouped with a channeler I'll post the heal parse.
  11. Balbasur Active Member

    No, the only thing that has been said is the channeler heal parses are inflated due to the direct heal they give on the pet.
  12. Sylke Well-Known Member

    I have a channeler. It does not show. What shows is "Channeler Pet" and that is the damage intercepted by the pet. Channeler heals to the pet read as "repairs" and ACT is not coded to pick those up as healing (or anything), currently.

    Please stop posting lies and trolling.
  13. The Jones Active Member

    You're not wrong about much of their parse being due to the pet, though you are mistaken on where it comes from. I'm looking at a parse now from VD. My channeler had the following:

    36% Channeler Pet
    28% Construct's Interception

    Neither of these two things come from direct heals on the pet. One of them is the pet intercept and the other is a direct heal on the tank based on the damage that was intercepted. Now will you go away?
  14. Balbasur Active Member

    Wrong, suggest you check again.
  15. Balbasur Active Member

  16. Sylke Well-Known Member

    I'm just going to ignore you because you are being willfully ignorant. Have a good day. :)
  17. Balbasur Active Member

    /shrug Dosen't change the fact 40-60% of channelers heals are due to them healing the pet. I'm just going to put you on ignore, you're not worth my time. Have a good day troll.
  18. Wulwyrlyn Active Member

    I can't speak for raid stuff at all, heroic only:

    In *some* zones, fury and warden absolutely destroy the other healers in DPS. It's pretty much fine though. I won't speak as to why, you either know why or you don't. =p This does *not* apply to raids. They are both super strong in heals, too, though I wouldn't call them unbalanced. They are fun and have different gear choices and directions you can go. You can't go wrong with either one.

    I don't know anything about templars or channelers.

    Inquisitors seem great, too, honestly. If anything, penance and MD should probably be buffed a bit and DG toned down a little to compensate. But meh, it would probably be a mistake to mess with things. They'd probably just end up breaking things. If someone wants to play an INQ right now, they can do just fine, and that's what matters. DPS, heals, and buffs are all solid.

    Mystic is all right but imho being a solo healer would be absolutely miserable. They seem to be going in the direction that wards won't be as strong, and that's okay. But: the debuffs should be consolidated a bit, there's no reason to have like 6 stacking ones, including multiple ones that do the same thing. 3-4 would be enough, OR make it so that you can only have 3 out of the 6 up at the same time and buff to be a bit stronger, that would be neat. But whatever. :) Also the group ward should honestly cast a bit faster (due to the tiny bit of time that it lasts). Even if they slightly raised the re-use, it would probably be a worthwhile tradeoff.
  19. Andy1 Active Member

    I'm sorry, I forgot who I was responding to. Sorry for the derail.

    I'd be happy to help any channeler with questions on the class, there are times I feel the class is OP and it has nothing to do with 'inflated' numbers. Reporting Balb again for trolling in the priests forums when it's obvious he doesn't even play one.

    This is a good thread, would like to hear others opinions on the state of priests from other raiding healers viewpoint.
  20. Tigerr Well-Known Member

    People need to stop comparing priests based on what "HPS" they have. When people feel they "outhealed" or "out performed" someone because they have higher HPS, I want to punch them in the groin and give them a mechanics manual. Channelers at the moment are amazing for tanks, the intercepts are very nice and as long as the Channeler isin't bad, tank survivability is very nice. Problem is, dps utility wise, they provide 10cb. That is it. Thats why people are saying that they aren't good utility, its just because they really aren't. There ARE a few fights where you might make use out of one but if your raid is not performing, having a Channy in raid won't make it much better. If the tank is not having many issues, any other class combo would be more utility for the group/raid. Just like every other healer, they have their time and place in raids.

    As for the state of the inquisitor in ToV, good inquisitors can easily handle the focus damage coming in if decently set up and know what they are doing. Problem is, since 90% of the damage in ToV doesn't trigger reactives, the style of healing has changed completely on some of those fights. As for healing a tank group, they are still very viable for the utility they provide, a good inquis can certainly pull through. The only thing they don't really have is tank survivability. Even specced for it, it is nowhere as good as a Templar/Warden/Defiler/Channeler. A lot of guilds still use Inquisitors in the mage group, my guild is one of them and I'm the inquis healing it. Same goes for the furies, they have almost 0 tank utility and is only needed in mage group.

    Remember, the HPS parse means nothing. If anything, the higher the HPS, the crappier your group/tank is doing. Currently its all about the blocks, the utility, and the debuffs.
    The Jones and Andy1 like this.